2009 | ||
57 | EE | Hakan Ceylan, Rada Mihalcea: The Decomposition of Human-Written Book Summaries. CICLing 2009: 582-593 |
56 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Stephen G. Pulman: Linguistic Ethnography: Identifying Dominant Word Classes in Text. CICLing 2009: 594-602 |
55 | EE | Michael Mohler, Rada Mihalcea: Text-to-Text Semantic Similarity for Automatic Short Answer Grading. EACL 2009: 567-575 |
2008 | ||
54 | EE | Carmen Banea, Rada Mihalcea, Janyce Wiebe, Samer Hassan: Multilingual Subjectivity Analysis Using Machine Translation. EMNLP 2008: 127-135 |
53 | EE | Carlo Strapparava, Rada Mihalcea: Learning to identify emotions in text. SAC 2008: 1556-1560 |
52 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: The Text Mining Handbook: Advanced Approaches to Analyzing Unstructured Data Ronen Feldman and James Sanger (Bar-Ilan University and ABS Ventures) Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 2007, xii+410 pp; hardbound, ISBN 0-521-83657-3. Computational Linguistics 34(1): 125-127 (2008) |
2007 | ||
51 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Carmen Banea, Janyce Wiebe: Learning Multilingual Subjective Language via Cross-Lingual Projections. ACL 2007 |
50 | Andras Csomai, Rada Mihalcea: Linking Educational Materials to Encyclopedic Knowledge. AIED 2007: 557-559 | |
49 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Stephen G. Pulman: Characterizing Humour: An Exploration of Features in Humorous Texts. CICLing 2007: 337-347 |
48 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Andras Csomai: Wikify!: linking documents to encyclopedic knowledge. CIKM 2007: 233-242 |
47 | Andras Csomai, Rada Mihalcea: Investigations in Unsupervised Back-of-the-Book Indexing. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 211-216 | |
46 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Using Wikipedia for Automatic Word Sense Disambiguation. HLT-NAACL 2007: 196-203 |
45 | EE | Samer Hassan, Rada Mihalcea, Carmen Banea: Random-Walk Term Weighting for Improved Text Classification. ICSC 2007: 242-249 |
44 | EE | Ravi Sinha, Rada Mihalcea: Unsupervised Graph-basedWord Sense Disambiguation Using Measures of Word Semantic Similarity. ICSC 2007: 363-369 |
43 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: The Multidisciplinary Facets of Research on Humour. WILF 2007: 412-421 |
42 | EE | Samer Hassan, Rada Mihalcea, Carmen Banea: Random Walk Term Weighting for Improved Text Classification. Int. J. Semantic Computing 1(4): 421-439 (2007) |
2006 | ||
41 | Rada Mihalcea, Courtney Corley, Carlo Strapparava: Corpus-based and Knowledge-based Measures of Text Semantic Similarity. AAAI 2006 | |
40 | EE | Janyce Wiebe, Rada Mihalcea: Word Sense and Subjectivity. ACL 2006 |
39 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Random Walks on Text Structures. CICLing 2006: 249-262 |
38 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Hugo Liu, Henry Lieberman: NLP (Natural Language Processing) for NLP (Natural Language Programming). CICLing 2006: 319-330 |
37 | EE | Andras Csomai, Rada Mihalcea: Creating a Testbed for the Evaluation of Automatically Generated Back-of-the-Book Indexes. CICLing 2006: 429-440 |
36 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Dragomir R. Radev: Graph-based Algorithms for Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. HLT-NAACL 2006 |
35 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Carlo Strapparava: Technologies That Make You Smile: Adding Humor to Text-Based Applications. IEEE Intelligent Systems 21(5): 33-39 (2006) |
2005 | ||
34 | Rada Mihalcea: Language Independent Extractive Summarization. AAAI 2005: 1688-1689 | |
33 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Language Independent Extractive Summarization. ACL 2005 |
32 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Andras Csomai: SenseLearner: Word Sense Disambiguation for All Words in Unrestricted Text. ACL 2005 |
31 | EE | Lei Shi, Rada Mihalcea: Putting Pieces Together: Combining FrameNet, VerbNet and WordNet for Robust Semantic Parsing. CICLing 2005: 100-111 |
30 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Carlo Strapparava: Making Computers Laugh: Investigations in Automatic Humor Recognition. HLT/EMNLP 2005 |
29 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Unsupervised Large-Vocabulary Word Sense Disambiguation with Graph-based Algorithms for Sequence Data Labeling. HLT/EMNLP 2005 |
28 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Carlo Strapparava: Laughter Abounds in the Mouths of Computers: Investigations in Automatic Humor Recognition. INTETAIN 2005: 84-93 |
