
Kazuyuki Nagata

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7EEYujin Wakita, Natsuki Yamanobe, Kazuyuki Nagata, Noriaki Ando, Mathias Clerc: Development of user interface with single switch scanning for robot arm to help disabled people using RT-Middleware. ICARCV 2008: 1515-1520
6EEKazuyuki Nagata, Yujin Wakita, Eiichi Ono: Task instruction by putting task information in work space. ICRA 2007: 305-310
5 Yuichi Kurita, Kazuyuki Nagata, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara: CPG-Based Manipulation: Adaptive Switchings of Grasping Fingers by Joint Angle Feedback. ICRA 2005: 2517-2522
4 Fuminori Saito, Kazuyuki Nagata: Interpretation of Grasp and Manipulation Based on Grasping Surfaces. ICRA 1999: 1247-1254
3 Mohammad Asim Farooqi, Takashi Tanaka, Yukio Ikezawa, Toru Omata, Kazuyuki Nagata: Sensor Based Control for the Execution of Regrasping Primitives on a Multifingered Robot Hand. ICRA 1999: 3217-
2 Kazuyuki Nagata: Manipulation by a Parallel-Jaw Gripper Having a Turntable at Each Fingertip. ICRA 1994: 1663-1671
1 Toru Omata, Kazuyuki Nagata: Planning Reorientation of an Object with a Multifingered Hand. ICRA 1994: 3104-3110

Coauthor Index

1Noriaki Ando [7]
2Mathias Clerc [7]
3Mohammad Asim Farooqi [3]
4Yukio Ikezawa [3]
5Yuichi Kurita [5]
6Yoshio Matsumoto [5]
7Tsukasa Ogasawara [5]
8Toru Omata [1] [3]
9Eiichi Ono [6]
10Fuminori Saito [4]
11Takashi Tanaka [3]
12Jun Ueda [5]
13Yujin Wakita [6] [7]
14Natsuki Yamanobe [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)