Ordered Types in the AQUA Data Model.

Bharathi Subramanian, Stanley B. Zdonik, Theodore W. Leung, Scott L. Vandenberg: Ordered Types in the AQUA Data Model. DBPL 1993: 115-135
  author    = {Bharathi Subramanian and
               Stanley B. Zdonik and
               Theodore W. Leung and
               Scott L. Vandenberg},
  editor    = {Catriel Beeri and
               Atsushi Ohori and
               Dennis Shasha},
  title     = {Ordered Types in the AQUA Data Model},
  booktitle = {Database Programming Languages (DBPL-4), Proceedings of the Fourth
               International Workshop on Database Programming Languages - Object
               Models and Languages, Manhattan, New York City, USA, 30 August
               - 1 September 1993},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Workshops in Computing},
  year      = {1993},
  isbn      = {3-540-19853-9},
  pages     = {115-135},
  ee        = {db/conf/dbpl/SubramanianZLV93.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/dbpl/93},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Catriel Beeri, Yoram Kornatzky: Algebraic Optimization of Object-Oriented Query Languages. ICDT 1990: 72-88 BibTeX
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Seymour Ginsburg, Xiaoyang Sean Wang: Pattern Matching by Rs-Operations: Toward a Unified Approach to Querying Sequenced Data. PODS 1992: 293-300 BibTeX
Ralf Hartmut Güting, Roberto Zicari, David M. Choy: An Algebra for Structured Office Documents. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 7(2): 123-157(1989) BibTeX
Richard M. Karp, Raymond E. Miller, Arnold L. Rosenberg: Rapid Identification of Repeated Patterns in Strings, Trees and Arrays. STOC 1972: 125-136 BibTeX
Eric S. Lander, Robert Langridge, Damian M. Saccocio: Mapping and Interpreting Biological Information. Commun. ACM 34(11): 32-39(1991) BibTeX
Theodore W. Leung, Gail Mitchell, Bharathi Subramanian, Bennet Vance, Scott L. Vandenberg, Stanley B. Zdonik: The AQUA Data Model and Algebra. DBPL 1993: 157-175 BibTeX
Joel E. Richardson: Supporting Lists in a Data Model (A Timely Approach). VLDB 1992: 127-138 BibTeX
James W. Thatcher, Jesse B. Wright: Generalized Finite Automata Theory with an Application to a Decision Problem of Second-Order Logic. Mathematical Systems Theory 2(1): 57-81(1968) BibTeX
Scott L. Vandenberg, David J. DeWitt: Algebraic Support for Complex Objects with Arrays, Identity, and Inheritance. SIGMOD Conference 1991: 158-167 BibTeX

Referenced by

  1. Ke Wang, Beng Chin Ooi, Sam Yuan Sung: P-Tree: A B-Tree Index for Lists. DASFAA 1999: 221-228
  2. Leonid Libkin, Rona Machlin, Limsoon Wong: A Query Language for Multidimensional Arrays: Design, Implementation, and Optimization Techniques. SIGMOD Conference 1996: 228-239
  3. Hagit Shatkay, Stanley B. Zdonik: Approximate Queries and Representations for Large Data Sequences. ICDE 1996: 536-545
  4. Stéphane Grumbach, Tova Milo: An Algebra for Pomsets. ICDT 1995: 191-207
  5. Bharathi Subramanian, Theodore W. Leung, Scott L. Vandenberg, Stanley B. Zdonik: The AQUA Approach to Querying Lists and Trees in Object-Oriented Databases. ICDE 1995: 80-89
  6. Jason Tsong-Li Wang, Gung-Wei Chirn, Thomas G. Marr, Bruce A. Shapiro, Dennis Shasha, Kaizhong Zhang: Combinatorial Pattern Discovery for Scientific Data: Some Preliminary Results. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 115-125
  7. Theodore W. Leung, Gail Mitchell, Bharathi Subramanian, Bennet Vance, Scott L. Vandenberg, Stanley B. Zdonik: The AQUA Data Model and Algebra. DBPL 1993: 157-175

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