
Shigeyuki Sakane

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13EEHongjun Zhou, Shigeyuki Sakane: Sensor Planning for Mobile Robot Localization - A Hierarchical Approach Using a Bayesian Network and a Particle Filter. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24(2): 481-487 (2008)
12EEHongjun Zhou, Shigeyuki Sakane: Mobile robot localization using active sensing based on Bayesian network inference. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(4): 292-305 (2007)
11EEHongjun Zhou, Shigeyuki Sakane: Sensor planning for mobile robot localization using Bayesian network inference. Advanced Robotics 16(8): 751-771 (2002)
10 Ken Ito, Shigeyuki Sakane: Robust View-based Visual Tracking with Detection of Occlusions. ICRA 2001: 1207-1213
9 Masaya Yamashita, Shigeyuki Sakane: Adaptive Annotation Using a Human-Robot Interface System PARTNER. ICRA 2001: 2661-2667
8 Ken Ito, Shigeyuki Sakane: Visual Tracking using Dynamic Transition in Groups of Affine Transformed Templates. ICRA 2000: 2082-2087
7 Shin Sato, Shigeyuki Sakane: A Human-Robot Interface Using an Interactive Hand Pointer that Projects a Mark in the Real Work Space. ICRA 2000: 589-595
6 Maho Terashima, Shigeyuki Sakane: A Human-Robot Interface Using an Extended Digital Desk. ICRA 1999: 2874-
5EEShigeyuki Sakane, Toshiji Kuruma, Toru Omata, Tomomasa Sato: Planning Focus of Attention for Multifingered Hand with Consideration of Time-Varying Aspects. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 61(3): 445-453 (1995)
4 Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Nobuyuki Kita, Sebastien Rougeaux, Shigeyuki Sakane, Masaru Ishii, Masayoshi Kakikura: Cooperation by Observation - The Framework and Basic Task Patterns. ICRA 1994: 767-774
3EENobuyuki Kita, Sebastien Rougeaux, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Shigeyuki Sakane: Thorough ZDF-Based Localization for Binocular Tracking. MVA 1994: 190-195
2 Masaru Ishii, Shigeyuki Sakane, Yoshio Mikami, Masayoshi Kakikura: Teaching Robot Operations and Environemnts by Using a 3-D Visual Sensor System. IAS 1986: 283-289
1EEHideyuki Tamura, Shigeyuki Sakane, Fumiaki Tomita, Naokazu Yokoya, Masahide Kaneko, Katsuhiko Sakaue: Design and implementation of SPIDER - A transportable image processing software package. Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing 23(3): 273-294 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1Masaru Ishii [2] [4]
2Ken Ito [8] [10]
3Masayoshi Kakikura [2] [4]
4Masahide Kaneko [1]
5Nobuyuki Kita [3] [4]
6Yasuo Kuniyoshi [3] [4]
7Toshiji Kuruma [5]
8Yoshio Mikami [2]
9Toru Omata [5]
10Sebastien Rougeaux [3] [4]
11Katsuhiko Sakaue [1]
12Shin Sato [7]
13Tomomasa Sato [5]
14Hideyuki Tamura [1]
15Maho Terashima [6]
16Fumiaki Tomita [1]
17Masaya Yamashita [9]
18Naokazu Yokoya [1]
19Hongjun Zhou [11] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)