
F. Verdier

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4EEY. Deshayes, L. Béchou, J.-Y. Delétage, F. Verdier, Y. Danto, D. Laffitte, J. L. Goudard: Three-dimensional FEM simulations of thermomechanical stresses in 1.55 mum Laser modules. Microelectronics Reliability 43(7): 1125-1136 (2003)
3EEL. Mendizabal, Jean-Louis Verneuil, L. Béchou, Christelle Aupetit-Berthelemot, Y. Deshayes, F. Verdier, Jean-Michel Dumas, Y. Danto, D. Laffitte, J. L. Goudard: Impact of 1.55 mum laser diode degradation laws on fibre optic system performances using a system simulator. Microelectronics Reliability 43(9-11): 1743-1749 (2003)
2 B. Lambert, N. Malbert, N. Labat, F. Verdier, A. Touboul, P. Huguet, R. Bonnet, G. Pataut: Evolution of LF noise in Power PHEMT's submitted to RF and DC Step Stresses. Microelectronics Reliability 41(9-10): 1573-1578 (2001)
1EEF. Verdier, Alain Mérigot, Bertrand Zavidovique: Fast Stable Matching Algorithm using Asynchronous Parallel Programming Model. CAMP 2000: 131-135

Coauthor Index

1Christelle Aupetit-Berthelemot [3]
2L. Béchou [3] [4]
3R. Bonnet [2]
4Y. Danto [3] [4]
5J.-Y. Delétage [4]
6Y. Deshayes [3] [4]
7Jean-Michel Dumas [3]
8J. L. Goudard [3] [4]
9P. Huguet [2]
10N. Labat [2]
11D. Laffitte [3] [4]
12B. Lambert [2]
13N. Malbert [2]
14L. Mendizabal [3]
15Alain Mérigot [1]
16G. Pataut [2]
17A. Touboul [2]
18Jean-Louis Verneuil [3]
19Bertrand Zavidovique [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)