
Javier Valls

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11EEF. Angarita, Ma José Canet, T. Sansaloni, Javier Valls, Vicenc Almenar-Terre: Architectures for the Implementation of a OFDM-WLAN Viterbi Decoder. Signal Processing Systems 52(1): 35-44 (2008)
10EEF. Angarita, Ma José Canet, T. Sansaloni, A. Perez-Pascual, Javier Valls: Efficient Mapping of CORDIC Algorithm for OFDM-Based WLAN. Signal Processing Systems 52(2): 181-191 (2008)
9EERoberto Gutierrez, Javier Valls: Implementation on FPGA of a LUT-based atan(Y/X) operator suitable for Synchronization Algorithms. FPL 2007: 472-475
8EET. Sansaloni, A. Perez-Pascual, V. Torres, Javier Valls: Scheme for Reducing the Storage Requirements of FFT Twiddle Factors on FPGAs. VLSI Signal Processing 47(2): 183-187 (2007)
7 Elias Todorovich, F. Angarita, Javier Valls, Eduardo I. Boemo: Statistical Power Estimation for FPGA. FPL 2005: 515-518
6 F. Angarita, A. Perez-Pascual, T. Sansaloni, Javier Valls: Efficient FPGA Implementation of CORDIC Algorithm for Circular and Linear Coordinates. FPL 2005: 535-538
5EEElias Todorovich, Eduardo I. Boemo, F. Cardells, Javier Valls: Power analysis and estimation tool integrated with XPOWER. FPGA 2004: 259
4EET. Sansaloni, Javier Valls, Keshab K. Parhi: Digit-Serial Complex-Number Multipliers on FPGAs. VLSI Signal Processing 33(1-2): 105-115 (2003)
3EEA. Perez-Pascual, T. Sansaloni, Javier Valls: FPGA-based radix-4 butterflies for HIPERLAN/2. ISCAS (3) 2002: 277-280
2EEJavier Valls, Martin Kuhlmann, Keshab K. Parhi: Evaluation of CORDIC Algorithms for FPGA Design. VLSI Signal Processing 32(3): 207-222 (2002)
1EEJavier Valls, T. Sansaloni, M. M. Peiro, Eduardo I. Boemo: Fast FPGA-based pipelined digit-serial/parallel multipliers. ISCAS (1) 1999: 482-485

Coauthor Index

1Vicenc Almenar-Terre [11]
2F. Angarita [6] [7] [10] [11]
3Eduardo I. Boemo [1] [5] [7]
4Ma José Canet [10] [11]
5F. Cardells [5]
6Roberto Gutierrez [9]
7Martin Kuhlmann [2]
8Keshab K. Parhi [2] [4]
9M. M. Peiro [1]
10A. Perez-Pascual [3] [6] [8] [10]
11T. Sansaloni [1] [3] [4] [6] [8] [10] [11]
12Elias Todorovich [5] [7]
13V. Torres [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)