
Lucian Voinea

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20EEAlexandru Telea, Heorhiy Byelas, Lucian Voinea: A Framework for Reverse Engineering Large C++ Code Bases. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 233: 143-159 (2009)
19EEAlexandru Telea, Lucian Voinea: SOLIDFX: An Integrated Reverse Engineering Environment for C++. CSMR 2008: 320-322
18EEAlexandru Telea, Lucian Voinea: A Tool for Optimizing the Build Performance of Large Software Code Bases. CSMR 2008: 323-325
17EEAlexandru Telea, Lucian Voinea: An interactive reverse engineering environment for large-scale C++ code. SOFTVIS 2008: 67-76
16EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea: Visual data mining and analysis of software repositories. Computers & Graphics 31(3): 410-428 (2007)
15EELucian Voinea, Johan Lukkien, Alexandru Telea: Visual assessment of software evolution. Sci. Comput. Program. 65(3): 222-248 (2007)
14EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea: CVSgrab: Mining the History of Large Software Projects. EuroVis 2006: 187-194
13EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea: Mining software repositories with CVSgrab. MSR 2006: 167-168
12EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea: An open framework for CVS repository querying, analysis and visualization. MSR 2006: 33-39
11EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea: Multiscale and multivariate visualizations of software evolution. SOFTVIS 2006: 115-124
10EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea: How do changes in buggy Mozilla files propagate? SOFTVIS 2006: 147-148
9EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea: Visual Assessment Techniques for Component-Based Framework Evolution. EUROMICRO-SEAA 2005: 168-179
8EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea, Michel R. V. Chaudron: Version-Centric Visualization of Code Evolution. EuroVis 2005: 223-230
7EEGerard Lommerse, Freek Nossin, Lucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea: The Visual Code Navigator: An Interactive Toolset for Source Code Investigation. INFOVIS 2005: 4
6EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea, Jarke J. van Wijk: CVSscan: visualization of code evolution. SOFTVIS 2005: 47-56
5 Alexandru Telea, Lucian Voinea: Interactive Visual Mechanisms for Exploring Source Code Evolution. VISSOFT 2005: 52-57
4EEAlexandru Telea, Lucian Voinea: A Framework for Interactive Visualization of Component-Based Software. EUROMICRO 2004: 567-574
3EELucian Voinea, Alexandru Telea, Jarke J. van Wijk: EZEL: a Visual Tool for Performance Assessment of Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Network. INFOVIS 2004: 41-48
2EEGabriel Dima, Lucian Voinea, Marcel Profirescu: A Web-based Approach Towards Building a Distance Education Course in Microelectronics. MSE 2001: 98-99
1 Codrin Ionut Zolti, Lucian Voinea, Gabriel Dima, Ion Miu, Marcel Profirescu: Designing a Web-based Distance Learning Environment based on an Intelligent Tutoring System. WebNet 2000: 563-568

Coauthor Index

1Heorhiy Byelas [20]
2Michel R. V. Chaudron [8]
3Gabriel Dima [1] [2]
4Gerard Lommerse [7]
5Johan J. Lukkien (Johan Lukkien) [15]
6Ion Miu [1]
7Freek Nossin [7]
8Marcel Profirescu [1] [2]
9Alexandru Telea [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
10Jarke J. van Wijk [3] [6]
11Codrin Ionut Zolti [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)