
Jaroslav Král

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35EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Engineering Education - A Great Challenge to Software Engineering. ACIS-ICIS 2008: 488-495
34EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Standardization and Agile Business Processes. ICSEA 2008: 184-191
33EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Inaccessible Area and Effort Consumption Dynamics. SERA 2008: 229-234
32EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Bottleneck of Knowledge Society. WSKS (2) 2008: 83-91
31 Jaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Usability issues in service-oriented architecture. ICEIS (1) 2007: 482-485
30EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: The Most Important Service-Oriented Antipatterns. ICSEA 2007: 29
29EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Requirements Specification: What Strategy Under What Conditions. SERA 2007: 401-408
28EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka, Michal Kopecky: Software Confederations - An Architecture for Agile Development in the Large. ICSEA 2006: 39
27EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Implementation of Business Processes in Service-Oriented Systems. IEEE SCC 2005: 115-122
26EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Software Architecture for Evolving Environment. STEP 2005: 49-60
25 Jaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Towards Design Rationales of Software Confederations. ICEIS (1) 2004: 105-112
24EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Software Confederations and Alliances. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2003
23 Jaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Semi-Top-Down Syntax Analysis. Grammars and Automata for String Processing 2003: 77-90
22 Jaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Software Confederations and Manufacturing. ICEIS (3) 2003: 650-653
21 Jaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Electronic Government and Software Confederations. DEXA Workshop 2001: 383-387
20EEJaroslav Král, Michal Zemlicka: Autonomous Components. SOFSEM 2000: 375-383
19 Petr Jiricka, Jaroslav Král: Deterministic forgetting planar automata are more powerful than non-deterministic finite-state planar automata. Developments in Language Theory 1999: 71-80
18EEMichal Zemlicka, Jaroslav Král: Run-Time Extensible (Semi-)Top-Down Parser. TSD 1999: 121-126
17 Michal Zemlicka, Jaroslav Král: Run-time Extensible Deterministic Top-Down Parsing. Grammars 2(3): 283-293 (1999)
16 Keith G. Jeffery, Jaroslav Král, Miroslav Bartosek: SOFSEM '96: Theory and Practice of Informatics, 23rd Seminar on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, Milovy, Czech Republic, November 23-30, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1996
15 Jaroslav Král: Software Physics and Paradigms. IFIP Congress 1986: 129-134
14 Jaroslav Král: On Software Equations. Inf. Process. Lett. 19(4): 191-196 (1984)
13 Jaroslav Nadrchal, Ivan Sklenár, Václav Kriz, Jaroslav Král: An Implementation of Algol 68 for a Small Computer. Softw., Pract. Exper. 13(7): 597-660 (1983)
12 Jaroslav Král: A Top-Down No Backtrack Parsing of General Context-Free Languages. MFCS 1977: 333-341
11 Jaroslav Král, Jirí Demner: Parsing as a Subtask of Compiling. MFCS 1975: 61-74
10 Jaroslav Král: Almost Top-Down Analysis for generalized LR(K) Grammars. Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation 1975: 149-172
9 Jaroslav Král: Tow Down versus Bottom Up Syntax Analysis Revised. MFCS 1974: 256-273
8 Jaroslav Král: Some Sources of Primitive Constructs in Programming Languages. MFCS 1973: 251-254
7 Jaroslav Král, Jirí Demner: A Note on the Number of States of the DeRemer's Recognizer. Inf. Process. Lett. 2(1): 22-23 (1973)
6 Jaroslav Král: A New Additive Pseudorandom Number Generator for Extremely Short Word-Lengths. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(4): 164-167 (1972)
5 Jaroslav Král: Errata: A New Additive Pseudorandom Number Generator for Extremely Short Word-Lengths. Inf. Process. Lett. 1(5): 216 (1972)
4 Jaroslav Král: Some Properties of the Scatter Storage Technique with Linear Probing. Comput. J. 14(2): 145-149 (1971)
3 Jaroslav Král, J. Moudrý: An Implementation of Identifier Tables in a Multipass Algol 68 Compiler Based on a Hash-Code Technique. ALGOL 68 Implementation 1970: 77-81
2 Jaroslav Král: A Modofication of a Substitution Theorem and Some Neccessary and Sufficient Conditions for Sets to be Context-Free. Mathematical Systems Theory 4(2): 129-139 (1970)
1EEJaroslav Král: One way of estimating frequencies of jumps in a program. Commun. ACM 11(7): 475-480 (1968)

Coauthor Index

1Miroslav Bartosek [16]
2Jirí Demner [7] [11]
3Keith G. Jeffery [16]
4Petr Jiricka [19]
5Michal Kopecky [28]
6Václav Kriz [13]
7J. Moudrý [3]
8Jaroslav Nadrchal [13]
9Ivan Sklenár [13]
10Michal Zemlicka [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)