
Farid Benhammadi

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8EEFarid Benhammadi, Kadda Bey-Beghdad, Hamid Hentous: Fingerprint verification based on core point neighbourhoods minutiae. AICCSA 2008: 530-536
7EEFarid Benhammadi, Nassima Kihal: Personal authentication based on iris texture analysis. AICCSA 2008: 537-543
6EEFarid Benhammadi, M. N. Amirouche, Hamid Hentous, Kadda Bey-Beghdad, Mohamed Aissani: Fingerprint matching from minutiae texture maps. Pattern Recognition 40(1): 189-197 (2007)
5EEHamid Hentous, Farid Benhammadi, Mohamed Aissani, K. Beghad-Bey: Fingerprint Matching Based on Minutiae Covering Zones. ISCC 2006: 233-238
4EEHamid Hentous, Farid Benhammadi: Heuristics Resolution of a Constrained Hybrid Flow Shop Problem. ISCC 2006: 532-535
3EEFarid Benhammadi, Hamid Hentous, Kadda Bey-Beghdad, Mohamed Aissani: Fingerprint Matching Using Minutiae Coordinate Systems. IbPRIA (2) 2005: 529-536
2EEFarid Benhammadi, Pascal Nicolas, Torsten Schaub: Query-Answering in Prioritized Default Logic. ESCQARU 1999: 32-42
1EEFarid Benhammadi, Pascal Nicolas, Torsten Schaub: Extension Calculus and Query Answering in Prioritized Default Logic. AIMSA 1998: 76-87

Coauthor Index

1Mohamed Aissani [3] [5] [6]
2M. N. Amirouche [6]
3K. Beghad-Bey [5]
4Kadda Bey-Beghdad [3] [6] [8]
5Hamid Hentous [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
6Nassima Kihal [7]
7Pascal Nicolas [1] [2]
8Torsten Schaub [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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