
Adam Pease

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14EEGerard de Melo, Fabian M. Suchanek, Adam Pease: Integrating YAGO into the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology. ICTAI (1) 2008: 190-193
13EESteven Trac, Geoff Sutcliffe, Adam Pease: Integration of the TPTPWorld into SigmaKEE. PAAR/ESHOL 2008
12EEAdam Pease, Geoff Sutcliffe, Nick Siegel, Steven Trac: The Annual SUMO Reasoning Prizes at CASC. PAAR/ESHOL 2008
11EEAdam Pease, Geoff Sutcliffe: First Order Reasoning on a Large Ontology. ESARLT 2007
10 Jan Scheffczyk, Adam Pease, Michael Ellsworth: Linking FrameNet to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology. FOIS 2006: 289-300
9 Jim Reynolds, Adam Pease, John Li: Analogy and Deduction for Knowledge Discovery. IKE 2004: 39-48
8EEAdam Pease, John Li: Agent-Mediated Knowledge Engineering Collaboration. AMKM 2003: 405-415
7 Ian Niles, Adam Pease: Linking Lixicons and Ontologies: Mapping WordNet to the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology. IKE 2003: 412-416
6 M. Brian Blake, Karen Zita Haigh, Henry Hexmoor, Rino Falcone, Leen-Kiat Soh, Chitta Baral, Sheila A. McIlraith, Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz, Simon Parsons, Rainer Malaka, Antonio Krüger, Paolo Bouquet, Bill Smart, Koichi Kurumantani, Adam Pease, Michael Brenner, Marie desJardins, Ulrich Junker, James P. Delgrande, Jon Doyle, Francesca Rossi, Torsten Schaub, Carla P. Gomes, Toby Walsh, Haipeng Guo, Eric Horvitz, Nancy Ide, Christopher A. Welty, Frank D. Anger, Hans W. Guesgen, Gérard Ligozat: AAAI 2002 Workshops. AI Magazine 23(4): 113-121 (2002)
5EEJay Halcomb, Adam Pease: On treating negation within XSB (and upon extending XSB programming with a form of logical negation, and its relations to existing varieties of logic programming). Answer Set Programming 2001
4EEIan Niles, Adam Pease: Towards a standard upper ontology. FOIS 2001: 2-9
3 Adam Pease, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Fritz Lehmann, Adam Farquhar: Practical Knowledge Representation and the DARPA High Performance Knowledge Bases Project. KR 2000: 717-724
2 Paul R. Cohen, Vinay K. Chaudhri, Adam Pease, Robert Schrag: Does Prior Knowledge Facilitate the Development of Knowledge-based Systems? AAAI/IAAI 1999: 221-226
1 Paul R. Cohen, Robert Schrag, Eric K. Jones, Adam Pease, Albert Lin, Barbara Starr, David Gunning, Murray Burke: The DARPA High-Performance Knowledge Bases Project. AI Magazine 19(4): 25-49 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Frank D. Anger [6]
2Chitta Baral [6]
3M. Brian Blake [6]
4Paolo Bouquet [6]
5Michael Brenner [6]
6Murray Burke [1]
7Vinay K. Chaudhri [2] [3]
8Paul R. Cohen [1] [2]
9James P. Delgrande [6]
10Jon Doyle [6]
11Michael Ellsworth [10]
12Rino Falcone [6]
13Adam Farquhar [3]
14Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz [6]
15Carla P. Gomes [6]
16Hans W. Guesgen [6]
17David Gunning [1]
18Haipeng Guo [6]
19Karen Zita Haigh [6]
20Jay Halcomb [5]
21Henry Hexmoor [6]
22Eric Horvitz [6]
23Nancy Ide [6]
24Eric K. Jones [1]
25Ulrich Junker [6]
26Antonio Krüger [6]
27Koichi Kurumantani [6]
28Fritz Lehmann [3]
29John Li [8] [9]
30Gérard Ligozat (Gerard Ligozat) [6]
31Albert Lin [1]
32Rainer Malaka [6]
33Sheila A. McIlraith [6]
34Gerard de Melo [14]
35Ian Niles [4] [7]
36Simon Parsons [6]
37Jim Reynolds [9]
38Francesca Rossi [6]
39Torsten Schaub [6]
40Jan Scheffczyk [10]
41Robert Schrag [1] [2]
42Nick Siegel [12]
43Bill Smart [6]
44Leen-Kiat Soh [6]
45Barbara Starr [1]
46Fabian M. Suchanek [14]
47Geoff Sutcliffe [11] [12] [13]
48Steven Trac [12] [13]
49Toby Walsh [6]
50Christopher A. Welty [6]
51Marie desJardins [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)