
Peng Rong

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13EEPeng Rong, Zhong Xiaozhen: Domain Model Evolutionary Approach Based on Semantic Association. CSSE (2) 2008: 239-243
12EEHwisung Jung, Peng Rong, Massoud Pedram: Stochastic modeling of a thermally-managed multi-core system. DAC 2008: 728-733
11EEChanseok Hwang, Peng Rong, Massoud Pedram: Sleep transistor distribution in row-based MTCMOS designs. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2007: 235-240
10EEPeng Rong, Massoud Pedram: Power-aware scheduling and dynamic voltage setting for tasks running on a hard real-time system. ASP-DAC 2006: 473-478
9EELiu Jing, He Keqing, Ma Yutao, Peng Rong: Scale Free in Software Metrics. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 229-235
8EEPeng Rong, Massoud Pedram: Determining the optimal timeout values for a power-managed system based on the theory of Markovian processes: offline and online algorithms. DATE 2006: 1128-1133
7EEPeng Rong, Massoud Pedram: An Analytical Model for Predicting the Remaining Battery Capacity of Lithium-Ion Batteries. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 14(5): 441-451 (2006)
6EEPeng Rong, Massoud Pedram: Battery-aware power management based on Markovian decision processes. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(7): 1337-1349 (2006)
5EEPeng Rong, Massoud Pedram: Hierarchical power management with application to scheduling. ISLPED 2005: 269-274
4EEPeng Rong, Massoud Pedram: Extending the lifetime of a network of battery-powered mobile devices by remote processing: a markovian decision-based approach. DAC 2003: 906-911
3EEPeng Rong, Massoud Pedram: An Analytical Model for Predicting the Remaining Battery Capacity of Lithium-Ion Batteries. DATE 2003: 11148-11149
2EEFarhad Ghasemi-Tari, Peng Rong, Massoud Pedram: An Energy-Aware Simulation Model and Transaction Protocol for Dynamic Workload Distribution in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. ICCD 2003: 444-
1EEPeng Rong, Massoud Pedram: Battery-aware power management based on Markovian decision processes. ICCAD 2002: 707-713

Coauthor Index

1Farhad Ghasemi-Tari [2]
2Chanseok Hwang [11]
3Liu Jing [9]
4Hwisung Jung [12]
5He Keqing [9]
6Massoud Pedram [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12]
7Zhong Xiaozhen [13]
8Ma Yutao [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)