
Long Wang

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66EEBo Liu, Jietao Zou, Jie Zhang, Tianguang Chu, Long Wang: Controllability of a Leader-Follower Dynamic Network with Interaction Time Delays. FSKD (5) 2008: 468-473
65EEJunzhi Yu, Youfu Li, Yonghui Hu, Long Wang: Modeling and Control of a Link-Based Dolphin-Like Robot Capable of 3D Movements. ICIRA (1) 2008: 982-991
64EEGao Cong, Long Wang, Chin-Yew Lin, Young-In Song, Yueheng Sun: Finding question-answer pairs from online forums. SIGIR 2008: 467-474
63EELong Wang, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer: Formalizing System Behavior for Evaluating a System Hang Detector. SRDS 2008: 269-278
62EEFeng Xiao, Long Wang: Consensus protocols for discrete-time multi-agent systems with time-varying delays. Automatica 44(10): 2577-2582 (2008)
61EEJunzhi Yu, Lizhong Liu, Long Wang, Min Tan, De Xu: Turning Control of a Multilink Biomimetic Robotic Fish. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24(1): 201-206 (2008)
60EEJunzhi Yu, Long Wang, Wei Zhao, Min Tan: Optimal design and motion control of biomimetic robotic fish. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 51(5): 535-549 (2008)
59EEQining Wang, Guangming Xie, Long Wang, Ming Wu: Integrated Heterogeneous Multi-Robot System for Collaborative Navigation. FBIT 2007: 651-656
58EEYuwei Sun, Wensheng Yu, Long Wang: A Note on Minimal Positive Realizations of Continuous-Time Linear Systems. ICNSC 2007: 123-128
57EELe Zhang, Wei Zhao, Yonghui Hu, Dandan Zhang, Long Wang: Development and depth control of biomimetic robotic fish. IROS 2007: 3560-3565
56EELong Wang, Akhil Sahai, Jim Pruyne: A Model-based Simulation Approach to Error Analysis of IT Services. Integrated Network Management 2007: 805-808
55EEQining Wang, Yan Huang, Guangming Xie, Long Wang: Let Robots Play Soccer under More Natural Conditions: Experience-Based Collaborative Localization in Four-Legged League. RoboCup 2007: 353-360
54EEJunzhi Yu, Yonghui Hu, Ruifeng Fan, Long Wang, Jiyan Huo: Mechanical design and motion control of a biomimetic robotic dolphin. Advanced Robotics 21(3): 499-513 (2007)
53EEYuan Gong Sun, Long Wang, Guangming Xie: Delay-dependent robust stability and Hinfinity control for uncertain discrete-time switched systems with mode-dependent time delays. Applied Mathematics and Computation 187(2): 1228-1237 (2007)
52EEZhijian Ji, Long Wang, Xiaoxia Guo: Design of switching sequences for controllability realization of switched linear systems. Automatica 43(4): 662-668 (2007)
51EELong Wang, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Weining Gu, Ravishankar K. Iyer: Reliability MicroKernel: Providing Application-Aware Reliability in the OS. IEEE Transactions on Reliability 56(4): 597-614 (2007)
50EEJunzhi Yu, Long Wang, Min Tan: Geometric Optimization of Relative Link Lengths for Biomimetic Robotic Fish. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 23(2): 382-386 (2007)
49EEJinyan Shao, Long Wang, Junzhi Yu: Development of multiple robotic fish cooperation platform. Int. J. Systems Science 38(3): 257-268 (2007)
48EEDandan Zhang, Guangming Xie, Junzhi Yu, Long Wang: Adaptive task assignment for multiple mobile robots via swarm intelligence approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(7): 572-588 (2007)
47EEZhiming Chen, Long Wang, Weiying Zheng: An Adaptive Multilevel Method for Time-Harmonic Maxwell Equations with Singularities. SIAM J. Scientific Computing 29(1): 118-138 (2007)
46EELong Wang, Feng Xiao: A new approach to consensus problems in discrete-time multiagent systems with time-delays. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 50(4): 625-635 (2007)
45EEQiang Guan, Long Wang, Bican Xia, Lu Yang, Wensheng Yu, Zhenbing Zeng: Solution to the Generalized Champagne Problem on simultaneous stabilization of linear systems. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 50(5): 719-731 (2007)
44 Junzhi Yu, Yonghui Hu, Ruifeng Fan, Long Wang, Jiyan Huo: Construction and Control of Biomimetic Robotic Dolphin. ICRA 2006: 2311-2316
