
William C. Lynch

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11 David D. Redell, Yogen K. Dalal, Thomas R. Horsley, Hugh C. Lauer, William C. Lynch, Paul R. McJones, Hal G. Murray, Stephen C. Purcell: Pilot: An Operating System for a Personal Computer. Commun. ACM 23(2): 81-92 (1980)
10 R. R. Horsley, William C. Lynch: Pilot: A Software Engineering Case Study. ICSE 1979: 94-99
9 David D. Redell, Yogen K. Dalal, Thomas R. Horsley, Hugh C. Lauer, William C. Lynch, Paul R. McJones, Hal G. Murray, Stephen C. Purcell: Pilot: An Operating System for a Personal Computer (Summary). SOSP 1979: 106-107
8 William C. Lynch, John W. Langner, Marvin S. Schwartz: Reliability Experience with Chi/OS. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 1(2): 253-257 (1975)
7 Paul J. Jalics, William C. Lynch: Selected Measurements of the PDP-10 Tops-10 Timesharing Operating System. IFIP Congress 1974: 242-246
6 William C. Lynch: Operating System Performance. Commun. ACM 15(7): 579-585 (1972)
5 William C. Lynch, H. L. Pierson: A finite state transducer model for compiler lexical scanners. IFIP Congress (1) 1968: 448-455
4EEWilliam C. Lynch: Computer Systems: Reliable full-duplex file transmission over half-duplex telephone line. Commun. ACM 11(6): 407-410 (1968)
3EEWilliam C. Lynch: Description of a high capacity, fast turnaround university computing center. Commun. ACM 9(2): 117-123 (1966)
2EEWilliam C. Lynch: On a wired-in binary-to-decimal conversion scheme. Commun. ACM 5(3): 159 (1962)
1EEWilliam C. Lynch: Coding Isomorphisms. Commun. ACM 3(2): 84-85 (1960)

Coauthor Index

1Yogen K. Dalal [9] [11]
2R. R. Horsley [10]
3Thomas R. Horsley [9] [11]
4Paul J. Jalics [7]
5John W. Langner [8]
6Hugh C. Lauer [9] [11]
7Paul R. McJones [9] [11]
8Hal G. Murray [9] [11]
9H. L. Pierson [5]
10Stephen C. Purcell [9] [11]
11David D. Redell [9] [11]
12Marvin S. Schwartz [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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