
A. J. Bayes

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8 A. J. Bayes: The Optimum Merging of Accumulating Non-formatted Data Bases. Australian Computer Journal 7(3): 140-143 (1975)
7 A. J. Bayes, W. McWhinney, C. R. Murry: A Program for process Design and Optimisation. Australian Computer Journal 5(1): 23-28 (1973)
6 A. J. Bayes: A Dynamic Programming Algorithm to Optimise Decision Table Code. Australian Computer Journal 5(2): 77-79 (1973)
5EEA. J. Bayes: A Minimum Variance Sampling Technique for Simulation Models. J. ACM 19(4): 734-741 (1972)
4 A. J. Bayes: Statistical Techniques for Simulation Models. Australian Computer Journal 2(4): 180-184 (1970)
3 A. J. Bayes: A Network Representation Of Serial Code. Australian Computer Journal 1(5): 246-250 (1969)
2EEA. J. Bayes: Retrieval times for a packed direct access inverted file. Commun. ACM 12(10): 582-583 (1969)
1EEA. J. Bayes: A generalized partial pass block sort. Commun. ACM 11(7): 491-492 (1968)

Coauthor Index

1W. McWhinney [7]
2C. R. Murry [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)