
Dennis de Champeaux

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30EEDennis de Champeaux: Software engineering considered harmful. Commun. ACM 45(11): 102-104 (2002)
29 Arthur Allen, Dennis de Champeaux: Extending the Statechart Formalism: Event Scheduling & Disposition. OOPSLA 1995: 1-16
28 Dennis de Champeaux, Simon Horner, Granville Miller: OO process and metrics for effort estimation. OOPS Messenger 6(4): 138-142 (1995)
27 Steven Craig Bilow, Doug Lea, Karl Freburger, Dennis de Champeaux: Processes and metrics for object-oriented software development. OOPS Messenger 5(2): 95-98 (1994)
26 Dennis de Champeaux, Hermann Kaindl, Joachim Laubsch, Albert Schappert: Artificial intelligence for object-oriented software engineering. OOPS Messenger 5(4): 127-130 (1994)
25 Dennis de Champeaux, Andrew J. Baer, Brian Bernsen, Alan R. Korncoff, Timothy D. Korson, Daniel S. Tkach: Strategies for Object-Oriented Technology Transfer (Panel). OOPSLA 1993: 437-447
24 Dennis de Champeaux: The OO software development process (abstract). OOPS Messenger 4(2): 61-62 (1993)
23 Dennis de Champeaux: The OOA process. OOPS Messenger 4(2): 71-74 (1993)
22 Dennis de Champeaux, Al Anderson, Ed Feldhousen: Case Study of Object-Oriented Software Development. OOPSLA 1992: 377-391
21 Dennis de Champeaux, Doug Lea, Penelope Faure: The Process of Object-Oriented Design. OOPSLA 1992: 45-62
20 Dennis de Champeaux, Robert Balzer, Dave Bulman, Kathleen Culver-Lozo, Ivar Jacobson, Stephen J. Mellor: The OO Software Development Process (Panel). OOPSLA 1992: 484-489
19EEMohamed Fayad, Dennis de Champeaux: Object-Oriented Experiences. TRI-Ada Tutorials (1) 1992: 380-496
18 John Hogg, Doug Lea, Alan Wills, Dennis de Champeaux, Richard C. Holt: The Geneva convention on the treatment of object aliasing. OOPS Messenger 3(2): 11-16 (1992)
17 Richard C. Holt, Dennis de Champeaux: A framework for using formal methods in object-oriented software development. OOPS Messenger 3(2): 9-10 (1992)
16 Dennis de Champeaux: Formal techniques for object oriented software development. OOPS Messenger 3(4): 49-54 (1992)
15 John Burnham, Dennis de Champeaux: Object oriented (domain) analysis. OOPS Messenger 3(4): 83-90 (1992)
14EEDennis de Champeaux: Object-Oriented Analysis and Top-Down Software Development. ECOOP 1991: 360-376
13 Dennis de Champeaux, Pierre America, Derek Coleman, Roger Duke, Doug Lea, Gary T. Leavens, Fiona Hayes: Formal Techniques for OO Software Development (Panel). OOPSLA 1991: 166-170
12 Dennis de Champeaux, Larry L. Constantine, Ivar Jacobson, Stephen J. Mellor, Paul Ward, Edward Yourdon: Structured Analysis and Object Oriented Analysis (Panel). OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990: 135-139
11EEDennis de Champeaux: Subproblem finder and instance checker, two cooperating modules for theorem provers. J. ACM 33(4): 633-657 (1986)
10 Dennis de Champeaux: About the Paterson-Wegman Linear Unification Algorithm. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 32(1): 79-90 (1986)
9EEDennis de Champeaux: Bidirectional Heuristic Search Again J. ACM 30(1): 22-32 (1983)
8 Dennis de Champeaux, E. van Dijk: Heuristic Search with Partial Node Expansion and Bi-Directional Search in Product Space. ECAI 1982: 180-182
7 Dennis de Champeaux, Jos de Bruin: Symbolic Evaluation of LISP Functions with Side Effects for Verification. IJCAI 1981: 519-524
6 Dennis de Champeaux: A Theorem Prover Dating a Semantic Network. AISB/GI (ECAI) 1978: 82-92
5 Dennis de Champeaux: Substad: For Fast Substitution in LISP, with an Application on Unification. Inf. Process. Lett. 7(1): 58-62 (1978)
4 Dennis de Champeaux: Solutions and Their Problems. International Computing Symposium 1977: 119-127
3 Dennis de Champeaux, Lenie Sint: An Optimality Theorem for a Bi-Directional Heuristic Search Algorithm. Comput. J. 20(2): 148-150 (1977)
2EEDennis de Champeaux, Lenie Sint: An Improved Bidirectional Heuristic Search Algorithm. J. ACM 24(2): 177-191 (1977)
1 Dennis de Champeaux, Lenie Sint: An Improved Di-Directional Heuristic Search Algorithm. IJCAI 1975: 309-314

Coauthor Index

1Arthur Allen [29]
2Pierre America [13]
3Al Anderson [22]
4Andrew J. Baer [25]
5Robert Balzer [20]
6Brian Bernsen [25]
7Steven Craig Bilow [27]
8Jos de Bruin [7]
9Dave Bulman [20]
10John Burnham [15]
11Derek Coleman [13]
12Larry L. Constantine [12]
13Kathleen Culver-Lozo [20]
14E. van Dijk [8]
15Roger Duke [13]
16Penelope Faure [21]
17Mohamed Fayad (Mohamed E. Fayad, M. E. Fayad) [19]
18Ed Feldhousen [22]
19Karl Freburger [27]
20Fiona Hayes [13]
21John Hogg [18]
22Richard C. Holt [17] [18]
23Simon Horner [28]
24Ivar Jacobson [12] [20]
25Hermann Kaindl [26]
26Alan R. Korncoff [25]
27Timothy D. Korson [25]
28Joachim Laubsch [26]
29Doug Lea [13] [18] [21] [27]
30Gary T. Leavens [13]
31Stephen J. Mellor [12] [20]
32Granville Miller [28]
33Albert Schappert [26]
34Lenie Sint [1] [2] [3]
35Daniel S. Tkach [25]
36Paul Ward [12]
37Alan Wills [18]
38Edward Yourdon [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)