
Vincent Risch

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11EEGeoffroy Aubry, Vincent Risch: Managing Deceitful Arguments with X-Logics. ICTAI 2006: 216-219
10EEGeoffroy Aubry, Vincent Risch: Toward a Logical Tool for Generating New Arguments in an Argumentation Based Framework. ICTAI 2005: 599-603
9EEJames P. Delgrande, M. Gharib, Robert E. Mercer, Vincent Risch, Torsten Schaub: Lukaszewicz-style Answer Set Programming: A Preliminary Report. Answer Set Programming 2003
8EERobert E. Mercer, Vincent Risch: Properties of maximal cliques of a pair-wise compatibility graph for three nonmonotonic reasoning system. Answer Set Programming 2003
7EERobert E. Mercer, Lionel Forget, Vincent Risch: Comparing a Pair-Wise Compatibility Heuristic and Relaxed Stratification: Some Preliminary Results. ECSQARU 2001: 580-591
6EELionel Forget, Vincent Risch, Pierre Siegel: Preferential Logics are X-logics. J. Log. Comput. 11(1): 71-83 (2001)
5 Vincent Risch: Analytic Tableaux for Default Logics. Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 6(1): (1996)
4 Vincent Risch: Yet Some More Considerations On Cumulativity In Default Logics. ECSQARU 1995: 364-378
3 Vincent Risch, Camilla Schwind: Tableaux-Based Characterization and Theorem Proving for default Logic. J. Autom. Reasoning 13(2): 223-242 (1994)
2 Vincent Risch, Camilla Schwind: Tableaux-Based Theorem Proving and Non-Standard Reasoning. TABLEAUX 1992: 76-78
1 Camilla Schwind, Vincent Risch: A Tableau-Based Characterisation for Default Logic. ECSQARU 1991: 310-317

Coauthor Index

1Geoffroy Aubry [10] [11]
2James P. Delgrande [9]
3Lionel Forget [6] [7]
4M. Gharib [9]
5Robert E. Mercer [7] [8] [9]
6Torsten Schaub [9]
7Camilla Schwind [1] [2] [3]
8Pierre Siegel [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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