
Glen G. Langdon Jr.

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23EEJoceli Mayer, Glen G. Langdon Jr.: Post-Processing Enhancement of Decompressed Images Using Variable Order Bezier Polynomials and Distance Transform. Data Compression Conference 1998: 561
22EEGlen G. Langdon Jr.: Comments on "Probability estimation in arithmetic and adaptive-Huffman entropy coders". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(8): 1202 (1997)
21 A. Zandi, Balakrishna R. Iyer, Glen G. Langdon Jr.: Sort Order Preserving Data Compression for Extended Alphabets. Data Compression Conference 1993: 330-339
20 Glen G. Langdon Jr., A. Gulati, E. Seiler: On the JPEG Model for Lossless Image Compression. Data Compression Conference 1992: 172-180
19 Glen G. Langdon Jr.: Probabilistic and Q-Coder Algorithms for Binary Source Adaption. Data Compression Conference 1991: 13-22
18 William B. Pennebaker, Joan L. Mitchell, Glen G. Langdon Jr., Ronald Arps: An Overview of the Basic Principles of the Q-Coder Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coder. IBM Journal of Research and Development 32(6): 717-726 (1988)
17 Glen G. Langdon Jr.: Self-Assessment Procedure XVI: A Self-Assessment Procedure Dealing with Computer Organization and Logic Design. Commun. ACM 29(11): 1051-1060 (1986)
16 Taylor L. Booth, Tom Brubaker, James T. Cain, Ronald L. Danielson, Ronald G. Hoelzeman, Glen G. Langdon Jr., David L. Soldan, Murali R. Varanasi: Design Education in Computer Science and Engineering. IEEE Computer 19(6): 20-27 (1986)
15 Glen G. Langdon Jr.: Comments on 'A universal data compression system' by J. Rissanen. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 32(6): 857- (1986)
14 Stephen Todd, Glen G. Langdon Jr., Jorma Rissanen: Parameter Reduction and Context Selection for Compression of Gray-Scale Images. IBM Journal of Research and Development 29(2): 188-193 (1985)
13 Glen G. Langdon Jr.: An Introduction to Arithmetic Coding. IBM Journal of Research and Development 28(2): 135-149 (1984)
12 Stephen Todd, Glen G. Langdon Jr., G. Nigel Martin: A General Fixed Rate Arithmetic Coding Method for Constrained Channels. IBM Journal of Research and Development 27(2): 107-115 (1983)
11 G. Nigel Martin, Glen G. Langdon Jr., Stephen Todd: Arithmetic Codes for Constrained Channels. IBM Journal of Research and Development 27(2): 94-106 (1983)
10 Glen G. Langdon Jr.: A note on the Ziv-Lempel model for compressing individual sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(2): 284- (1983)
9 Glen G. Langdon Jr., Jorma Rissanen: Correction to 'A simple general binary source code' (Sep 82 800-803). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(5): 778- (1983)
8 Glen G. Langdon Jr., Jorma Rissanen: A simple general binary source code. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(5): 800- (1982)
7 Jorma Rissanen, Glen G. Langdon Jr.: Universal modeling and coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(1): 12-22 (1981)
6 Jorma Rissanen, Glen G. Langdon Jr.: Arithmetic Coding. IBM Journal of Research and Development 23(2): 149-162 (1979)
5 Glen G. Langdon Jr.: Database Machines: An Introduction. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(6): 381-383 (1979)
4EEGlen G. Langdon Jr.: A Note on Associative Processors for Data Management. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 3(2): 148-158 (1978)
3 Glen G. Langdon Jr.: A Decomposition Chart Technique to Aid in Realizations with Multiplexers. IEEE Trans. Computers 27(2): 157-159 (1978)
2EEGlen G. Langdon Jr.: Letters to the editor: Generating permutations by nested cycling. Commun. ACM 11(6): 392 (1968)
1EEGlen G. Langdon Jr.: An algorithm for generating permutations. Commun. ACM 10(5): 298-299 (1967)

Coauthor Index

1Ronald Arps [18]
2Taylor L. Booth [16]
3Tom Brubaker [16]
4James T. Cain [16]
5Ronald L. Danielson [16]
6A. Gulati [20]
7Ronald G. Hoelzeman [16]
8Balakrishna R. Iyer [21]
9G. Nigel Martin [11] [12]
10Joceli Mayer [23]
11Joan L. Mitchell [18]
12William B. Pennebaker [18]
13Jorma Rissanen [6] [7] [8] [9] [14]
14E. Seiler [20]
15David L. Soldan [16]
16Stephen Todd [11] [12] [14]
17Murali R. Varanasi [16]
18A. Zandi [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)