
András Poppe

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5EEGergely Nagy, Zoltán Szucs, S. Hodossy, Márta Rencz, András Poppe: Comparison of Two Low-Power Electronic Interfaces for Capacitive Mems Sensors CoRR abs/0802.3049: (2008)
4EEMárta Rencz, Vladimir Székely, András Poppe: A Fast Algorithm for the Layout Based Electro-Thermal Simulation. DATE 2003: 11032-11037
3EEJean-Michel Karam, Bernard Courtois, Hicham Boutamine, P. Drake, András Poppe, Vladimir Székely, Márta Rencz, Klaus Hofmann, Manfred Glesner: CAD and Foundries for Microsystems. DAC 1997: 674-679
2EEVladimir Székely, A. Pahi, András Poppe, Márta Rencz, A. Csendes: SISSSI-A tool for dynamic electro-thermal simulation of analog VLSI cells. ED&TC 1997: 617
1EEVladimir Székely, András Poppe, A. Pahi, A. Csendes, G. Hajas, Márta Rencz: Electro-thermal and logi-thermal simulation of VLSI designs. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 5(3): 258-269 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Hicham Boutamine [3]
2Bernard Courtois [3]
3A. Csendes [1] [2]
4P. Drake [3]
5Manfred Glesner [3]
6G. Hajas [1]
7S. Hodossy [5]
8Klaus Hofmann [3]
9Jean-Michel Karam [3]
10Gergely Nagy [5]
11A. Pahi [1] [2]
12Márta Rencz [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
13Vladimir Székely [1] [2] [3] [4]
14Zoltán Szucs [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)