
Jarke J. van Wijk

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75EEDanny Holten, Jarke J. van Wijk: A user study on visualizing directed edges in graphs. CHI 2009: 2299-2308
74EEYedendra Babu Shrinivasan, Jarke J. van Wijk: Supporting the analytical reasoning process in information visualization. CHI 2008: 1237-1246
73EEA. Johannes Pretorius, Jarke J. van Wijk: Multiple Views on System Traces. PacificVis 2008: 95-102
72EEMartijn Wijffelaars, Roel Vliegen, Jarke J. van Wijk, Erik-Jan van der Linden: Generating Color Palettes using Intuitive Parameters. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(3): 743-750 (2008)
71EEDanny Holten, Jarke J. van Wijk: Visual Comparison of Hierarchically Organized Data. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(3): 759-766 (2008)
70EEA. Johannes Pretorius, Jarke J. van Wijk: Visual Inspection of Multivariate Graphs. Comput. Graph. Forum 27(3): 967-974 (2008)
69EEDennie Reniers, Jarke J. van Wijk, Alexandru Telea: Computing Multiscale Curve and Surface Skeletons of Genus 0 Shapes Using a Global Importance Measure. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(2): 355-368 (2008)
68EEBas Cornelissen, Andy Zaidman, Danny Holten, Leon Moonen, Arie van Deursen, Jarke J. van Wijk: Execution trace analysis through massive sequence and circular bundle views. Journal of Systems and Software 81(12): 2252-2268 (2008)
67EEH. M. W. (Eric) Verbeek, A. Johannes Pretorius, Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Jarke J. van Wijk: Assessing State Spaces Using Petri-Net Synthesis and Attribute-Based Visualization. T. Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency 1: 152-171 (2008)
66EEStef Busking, Anna Vilanova, Jarke J. van Wijk: Particle-based non-photorealistic volume visualization. The Visual Computer 24(5): 335-346 (2008)
65EEBas Cornelissen, Danny Holten, Andy Zaidman, Leon Moonen, Jarke J. van Wijk, Arie van Deursen: Understanding Execution Traces Using Massive Sequence and Circular Bundle Views. ICPC 2007: 49-58
64EEA. Johannes Pretorius, Jarke J. van Wijk: Bridging the Semantic Gap: Visualizing Transition Graphs with User-Defined Diagrams. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(5): 58-66 (2007)
63EEMark W. E. J. Fiers, Huub van de Wetering, Tim H. J. M. Peeters, Jarke J. van Wijk, Jan Peter Nap: DNAVis: interactive visualization of comparative genome annotations. Bioinformatics 22(3): 354-355 (2006)
62EEJarke J. van Wijk: Bridging the Gaps. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(6): 6-9 (2006)
61EEJarke J. van Wijk: Views on Visualization. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(4): 421-433 (2006)
60EEJarke J. van Wijk, Arjeh M. Cohen: Visualization of Seifert Surfaces. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(4): 485-496 (2006)
59EEA. Johannes Pretorius, Jarke J. van Wijk: Visual Analysis of Multivariate State Transition Graphs. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(5): 685-692 (2006)
58EERoel Vliegen, Jarke J. van Wijk, Erik-Jan van der Linden: Visualizing Business Data with Generalized Treemaps. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(5): 789-796 (2006)
57EEDaniel A. Keim, George G. Robertson, James J. Thomas, Jarke J. van Wijk: Guest Editorial: Special Section on Visual Analytics. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(6): 1361-1362 (2006)
56EEDanny Holten, Jarke J. van Wijk, Jean-Bernard Martens: A perceptually based spectral model for isotropic textures. TAP 3(4): 376-398 (2006)
55EEJarke J. van Wijk: The Value of Visualization. IEEE Visualization 2005: 11
54EEJarke J. van Wijk, Arjeh M. Cohen: Visualization of the Genus of Knots. IEEE Visualization 2005: 72
53EEBart Moberts, Anna Vilanova, Jarke J. van Wijk: Evaluation of Fiber Clustering Methods for Diffusion Tensor Imaging. IEEE Visualization 2005: 9
52EEA. Johannes Pretorius, Jarke J. van Wijk: Multidimensional Visualization of Transition Systems. IV 2005: 323-328
51EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea, Jarke J. van Wijk: CVSscan: visualization of code evolution. SOFTVIS 2005: 47-56
50 Danny Holten, Roel Vliegen, Jarke J. van Wijk: Visual Realism for the Visualization of Software Metrics. VISSOFT 2005: 27-32
49EEHolly E. Rushmeier, Jarke J. van Wijk, Greg Turk: Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE Visualization. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(4): 353-354 (2005)
