Fido: A Cache That Learns to Fetch.

Mark Palmer, Stanley B. Zdonik: Fido: A Cache That Learns to Fetch. VLDB 1991: 255-264
  author    = {Mark Palmer and
               Stanley B. Zdonik},
  editor    = {Guy M. Lohman and
               Am\'{\i}lcar Sernadas and
               Rafael Camps},
  title     = {Fido: A Cache That Learns to Fetch},
  booktitle = {17th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September
               3-6, 1991, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Proceedings},
  publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  year      = {1991},
  isbn      = {1-55860-150-3},
  pages     = {255-264},
  ee        = {db/conf/vldb/PalmerZ91.html},
  crossref  = {DBLP:conf/vldb/91},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


This paper describes Fido, a predictive cache [Palmer 1990] that prefetches by employing an associative memory to recognize access patterns within a context over time. Repeated training adapts the associative memory contents to data and access pattern changes, allowing on-line access predictions for prefetching. We discuss two salient elements of Fido - MLP, a replacement policy for managing prefetched objects, and Estimating Prophet, the component that recognizes patterns and predicts access. We then present some early simulation results which suggest that predictive caching works well and conclude that it is a promising method.

Copyright © 1991 by the VLDB Endowment. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by the permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment.

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ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Printed Edition

Guy M. Lohman, Amílcar Sernadas, Rafael Camps (Eds.): 17th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 3-6, 1991, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Proceedings. Morgan Kaufmann 1991, ISBN 1-55860-150-3


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Referenced by

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  3. Philip A. Bernstein, Shankar Pal, David Shutt: Context-Based Prefetch for Implementing Objects on Relations. VLDB 1999: 327-338
  4. Achim Kraiss, Gerhard Weikum: Integrated Document Caching and Prefetching in Storage Hierarchies Based on Markov-Chain Predictions. VLDB J. 7(3): 141-162(1998)
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  7. Swarup Acharya, Michael J. Franklin, Stanley B. Zdonik: Prefetching from Broadcast Disks. ICDE 1996: 276-285
  8. Frank Moser, Achim Kraiss, Wolfgang Klas: L/MRP: A Buffer Management Strategy for Interactive Continuous Data Flows in a Multimedia DBMS. VLDB 1995: 275-286
  9. Theodore W. Leung: Scheduling Resource Usage in Object-Oriented Queries. DBPL 1995: 9
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  11. Carsten Andreas Gerlhof, Alfons Kemper: A Multi-Threaded Architecture for Prefetching in Object Bases. EDBT 1994: 351-364
  12. Goetz Graefe: Query Evaluation Techniques for Large Databases. ACM Comput. Surv. 25(2): 73-170(1993)
  13. Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil, Gerhard Weikum: The LRU-K Page Replacement Algorithm For Database Disk Buffering. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 297-306
  14. Kenneth M. Curewitz, P. Krishnan, Jeffrey Scott Vitter: Practical Prefetching via Data Compression. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 257-266
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  16. Manolis M. Tsangaris, Jeffrey F. Naughton: On the Performance of Object Clustering Techniques. SIGMOD Conference 1992: 144-153
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