2009 | ||
25 | EE | Irina Botan, Gustavo Alonso, Peter M. Fischer, Donald Kossmann, Nesime Tatbul: Flexible and scalable storage management for data-intensive stream processing. EDBT 2009: 934-945 |
2008 | ||
24 | EE | Mert Akdere, Ugur Çetintemel, Nesime Tatbul: Plan-based complex event detection across distributed sources. PVLDB 1(1): 66-77 (2008) |
23 | EE | Gustavo Alonso, Donald Kossmann, Timothy Roscoe, Nesime Tatbul, Andrew Baumann, Carsten Binnig, Peter Fischer, Oriana Riva, Jens Teubner: The ETH Zurich systems group and enterprise computing center. SIGMOD Record 37(4): 94-99 (2008) |
2007 | ||
22 | EE | Nesime Tatbul, Ugur Çetintemel, Stanley B. Zdonik: Staying FIT: Efficient Load Shedding Techniques for Distributed Stream Processing. VLDB 2007: 159-170 |
2006 | ||
21 | EE | Nesime Tatbul, Yanif Ahmad, Ugur Çetintemel, Jeong-Hyon Hwang, Ying Xing, Stanley B. Zdonik: Load Management and High Availability in the Borealis Distributed Stream Processing Engine. GSN 2006: 66-85 |
20 | EE | Nesime Tatbul, Stanley B. Zdonik: Dealing with Overload in Distributed Stream Processing Systems. ICDE Workshops 2006: 24 |
19 | EE | Nesime Tatbul, Stanley B. Zdonik: Window-Aware Load Shedding for Aggregation Queries over Data Streams. VLDB 2006: 799-810 |
2005 | ||
18 | EE | Daniel J. Abadi, Yanif Ahmad, Magdalena Balazinska, Ugur Çetintemel, Mitch Cherniack, Jeong-Hyon Hwang, Wolfgang Lindner, Anurag Maskey, Alex Rasin, Esther Ryvkina, Nesime Tatbul, Ying Xing, Stanley B. Zdonik: The Design of the Borealis Stream Processing Engine. CIDR 2005: 277-289 |
17 | EE | Yanif Ahmad, Bradley Berg, Ugur Çetintemel, Mark Humphrey, Jeong-Hyon Hwang, Anjali Jhingran, Anurag Maskey, Olga Papaemmanouil, Alex Rasin, Nesime Tatbul, Wenjuan Xing, Ying Xing, Stanley B. Zdonik: Distributed operation in the Borealis stream processing engine. SIGMOD Conference 2005: 882-884 |
2004 | ||
16 | EE | Nesime Tatbul, Mark Buller, Reed Hoyt, Steve Mullen, Stanley B. Zdonik: Confidence-based data management for personal area sensor networks. DMSN 2004: 24-31 |
15 | EE | Hari Balakrishnan, Magdalena Balazinska, Donald Carney, Ugur Çetintemel, Mitch Cherniack, Christian Convey, Eduardo F. Galvez, Jon Salz, Michael Stonebraker, Nesime Tatbul, Richard Tibbetts, Stanley B. Zdonik: Retrospective on Aurora. VLDB J. 13(4): 370-383 (2004) |
2003 | ||
14 | EE | Daniel J. Abadi, Donald Carney, Ugur Çetintemel, Mitch Cherniack, Christian Convey, C. Erwin, Eduardo F. Galvez, M. Hatoun, Anurag Maskey, Alex Rasin, A. Singer, Michael Stonebraker, Nesime Tatbul, Ying Xing, R. Yan, Stanley B. Zdonik: Aurora: A Data Stream Management System. SIGMOD Conference 2003: 666 |
13 | EE | Nesime Tatbul, Ugur Çetintemel, Stanley B. Zdonik, Mitch Cherniack, Michael Stonebraker: Load Shedding in a Data Stream Manager. VLDB 2003: 309-320 |
12 | EE | Daniel J. Abadi, Donald Carney, Ugur Çetintemel, Mitch Cherniack, Christian Convey, Sangdon Lee, Michael Stonebraker, Nesime Tatbul, Stanley B. Zdonik: Aurora: a new model and architecture for data stream management. VLDB J. 12(2): 120-139 (2003) |
2002 | ||
11 | Nesime Tatbul: OoS-Driven Load Shedding on Data Streams. EDBT PhD Workshop 2002: 21-30 | |
10 | EE | Nesime Tatbul: QoS-Driven Load Shedding on Data Streams. EDBT Workshops 2002: 566-576 |
9 | EE | Donald Carney, Ugur Çetintemel, Mitch Cherniack, Christian Convey, Sangdon Lee, Greg Seidman, Michael Stonebraker, Nesime Tatbul, Stanley B. Zdonik: Monitoring Streams - A New Class of Data Management Applications. VLDB 2002: 215-226 |
2000 | ||
8 | EE | Asuman Dogac, Yusuf Tambag, Arif Tumer, M. Ezbiderli, Nesime Tatbul, N. Hamali, C. Icdem, Catriel Beeri: A Workflow System through Cooperating Agents for Control and Document Flow over the Internet. CoopIS 2000: 138-143 |
7 | EE | Asuman Dogac, M. Ezbiderli, Yusuf Tambag, C. Icdem, Arif Tumer, Nesime Tatbul, N. Hamali, Catriel Beeri: The MARIFlow Workflow Management System. ICDE 2000: 193 |
6 | EE | Sena Nural Arpinar, Asuman Dogac, Nesime Tatbul: An open electronic marketplace through agent-based workflows: MOPPET. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 3(1): 36-59 (2000) |
1999 | ||
5 | EE | Ibrahim Cingil, Asuman Dogac, Nesime Tatbul, Sena Nural Arpinar: An Adaptable Workflow System Architecture on the Internet for Electronic Commerce Applications. DOA 1999: 242-251 |
1998 | ||
4 | EE | Asuman Dogac, Ilker Durusoy, Sena Nural Arpinar, Esin Gokkoca, Nesime Tatbul, Pinar Koksal: METU-Emar: An Agent-Based Electronic Marketplace on the Web. ECDL 1998: 777-790 |
3 | Pinar Karagoz, Sena Nural Arpinar, Pinar Koksal, Nesime Tatbul, Esin Gokkoca, Asuman Dogac: Task Handling in Workflow Management Systems. IADT 1998: 71-78 | |
2 | EE | Asuman Dogac, Ilker Durusoy, Sena Nural Arpinar, Nesime Tatbul, Pinar Koksal, Ibrahim Cingil, Nazife Dimililer: A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web. SIGMOD Record 27(4): 25-31 (1998) |
1997 | ||
1 | EE | Esin Gokkoca, Mehmet Altinel, Ibrahim Cingil, Nesime Tatbul, Pinar Koksal, Asuman Dogac: Design and Implementation of a Distributed Workflow Enactment Service. CoopIS 1997: 89-98 |