
Miquel Pericàs

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12EEMiquel Pericàs, Adrián Cristal, Francisco J. Cazorla, Ruden González, Alexander V. Veidenbaum, Daniel A. Jiménez, Mateo Valero: A Two-Level Load/Store Queue Based on Execution Locality. ISCA 2008: 25-36
11EEMiquel Pericàs, Ricardo Chaves, Georgi Gaydadjiev, Stamatis Vassiliadis, Mateo Valero: Vectorized AES Core for High-throughput Secure Environments. VECPAR 2008: 83-94
10EEMiquel Pericàs, Eduard Ayguadé, Javier Zalamea, Josep Llosa, Mateo Valero: Power-efficient VLIW design using clustering and widening. IJES 3(3): 141-149 (2008)
9EEMiquel Pericàs, Adrián Cristal, Francisco J. Cazorla, Ruben Gonzalez, Daniel A. Jiménez, Mateo Valero: A Flexible Heterogeneous Multi-Core Architecture. PACT 2007: 13-24
8EEMiquel Pericàs, Adrián Cristal, Ruben Gonzalez, Daniel A. Jiménez, Mateo Valero: A decoupled KILO-instruction processor. HPCA 2006: 53-64
7EERubén González, Adrián Cristal, Miquel Pericàs, Mateo Valero, Alexander V. Veidenbaum: An asymmetric clustered processor based on value content. ICS 2005: 61-70
6EEMiquel Pericàs, Adrián Cristal, Ruben Gonzalez, Daniel A. Jiménez: Chained In-Order/Out-of-Order DoubleCore Architecture. SBAC-PAD 2005: 209-217
5EEAdrián Cristal, Oliverio J. Santana, Francisco J. Cazorla, Marco Galluzzi, Tanausú Ramírez, Miquel Pericàs, Mateo Valero: Kilo-Instruction Processors: Overcoming the Memory Wall. IEEE Micro 25(3): 48-57 (2005)
4EEMiquel Pericàs, Rubén González, Adrián Cristal, Alexander V. Veidenbaum, Mateo Valero: An Optimized Front-End Physical Register File with Banking and Writeback Filtering. PACS 2004: 1-14
3EEMiquel Pericàs, Eduard Ayguadé, Javier Zalamea, Josep Llosa, Mateo Valero: with Wide Functional Units. SAMOS 2004: 88-97
2EEMiquel Pericàs, Eduard Ayguadé, Javier Zalamea, Josep Llosa, Mateo Valero: High-performance and low-power VLIW cores for numerical computations. IJHPCN 1(4): 171-179 (2004)
1EEMiquel Pericàs, Eduard Ayguadé, Javier Zalamea, Josep Llosa, Mateo Valero: Power-Performance Trade-Offs in Wide and Clustered VLIW Cores for Numerical Codes. ISHPC 2003: 113-126

Coauthor Index

1Eduard Ayguadé [1] [2] [3] [10]
2Francisco J. Cazorla [5] [9] [12]
3Ricardo Chaves [11]
4Adrián Cristal [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12]
5Marco Galluzzi [5]
6Georgi Gaydadjiev (G. N. Gaydadjiev) [11]
7Ruben Gonzalez [6] [8] [9]
8Rubén González [4] [7]
9Ruden González [12]
10Daniel A. Jiménez [6] [8] [9] [12]
11Josep Llosa [1] [2] [3] [10]
12Tanausú Ramírez [5]
13Oliverio J. Santana [5]
14Mateo Valero [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
15Stamatis Vassiliadis [11]
16Alexander V. Veidenbaum [4] [7] [12]
17Javier Zalamea [1] [2] [3] [10]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)