
Zoltán Szucs

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5EEGergely Nagy, Zoltán Szucs, S. Hodossy, Márta Rencz, András Poppe: Comparison of Two Low-Power Electronic Interfaces for Capacitive Mems Sensors CoRR abs/0802.3049: (2008)
4EEZoltán Szucs, Márta Rencz: A novel method for fatigue testing of MEMS devices containing movable elements CoRR abs/0802.3091: (2008)
3EEZoltán Szucs, György Bognár, Vladimir Székely, Márta Rencz: Contactless Thermal Characterization of High Temperature Test Chamber CoRR abs/0805.0865: (2008)
2 Gyula Bakonyi-Kiss, Zoltán Szucs: Low Cost, Low Power, Intelligent Brake Temperature Sensor System for Automotive Applications. DDECS 2007: 345-348
1 György Bognár, Gyula Horváth, Zoltán Szucs, Vladimir Székely: Die Attach Quality Testing by Fully Contact-less Measurement Method. DDECS 2006: 81-82

Coauthor Index

1Gyula Bakonyi-Kiss [2]
2György Bognár [1] [3]
3S. Hodossy [5]
4Gyula Horváth [1]
5Gergely Nagy [5]
6András Poppe [5]
7Márta Rencz [3] [4] [5]
8Vladimir Székely [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)