48EEFrank van Ham, Jarke J. van Wijk: Interactive Visualization of Small World Graphs. INFOVIS 2004: 199-206
47EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea, Jarke J. van Wijk: EZEL: a Visual Tool for Performance Assessment of Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Network. INFOVIS 2004: 41-48
46 Tim H. J. M. Peeters, Huub van de Wetering, Mark W. E. J. Fiers, Jarke J. van Wijk: Case Study: Visualization of annotated DNA sequences. VisSym 2004: 109-114, 345
45EEJarke J. van Wijk, Dietmar Saupe: Image based rendering of iterated function systems. Computers & Graphics 28(6): 937-943 (2004)
44EEJarke J. van Wijk, Robert J. Moorhead II, Greg Turk: Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Section on IEEE Visualization. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(4): 369 (2004)
43EEJarke J. van Wijk, Wim A. A. Nuij: A Model for Smooth Viewing and Navigation of Large 2D Information Spaces. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(4): 447-458 (2004)
42EERobert S. Laramee, Jarke J. van Wijk, Bruno Jobard, Helwig Hauser: ISA and IBFVS: Image Space-Based Visualization of Flow on Surfaces. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 10(6): 637-648 (2004)
41EEGreg Turk, Jarke J. van Wijk, Robert J. Moorhead II: 14th IEEE Visualization 2003 Conference (VIS 2003), 19-24 October 2003, Seattle, WA, USA IEEE Computer Society 2003
40 Jarke J. van Wijk, Cornelius W. A. M. van Overveld: Preset based interaction with high dimensional parameter spaces. Data Visualization: The State of the Art 2003: 391-406
39 Jarke J. van Wijk: Image Based Flow Visualization for Curved Surfaces. IEEE Visualization 2003: 123-130
38 Alexandru Telea, Jarke J. van Wijk: 3D IBFV: Hardware-Accelerated 3D Flow Visualization. IEEE Visualization 2003: 233-240
37EEJarke J. van Wijk, Wim A. A. Nuij: Smooth and efficient zooming and panning. INFOVIS 2003
36 Sviataslau Pranovich, Jarke J. van Wijk: A Design System based on Architectural Representations. INTERACT 2003
35EEJarke J. van Wijk, Frank van Ham, Huub van de Wetering: Rendering hierarchical data. Commun. ACM 46(9): 257-263 (2003)
34EEFrank van Ham, Jarke J. van Wijk: Beamtrees: compact visualization of large hierarchies. Information Visualization 2(1): 31-39 (2003)
33EESviataslau Pranovich, Jarke J. van Wijk, Kees van Overveld: The KITE geometry manipulator. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 764-765
32EEFrank van Ham, Jarke J. van Wijk: Beamtrees: Compact Visualization of Large Hierarchies. INFOVIS 2002: 93-
31EEJarke J. van Wijk: Image based flow visualization. SIGGRAPH 2002: 745-754
30EEJarke J. van Wijk: Image based flow visualization. ACM Trans. Graph. 21(3): 754 (2002)
29EEFrank van Ham, Huub van de Wetering, Jarke J. van Wijk: Interactive Visualization of State Transition Systems. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 8(4): 319-329 (2002)
28EEJarke J. van Wijk, Alexandru Telea: Enridged Contour Maps. IEEE Visualization 2001
27EEFrank van Ham, Huub van de Wetering, Jarke J. van Wijk: Visualization of State Transition Graphs. INFOVIS 2001: 59-63
26EEErnst Kleiberg, Huub van de Wetering, Jarke J. van Wijk: Botanical Visualization of Huge Hierarchies. INFOVIS 2001: 87-
25EEHarald Garcke, Tobias Preußer, Martin Rumpf, Alexandru Telea, Ulrich Weikard, Jarke J. van Wijk: A Phase Field Model for Continuous Clustering on Vector Fields. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 7(3): 230-241 (2001)
24EEHarald Garcke, Tobias Preußer, Martin Rumpf, Alexandru Telea, Ulrich Weikard, Jarke J. van Wijk: A continuous clustering method for vector fields. IEEE Visualization 2000: 351-358
23 Alexandru Telea, Jarke J. van Wijk: Simplified Representation of Vector Fields. IEEE Visualization 1999: 35-42
22EEJarke J. van Wijk, Edward R. van Selow: Cluster and Calendar Based Visualization of Time Series Data. INFOVIS 1999: 4-9
21EEJarke J. van Wijk, Huub van de Wetering: Cushion Treemaps: Visualization of Hierarchical Information. INFOVIS 1999: 73-78
20EEJurriaan D. Mulder, Jarke J. van Wijk, Robert van Liere: A survey of computational steering environments. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(1): 119-129 (1999)