27 | EE | Paul Tarau, Rada Mihalcea, Elizabeth Figa: Semantic document engineering with WordNet and PageRank. SAC 2005: 782-786 |
26 | Michael L. Anderson, Thomas Barkowsky, Pauline Berry, Douglas S. Blank, Timothy Chklovski, Pedro Domingos, Marek J. Druzdzel, Christian Freksa, John Gersh, Mary Hegarty, Tze-Yun Leong, Henry Lieberman, Ric K. Lowe, Susann Luperfoy, Rada Mihalcea, Lisa Meeden, David P. Miller, Tim Oates, Robert Popp, Daniel Shapiro, Nathan Schurr, Push Singh, John Yen: Reports on the 2005 AAAI Spring Symposium Series. AI Magazine 26(2): 87-92 (2005) | |
2004 | ||
25 | Rada Mihalcea: Voted Co-Training for Bootstrapping Sense Classifiers. ECAI 2004: 515-519 | |
2003 | ||
24 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Performance Analysis of a Part of Speech Tagging Task. CICLing 2003: 158-167 |
23 | Rada Mihalcea, Timothy Chklovski: Building sense tagged corpora with volunteer contributions over the Web. RANLP 2003: 357-366 | |
22 | Rada Mihalcea: Unsupervised natural language disambiguation using non-ambiguous words. RANLP 2003: 387-396 | |
21 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Turning WordNet into an Information Retrieval Resource: Systematic Polysemy and Conversion to Hierarchical Codes. IJPRAI 17(5): 689-704 (2003) |
2002 | ||
20 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Diacritics Restoration: Learning from Letters versus Learning from Words. CICLing 2002: 339-348 |
19 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Instance Based Learning with Automatic Feature Selection Applied to Word Sense Disambiguation. COLING 2002 |
18 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Classifier Stacking and Voting for Text Filtering. TREC 2002 |
17 | EE | Rada Mihalcea: Going Beyond Explicit Knowledge for Improved Semantic Based Information Retrieval. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11(4): 553-586 (2002) |
2001 | ||
16 | EE | Sanda M. Harabagiu, Dan I. Moldovan, Marius Pasca, Rada Mihalcea, Mihai Surdeanu, Razvan C. Bunescu, Roxana Girju, Vasile Rus, Paul Morarescu: The Role of Lexico-Semantic Feedback in Open-Domain Textual Question-Answering. ACL 2001: 274-281 |
15 | Rada Mihalcea, Dan I. Moldovan: EZ.WordNet: Principles for Automatic Generation of a Coarse Grained WordNet. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 454-458 | |
14 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Silvana I. Mihalcea: Word Semantics for Information Retrieval: Moving One Step Closer to the Semantic Web. ICTAI 2001: 280-287 |
13 | EE | Sanda M. Harabagiu, Dan I. Moldovan, Marius Pasca, Mihai Surdeanu, Rada Mihalcea, Roxana Girju, Vasile Rus, V. Finley Lacatusu, Paul Morarescu, Razvan C. Bunescu: Answering Complex, List and Context Questions with LCC's Question-Answering Server. TREC 2001 |
12 | Rada Mihalcea, Dan I. Moldovan: A Highly Accurate Bootstrapping Algorithm for Word Sense Disambiguation. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 10(1-2): 5-21 (2001) | |
2000 | ||
11 | Rada Mihalcea: A Semi-Complete Disambiguation Algorithm for Open Text. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 1085 | |
10 | EE | Dan I. Moldovan, Sanda M. Harabagiu, Marius Pasca, Rada Mihalcea, Roxana Girju, Richard Goodrum, Vasile Rus: The Structure and Performance of an Open-Domain Question Answering System. ACL 2000 |
9 | Rada Mihalcea, Dan I. Moldovan: An Iterative Approach to Word Sense Disambiguation. FLAIRS Conference 2000: 219-223 | |
8 | EE | Sanda M. Harabagiu, Dan I. Moldovan, Marius Pasca, Rada Mihalcea, Mihai Surdeanu, Razvan C. Bunescu, Roxana Girju, Vasile Rus, Paul Morarescu: FALCON: Boosting Knowledge for Answer Engines. TREC 2000 |
7 | EE | Dan I. Moldovan, Rada Mihalcea: Using WordNet and Lexical Operators to Improve Internet Searches. IEEE Internet Computing 4(1): 34-43 (2000) |
6 | Rada Mihalcea, Dan I. Moldovan: AutoASC - A System for Automatic Acquisition of Sense Tagged Corpora. IJPRAI 14(1): 3-18 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
5 | Rada Mihalcea, Dan I. Moldovan: An Automatic Method for Generating Sense Tagged Corpora. AAAI/IAAI 1999: 461-466 | |
4 | EE | Rada Mihalcea, Dan I. Moldovan: A Method for Word Sense Disambiguation of Unrestricted Text. ACL 1999 |
3 | Rada Mihalcea, Dan I. Moldovan: Automatic Acquisition of Sense Tagged Corpora. FLAIRS Conference 1999: 293-297 | |
2 | EE | Dan I. Moldovan, Sanda M. Harabagiu, Marius Pasca, Rada Mihalcea, Richard Goodrum, Roxana Girju, Vasile Rus: LASSO: A Tool for Surfing the Answer Net. TREC 1999 |
1998 | ||
1 | Dan I. Moldovan, Rada Mihalcea: A WordNet-Based Interface to Internet Search Engines. FLAIRS Conference 1998: 275-279 |