43 Jinyan Shao, Long Wang, Junzhi Yu: Underwater Transportation of Multiple Fish-like Robots using Situation Based Action Selection. ICRA 2006: 3208-3213
42EEJinyan Shao, Long Wang, Junzhi Yu: Development of the Multiple Robot Fish Cooperation System. IEA/AIE 2006: 34-43
41EEJinyan Shao, Junzhi Yu, Long Wang: Formation Control of Multiple Biomimetic Robotic Fish. IROS 2006: 2503-2508
40EEHong Shi, Long Wang, Tianguang Chu, Feng Xiao: Self-Organization of General Multi-Agent Systems with Complex Interactions. IROS 2006: 3203-3208
39EEHong Shi, Long Wang, Tianguang Chu: Coordinated Control of Multiple Interactive Dynamical Agents with Asymmetric Coupling Pattern and Switching Topology. IROS 2006: 3209-3214
38EEQining Wang, Lianghuan Liu, Guangming Xie, Long Wang: Learning from Human Cognition: Collaborative Localization for Vision-based Autonomous Robots. IROS 2006: 3301-3306
37EEWei Zhao, Junzhi Yu, Yimin Fang, Long Wang: Development of Multi-mode Biomimetic Robotic Fish Based on Central Pattern Generator. IROS 2006: 3891-3896
36EELizhong Liu, Junzhi Yu, Long Wang: Dynamic Modeling of Three-Dimensional Swimming for Biomimetic Robotic Fish. IROS 2006: 3916-3921
35EEJunzhi Yu, Lizhong Liu, Long Wang: Dynamics and Control of Turning Maneuver for Biomimetic Robotic Fish. IROS 2006: 5400-5405
34EEBo Liu, Tianguang Chu, Long Wang: Flocking of Multi-Vehicle Systems With A Leader. IROS 2006: 5948-5953
33EELong Wang, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Weining Gu, Ravishankar K. Iyer: An OS-level Framework for Providing Application-Aware Reliability. PRDC 2006: 55-62
32EEDe-Jun Feng, Long Wang, Yang Wang: Generation of finite tight frames by Householder transformations. Adv. Comput. Math. 24(1-4): 297-309 (2006)
31EEYuan Gong Sun, Long Wang: Note on asymptotic stability of a class of neutral differential equations. Appl. Math. Lett. 19(9): 949-953 (2006)
30EEYuan Gong Sun, Long Wang, Guangming Xie: Delay-dependent robust stability and stabilization for discrete-time switched systems with mode-dependent time-varying delays. Applied Mathematics and Computation 180(2): 428-435 (2006)
29EEDandan Zhang, Long Wang, Guangming Xie, Weicun Zhang: Coordinated Collision Avoidance of Multiple Biomimetic Robotic Fish. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 215-224
28EEJinyan Shao, Guangming Xie, Long Wang, Weicun Zhang: Obstacle Avoidance and Path Planning Based on Flow Field for Biomimetic Robotic Fish. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2005: 857-860
27EEXiaochun Cheng, Xiaoqi Ma, Long Wang, Shaochun Zhong: A Mobile Agent Based Spam Filter System. CIS (1) 2005: 422-427
26EELong Wang, Karthik Pattabiraman, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer, Lawrence G. Votta, Christopher A. Vick, Alan Wood: Modeling Coordinated Checkpointing for Large-Scale Supercomputers. DSN 2005: 812-821
25EEBo Liu, Tianguang Chu, Long Wang: Collective Behavior Analysis of a Class of Social Foraging Swarms. ECAL 2005: 584-593
24EEHong Shi, Long Wang, Tianguang Chu, Minjie Xu: Flocking Control of Multiple Interactive Dynamical Agents with Switching Topology via Local Feedback. ECAL 2005: 604-613
23EEDandan Zhang, Yimin Fang, Guangming Xie, Junzhi Yu, Long Wang: Coordinating Dual-Mode Biomimetic Robotic Fish in Box-Pushing Task. ECAL 2005: 815-824
22EEGuangming Xie, Long Wang: Controllability Implies Stabilizability for Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems. HSCC 2005: 667-682
21EEGuangming Xie, Tianguang Chu, Long Wang: Stability and Stabilization of Impulsive Hybrid Dynamical Systems. ICIC (2) 2005: 645-654
20EEFei Hao, Long Wang, Tianguang Chu: A New Criterion on Exponential Stability of a Class of Discrete Cellular Neural Networks with Time Delay. ICNC (1) 2005: 769-772
19EEGuangming Xie, Long Wang: Consensus Control for Networks of Dynamic Agents via Active Switching Topology. ICNC (3) 2005: 424-433
18 Junzhi Yu, Long Wang: Parameter Optimization of Simplified Propulsive Model for Biomimetic Robot Fish. ICRA 2005: 3306-3311
17EEZbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer, Long Wang: Application Fault Tolerance with Armor Middleware. IEEE Internet Computing 9(2): 28-37 (2005)
