
T. Yamamoto

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8EEC. Larose, Sylvain Guerette, F. Guay, A. Nolet, T. Yamamoto, H. Enomoto, Y. Kono, Y. Hasegawa, H. Taoka: A fully digital real-time power system simulator based on PC-cluster. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 63(3-5): 151-159 (2003)
7 S. Kawamura, T. Yamamoto, D. Ishida, Tetsuya Ogata, Y. Nakayama, O. Tabata, S. Sugiyama: Development of Passive Elements with Variable Mechanical Impedance for Wearable Robots. ICRA 2002: 248-253
6 Mitsuru Kubo, T. Yamamoto, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Kenji Eguchi, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Masahiro Kaneko, Masahiko Kusumoto, Noriyuki Moriyama, Kensaku Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama: CAD system to support comparative reading for lung cancer based on helical CT images. CARS 2001: 615-620
5EEMitsuru Kubo, T. Yamamoto, Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Kenji Eguchi, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Masahiro Kaneko, Masahiko Kusumoto, Noriyuki Moriyama, Kensaku Mori, Hiroyuki Nishiyama: CAD System for the Assistance of Comparative Reading for Lung Cancer Using Serial Helical CT Images. MICCAI 2001: 1388-1390
4 T. Yamamoto, Y. Ukai, Mitsuru Kubo, Noboru Niki, Hitoshi Satoh, Kenji Eguchi: Computer Aided Diagnosis System with Functions to Assist Comparative Reading for Lung Cancer Based on Helical CT Image. ICIP 2000
3EETakayuki Nakamura, Hideaki Takeda, T. Terada, M. Oohara, T. Yamamoto, Masanori Takeda: The RoboCup-NAIST. RoboCup 2000: 591-594
2 H. Koizumi, T. Ochiai, T. Okahashi, Y. Yamashita, A. Maki, T. Yamamoto, Y. Inagami, H. Yoshizawa, M. Iwata, Takashi Omori, Moritoshi Yasunaga: Dynamic Optical Topography and the Real-Time PDP Chip: An Analytical and Synthetical Approach to Higher-Order Brain Functions. ICONIP 1998: 337-340
1 T. Sato, G. Theeragool, T. Yamamoto, M. Okamoto, Y. Kobayashi: Revised nucleotide sequence of the sporulation gene spoVE from Bacillus subtilis. Nucleic Acids Research 18(13): 4021 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Kenji Eguchi [4] [5] [6]
2H. Enomoto [8]
3F. Guay [8]
4Sylvain Guerette [8]
5Y. Hasegawa [8]
6Y. Inagami [2]
7D. Ishida [7]
8M. Iwata [2]
9Ryutaro Kakinuma [5] [6]
10Masahiro Kaneko [5] [6]
11S. Kawamura [7]
12Yoshiki Kawata [5] [6]
13Y. Kobayashi [1]
14H. Koizumi [2]
15Y. Kono [8]
16Mitsuru Kubo [4] [5] [6]
17Masahiko Kusumoto [5] [6]
18C. Larose [8]
19A. Maki [2]
20Kensaku Mori [5] [6]
21Noriyuki Moriyama [5] [6]
22Takayuki Nakamura [3]
23Y. Nakayama [7]
24Noboru Niki [4] [5] [6]
25Hiroyuki Nishiyama [5] [6]
26A. Nolet [8]
27T. Ochiai [2]
28Tetsuya Ogata [7]
29Hironobu Ohmatsu [5] [6]
30T. Okahashi [2]
31M. Okamoto [1]
32Takashi Omori [2]
33M. Oohara [3]
34T. Sato [1]
35Hitoshi Satoh [4]
36S. Sugiyama [7]
37O. Tabata [7]
38Hideaki Takeda [3]
39Masanori Takeda [3]
40H. Taoka [8]
41T. Terada [3]
42G. Theeragool [1]
43Y. Ukai [4]
44Y. Yamashita [2]
45Moritoshi Yasunaga [2]
46H. Yoshizawa [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)