
Marko Munih

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9EEJosip Music, Roman Kamnik, Marko Munih: Model based inertial sensing of human body motion kinematics in sit-to-stand movement. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(8): 933-944 (2008)
8EEStefano Mazzoleni, Giuseppe Cavallo, Marko Munih, Justin Cinkelj, M. Jurak, J. Van Vaerenbergh, Domenico Campolo, Paolo Dario, Eugenio Guglielmelli: Towards application of a mechatronic platform for whole-body isometric force-torque measurements to functional assessment in neuro-rehabilitation. ICRA 2007: 1535-1540
7EEMiha Vrhovec, Marko Munih: Improvement of coordinate measuring arm accuracy. IROS 2007: 697-702
6EEJanez Podobnik, Marko Munih: Haptic Interaction Stability With Respect to Grasp Force. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 37(6): 1214-1222 (2007)
5EEGregorij Kurillo, Matjaz Mihelj, Marko Munih, Tadej Bajd: Multi-Fingered Grasping and Manipulation in Virtual Environments Using an Isometric Finger Device. Presence 16(3): 293-306 (2007)
4 Janez Podobnik, Marko Munih: Evaluation of Coordination between Grasp and Load Forces in Power Grasp in Humans with a Haptic Interface. ICRA 2006: 2807-2812
3EEJanez Podobnik, Marko Munih: Robot-assisted evaluation of coordination between grasp and load forces in a power grasp in humans. Advanced Robotics 20(8): 933-951 (2006)
2EEJustin Cinkelj, Matjaz Mihelj, Marko Munih: Soft Real-Time Acquisition in Windows XP. WISES 2005: 110-116
1EETimotej Kodek, Marko Munih: An Identification Technique for Evaluating Static Body Segment Parameters in the Upper Extremity. ICRA 2004: 4747-4752

Coauthor Index

1Tadej Bajd [5]
2Domenico Campolo [8]
3Giuseppe Cavallo [8]
4Justin Cinkelj [2] [8]
5Paolo Dario [8]
6Eugenio Guglielmelli [8]
7M. Jurak [8]
8Roman Kamnik [9]
9Timotej Kodek [1]
10Gregorij Kurillo [5]
11Stefano Mazzoleni [8]
12Matjaz Mihelj [2] [5]
13Josip Music [9]
14Janez Podobnik [3] [4] [6]
15J. Van Vaerenbergh [8]
16Miha Vrhovec [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)