16EEZhijian Ji, Long Wang, Guangming Xie: Quadratic stabilization of switched systems. Int. J. Systems Science 36(7): 395-404 (2005)
15EELong Wang, Hong Shi, Tianguang Chu, Weicun Zhang, Lin Zhang: Aggregation of Foraging Swarms. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 766-777
14EELong Wang, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer, H. Vora, T. Chahande: Checkpointing of Control Structures in Main Memory Database Systems. DSN 2004: 687-692
13EEGuangming Xie, Long Wang: Stability and stabilization of switched descriptor systems under arbitrary switching. SMC (1) 2004: 779-783
12EEZhijian Ji, Long Wang: Quadratic stabilization of uncertain discrete-time switched linear systems. SMC (2) 2004: 1492-1497
11EEGuangming Xie, Long Wang: Controllability of periodically switched linear systems with saturating actuators. SMC (2) 2004: 1660-1665
10EEMei Yu, Long Wang, Tianguang Chu, Guangming Xie: Stabilization of a collection of linear systems with communication constraints. SMC (2) 2004: 1693-1698
9EEMei Yu, Long Wang, Tianguang Chu, Guangming Xie: Stability of networked control systems with limited communication. SMC (2) 2004: 1723-1727
8EEMei Yu, Guangming Xie, Long Wang: Stabilization of networked control systems with transmission delays. SMC (2) 2004: 1764-1769
7EEGuangming Xie, Long Wang: Controllability and stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems. SMC (6) 2004: 5338-5343
6EEShumei Mu, Tianguang Chu, Long Wang: An improved model-based control scheme for networked systems. SMC (7) 2004: 6131-6136
5EELong Wang: Some characterizations of interval systems: further extensions and applications. ISCAS (3) 2003: 164-167
4EEGuangming Xie, Long Wang: Reachability and Controllability of Positive Linear Discrete-time Systems with Time-delays. POSTA 2003: 377-384
3EEClaudio Basile, Long Wang, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Ravishankar K. Iyer: Group Communication Protocols under Errors. SRDS 2003: 35-
2EEWensheng Yu, Long Wang: Robust strictly positive real synthesis for convex combination of the fifth-order polynomials. ISCAS (1) 2001: 739-742
1EELong Wang: Composite Interval Control Systems: Some Strong Kharitonov-Like Properties. Reliable Computing 6(3): 231-246 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Claudio Basile [3]
2T. Chahande [14]
3Zhiming Chen [47]
4Xiaochun Cheng [27]
5Tianguang Chu [6] [9] [10] [15] [20] [21] [24] [25] [34] [39] [40] [66]
6Gao Cong [64]
7Ruifeng Fan [44] [54]
8Yimin Fang [23] [37]
9De-Jun Feng [32]
10Weining Gu [33] [51]
11Qiang Guan [45]
12Xiaoxia Guo [52]
13Fei Hao [20]
14Yonghui Hu [44] [54] [57] [65]
15Yan Huang [55]
16Jiyan Huo [44] [54]
17Ravishankar K. Iyer (Ravi K. Iyer) [3] [14] [17] [26] [33] [51] [63]
18Zhijian Ji [12] [16] [52]
19Zbigniew Kalbarczyk [3] [14] [17] [26] [33] [51] [63]
20Youfu Li [65]
21Chin-Yew Lin [64]
22Bo Liu [25] [34] [66]
23Lianghuan Liu [38]
24Lizhong Liu [35] [36] [61]
25Xiaoqi Ma [27]
26Shumei Mu [6]
27Karthik Pattabiraman [26]
28Jim Pruyne [56]
29Akhil Sahai [56]
30Jinyan Shao [28] [41] [42] [43] [49]
31Hong Shi [15] [24] [39] [40]
32Young-In Song [64]
33Yuan Gong Sun [30] [31] [53]
34Yueheng Sun [64]
35Yuwei Sun [58]
36Min Tan [50] [60] [61]
37Christopher A. Vick [26]
38H. Vora [14]
39Lawrence G. Votta [26]
40Qining Wang [38] [55] [59]
41Yang Wang [32]
42Alan Wood [26]
43Ming Wu [59]
44Bican Xia [45]
45Feng Xiao [40] [46] [62]
46Guangming Xie [4] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [13] [16] [19] [21] [22] [23] [28] [29] [30] [38] [48] [53] [55] [59]
47De Xu [61]
48Minjie Xu [24]
49Lu Yang [45]
50Junzhi Yu [18] [23] [35] [36] [37] [41] [42] [43] [44] [48] [49] [50] [54] [60] [61] [65]
51Mei Yu [8] [9] [10]
52Wensheng Yu [2] [45] [58]
53Zhenbing Zeng [45]
54Dandan Zhang [23] [29] [48] [57]
55Jie Zhang [66]
56Le Zhang [57]
57Lin Zhang [15]
58Weicun Zhang [15] [28] [29]
59Wei Zhao [37] [57] [60]
60Weiying Zheng [47]
61Shaochun Zhong [27]
62Jietao Zou [66]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)