
Matthias Pflanz

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13EEUdo Krautz, Markus Wedler, Wolfgang Kunz, Kai Weber, Christian Jacobi, Matthias Pflanz: Verifying full-custom multipliers by Boolean equivalence checking and an arithmetic bit level proof. ASP-DAC 2008: 398-403
12EEUdo Krautz, Matthias Pflanz, Christian Jacobi, Hans-Werner Tast, Kai Weber, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: Evaluating coverage of error detection logic for soft errors using formal methods. DATE 2006: 176-181
11EEMatthias Pflanz: Online Fehler-Erkennung und schnelle Wiederherstellungs-Techniken für zuverlässige eingebettete Prozessoren (Online Error Detection and Fast Recover Techniques for Dependable Embedded Processors). it - Information Technology 46(1): 51-53 (2004)
10EEMatthias Pflanz, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: Control Signal Protection For High Performance Processors. IOLTS 2003: 173-
9EEMatthias Pflanz, K. Walther, Christian Galke, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: On-Line Techniques for Error Detection and Correction in Processor Registers with Cross-Parity Check. J. Electronic Testing 19(5): 501-510 (2003)
8 Matthias Pflanz: On-line Error Detection and Fast Recover Techniques for Dependable Embedded Processors Springer 2002
7EEChristian Galke, Matthias Pflanz, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: A Test Processor Concept for Systems-on-a-Chip. ICCD 2002: 210-
6EEChristian Galke, Matthias Pflanz, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: On-line Detection and Compensation of Transient Errors in Processor Pipeline-Structures. IOLTW 2002: 178
5EEMatthias Pflanz, K. Walther, Christian Galke, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: On-Line Error Detection and Correction in Storage Elements with Cross-Parity Check. IOLTW 2002: 69-73
4EEC. Rousselle, Matthias Pflanz, A. Behling, T. Mohaupt, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: A register-transfer-level fault simulator for permanent and transient faults in embedded processors. DATE 2001: 811
3EEMatthias Pflanz, K. Walther, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: On-line Error Detection Techniques for Dependable Embedded Processors with High Complexity. IOLTW 2001: 51-53
2EEMatthias Pflanz, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus: Online Check and Recovery Techniques for Dependable Embedded Processors. IEEE Micro 21(5): 24-40 (2001)
1 Matthias Pflanz, Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus, F. Pompsch: An efficient on-line-test and back-up scheme for embedded processors. ITC 1999: 964-972

Coauthor Index

1A. Behling [4]
2Christian Galke [5] [6] [7] [9]
3Christian Jacobi [12] [13]
4Udo Krautz [12] [13]
5Wolfgang Kunz [13]
6T. Mohaupt [4]
7F. Pompsch [1]
8C. Rousselle [4]
9Hans-Werner Tast [12]
10Heinrich Theodor Vierhaus [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [12]
11K. Walther [3] [5] [9]
12Kai Weber [12] [13]
13Markus Wedler [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)