
Takashi Omori

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25EEYuki Togashi, Takashi Omori, Koichiro Yamauchi: Model of driver eye motion based on driving plan and prediction of changes in the environment. FOCI 2007: 289-295
24EETakashi Omori, Ayami Yokoyama, Hiroyuki Okada, Satoru Ishikawa, Yugo Nagata: Computational Modeling of Human-Robot Interaction Based on Active Intention Estimation. ICONIP (2) 2007: 185-192
23EEYouhei Tadeuchi, Ryuji Oshima, Kyosuke Nishida, Koichiro Yamauchi, Takashi Omori: Quick online feature selection method for regression -A feature selection method inspired by human behavior-. SMC 2007: 1895-1900
22EEYu Ohigashi, Takashi Omori: Modeling of autonomous problem solving process by dynamic construction of task models in multiple tasks environment. Neural Networks 19(8): 1169-1180 (2006)
21EEKyosuke Nishida, Koichiro Yamauchi, Takashi Omori: An online learning algorithm with dimension selection using minimal hyper basis function networks. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(11): 11-21 (2006)
20EEAkitoshi Ogawa, Takashi Omori: Acquisition of learning processing in a navigation task using a functional parts combination model. Systems and Computers in Japan 37(4): 64-76 (2006)
19EEKyosuke Nishida, Koichiro Yamauchi, Takashi Omori: ACE: Adaptive Classifiers-Ensemble System for Concept-Drifting Environments. Multiple Classifier Systems 2005: 176-185
18EEAkitoshi Ogawa, Takashi Omori: Computational Modeling of Symbolic Looking Processing in Brain. WSTST 2005: 555-562
17EEAkira Toyomura, Takashi Omori: A Computational Model for Taxonomy-Based Word Learning Inspired by Infant Developmental Word Acquisition. IEICE Transactions 88-D(10): 2389-2398 (2005)
16EEAkitoshi Ogawa, Takashi Omori: Knowledge Reusing Neural Learning System for Immediate Adaptation in Navigation Tasks. ICONIP 2004: 409-415
15EEKyosuke Nishida, Koichiro Yamauchi, Takashi Omori: An On-Line Learning Algorithm with Dimension Selection Using Minimal Hyper Basis Function Networks. ICONIP 2004: 502-507
14 Akira Toyomura, Takashi Omori: Stochastic control system of basal ganglia and relation with stuttering. Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence 2004: 31-36
13EETakayuki Oohira, Koichiro Yamauchi, Takashi Omori: Meta-learning for Fast Incremental Learning. ICANN 2003: 157-164
12EEYu Ohigashi, Takashi Omori, Koji Morikawa, Natsuki Oka: Acceleration of Game Learning with Prediction-Based Reinforcement Learning - Toward the Emergence of Planning Behavior. ICANN 2003: 786-796
11EEHiroyuki Okada, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Takashi Omori: Two Dimensional Evaluation Reinforcement Learning. IWANN (1) 2001: 370-377
10 Yoshiyuki Mitsumori, Takashi Omori: Segmentation of Occluded Using a Hybrid of Selective Attention and Symbolic Knowledge. IWANN (1) 1999: 826-839
9EEKazuyuki Samejima, Takashi Omori: Adaptive internal state space construction method for reinforcement learning of a real-world agent. Neural Networks 12(7-8): 1143-1155 (1999)
8EETakashi Omori, Akiko Mochizuki, Kentaro Mizutani, M. Nishizaki: Emergence of symbolic behavior from brain like memory with dynamic attention. Neural Networks 12(7-8): 1157-1172 (1999)
7 Shiro Usui, Takashi Omori: The Fifth International Conference on Neural Information Processing, ICONIP'R98, Kitakyushu, Japan, October 21-23, 1998, Proceedings IOA Press 1998
6 Kentaro Mizutani, Takashi Omori: Path Planning of Moving Robot by Discrete State Transition of Associative Memory. ICONIP 1998: 118-122
5 Hiroyuki Okada, Hiroshi Yamakawa, Takashi Omori: Neural Network Model for the Perseveration Behavior of Frontal Lobe Injured Patients. ICONIP 1998: 1465-1469
4 Kazuyuki Samejima, Takashi Omori: Adaptive State Space Formation in Reinforcement Learning. ICONIP 1998: 251-255
3 H. Koizumi, T. Ochiai, T. Okahashi, Y. Yamashita, A. Maki, T. Yamamoto, Y. Inagami, H. Yoshizawa, M. Iwata, Takashi Omori, Moritoshi Yasunaga: Dynamic Optical Topography and the Real-Time PDP Chip: An Analytical and Synthetical Approach to Higher-Order Brain Functions. ICONIP 1998: 337-340
2 Kentaro Mizutani, Takashi Omori: A Model of Logic Like Inference by Memory Model PATON. ICANN 1997: 775-780
1EEAtsushi Hiroike, Takashi Omori: Noise-induced order in the randomly asymmetric Hopfield model. Neural Networks 8(2): 229-236 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Atsushi Hiroike [1]
2Y. Inagami [3]
3Satoru Ishikawa [24]
4M. Iwata [3]
5H. Koizumi [3]
6A. Maki [3]
7Yoshiyuki Mitsumori [10]
8Kentaro Mizutani [2] [6] [8]
9Akiko Mochizuki [8]
10Koji Morikawa [12]
11Yugo Nagata [24]
12Kyosuke Nishida [15] [19] [21] [23]
13M. Nishizaki [8]
14T. Ochiai [3]
15Akitoshi Ogawa [16] [18] [20]
16Yu Ohigashi [12] [22]
17Natsuki Oka [12]
18Hiroyuki Okada [5] [11] [24]
19T. Okahashi [3]
20Takayuki Oohira [13]
21Ryuji Oshima [23]
22Kazuyuki Samejima [4] [9]
23Youhei Tadeuchi [23]
24Yuki Togashi [25]
25Akira Toyomura [14] [17]
26Shiro Usui [7]
27Hiroshi Yamakawa [5] [11]
28T. Yamamoto [3]
29Y. Yamashita [3]
30Koichiro Yamauchi [13] [15] [19] [21] [23] [25]
31Moritoshi Yasunaga [3]
32Ayami Yokoyama [24]
33H. Yoshizawa [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)