19EEJurriaan D. Mulder, Frans C. A. Groen, Jarke J. van Wijk: Pixel masks for screen-door transparency. IEEE Visualization 1998: 351-358
18EEJurriaan D. Mulder, Robert van Liere, Jarke J. van Wijk: Computational steering in the CAVE. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 14(3-4): 199-207 (1998)
17 Robert van Liere, Jarke J. van Wijk: Steering Smog Prediction. HPCN Europe 1997: 241-252
16EEJarke J. van Wijk, Robert van Liere, Jurriaan D. Mulder: Bringing Computational Steering to the User. Scientific Visualization 1997: 304-313
15 Robert van Liere, Jurriaan D. Mulder, Jarke J. van Wijk: Computational Steering. HPCN Europe 1996: 696-702
14 Jarke J. van Wijk, Hans J. W. Spoelder, Willem-Jan Knibbe, Kamran Eftekhari Shahroudi: Interactive Exploration and Modeling of Large Data Sets: A Case Study with Venus Light Scattering Data. IEEE Visualization 1996: 433-436
13EEWim C. de Leeuw, Jarke J. van Wijk: Enhanced Spot Noise for Vector Field Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1995: 233-239
12EEJurriaan D. Mulder, Jarke J. van Wijk: 3D Computational Steering with Parametrized Geometric Objects. IEEE Visualization 1995: 304-
11 Jarke J. van Wijk, Robert van Liere: An Environment for Compuatational Steering. Scientific Visualization 1994: 103-124
10 Jarke J. van Wijk, Robert van Liere: HyperSlice - Visualization of Scalar Functions of Many Variables. IEEE Visualization 1993: 119-125
9 Jarke J. van Wijk: Implicit Stream Surfaces. IEEE Visualization 1993: 245-252
8 Wim C. de Leeuw, Jarke J. van Wijk: A Probe for Local Flow Field Visualization. IEEE Visualization 1993: 39-45
7 Jarke J. van Wijk: Rendering Surface Particles. IEEE Visualization 1992: 54-62
6EEJarke J. van Wijk: Spot noise texture synthesis for data visualization. SIGGRAPH 1991: 309-318
5EEJarke J. van Wijk: Good textbook for computer graphics students : Interactive computer graphics: functional, procedural and device-level methods P Burger and D Gillies Addison-Wesley (1989) 504 pp. Computer-Aided Design 22(5): 315 (1990)
4EEJarke J. van Wijk: Bicubic patches for approximating non-rectangular control-point meshes. Computer Aided Geometric Design 3(1): 1-13 (1986)
3EEJarke J. van Wijk: Ray tracing objects defined by sweeping a sphere. Computers & Graphics 9(3): 283-290 (1985)
2EEJarke J. van Wijk: Ray Tracing Objects Defined By Sweeping Planar Cubic Splines. ACM Trans. Graph. 3(3): 223-237 (1984)
1EEFrederik W. Jansen, Jarke J. van Wijk: Previewing techniques in raster graphics. Computers & Graphics 8(2): 149-161 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Wil M. P. van der Aalst [67]
2Anna Vilanova Bartrolí (Anna Vilanova) [53] [66]
3Stef Busking [66]
4Arjeh M. Cohen [54] [60]
5Bas Cornelissen [65] [68]
6Arie van Deursen [65] [68]
7Mark W. E. J. Fiers [46] [63]
8Harald Garcke [24] [25]
9Frans C. A. Groen [19]
10Frank van Ham [27] [29] [32] [34] [35] [48]
11Helwig Hauser [42]
12Danny Holten [50] [56] [65] [68] [71] [75]
13Frederik W. Jansen [1]
14Bruno Jobard [42]
15Daniel A. Keim [57]
16Ernst Kleiberg [26]
17Willem-Jan Knibbe [14]
18Robert S. Laramee [42]
19Wim C. de Leeuw [8] [13]
20Robert van Liere [10] [11] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20]
21Erik-Jan van der Linden [58] [72]
22Jean-Bernard Martens [56]
23Bart Moberts [53]
24Leon Moonen [65] [68]
25Robert J. Moorhead II (Robert J. Moorhead) [41] [44]
26Jurriaan D. Mulder [12] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20]
27Jan Peter Nap [63]
28Wim A. A. Nuij [37] [43]
29Cornelius W. A. M. van Overveld (Kees van Overveld) [33] [40]
30Tim H. J. M. Peeters [46] [63]
31Sviataslau Pranovich [33] [36]
32A. Johannes Pretorius [52] [59] [64] [67] [70] [73]
33Tobias Preußer [24] [25]
34Dennie Reniers [69]
35George G. Robertson [57]
36Martin Rumpf [24] [25]
37Holly E. Rushmeier [49]
38Dietmar Saupe [45]
39Edward R. van Selow [22]
40Kamran Eftekhari Shahroudi [14]
41Yedendra Babu Shrinivasan [74]
42Hans J. W. Spoelder [14]
43Alexandru Telea [23] [24] [25] [28] [38] [47] [51] [69]
44James J. Thomas (Jim Thomas) [57]
45Greg Turk [41] [44] [49]
46H. M. W. (Eric) Verbeek (H. M. W. Verbeek, Eric Verbeek) [67]
47Roel Vliegen [50] [58] [72]
48Lucian Voinea [47] [51]
49Ulrich Weikard [24] [25]
50Huub van de Wetering (H. M. M. van de Wetering) [21] [26] [27] [29] [35] [46] [63]
51Martijn Wijffelaars [72]
52Andy Zaidman [65] [68]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)