
Richard C. Singleton

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8EERichard C. Singleton: Algorithm 356: a prime number generator using the treesort principle [A1]. Commun. ACM 12(10): 563 (1969)
7EERichard C. Singleton: Algorithm 357: an efficient prime number generator [A1]. Commun. ACM 12(10): 563-564 (1969)
6EERichard C. Singleton: Algorithm 345: an algol convolution procedure based on the fast fourier transform [C6]. Commun. ACM 12(3): 179-184 (1969)
5EERichard C. Singleton: Algorithm 347: an efficient algorithm for sorting with minimal storage [M1]. Commun. ACM 12(3): 185-186 (1969)
4EERichard C. Singleton: Remark on algorithm 339 [C6]: an algol procedure for the fast fourier transform with arbitrary factors. Commun. ACM 12(3): 187 (1969)
3EERichard C. Singleton: Algorithms: Algorithm 338: algol procedures for the fast Fourier transform. Commun. ACM 11(11): 773-776 (1968)
2EERichard C. Singleton: Algorithms: Algorithm 339: an algol procedure for the fast Fourier transform with arbitrary factors. Commun. ACM 11(11): 776-779 (1968)
1EERichard C. Singleton: On computing the fast Fourier transform. Commun. ACM 10(10): 647-654 (1967)

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