Volume 16,
Number 1,
January 2008
- Junghoon Lee, Sugjoon Yoon:
Estimation and validation of lateral-directional stability/control derivatives for the Flight Training Device of a light aircraft.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Ruixia Yu, Hualing Chen, Tianning Chen, Xiangyang Zhou:
Modeling and simulation of drug release from multi-layer biodegradable polymer microstructure in three dimensions.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Stina Edelfeldt, Peter Fritzson:
Evaluation and comparison of models and modelling tools simulating nitrogen processes in treatment wetlands.
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- Jack P. C. Kleijnen:
Response surface methodology for constrained simulation optimization: An overview.
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- Margaret Edwards, François Goreaud, Nils Ferrand:
Simulating heterogeneity in a consumption model linked to a water resource model: When is the linear approximation relevant?
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Antoni Escobet, Àngela Nebot, François E. Cellier:
Visual-FIR: A tool for model identification and prediction of dynamical complex systems.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- T.-J. Yeh, Hung Ruo-Feng, Lu Shin-Wen:
An integrated physical model that characterizes creep and hysteresis in piezoelectric actuators.
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- Moutaz Khouja, Mirsad Hadzikadic, Muhammad Adeel Zaffar:
An agent based modeling approach for determining optimal price-rebate schemes.
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- Krisada Wannatong, Somchai Chanchaona, Surachai Sanitjai:
Simulation algorithm for piston ring dynamics.
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- A. Baki Engin:
Determination of optimum economic inspection by economic control chart design and by machine efficiency estimation: An application in weaving industry.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Zhenkun Huang:
Corrigendum to "Exponential p.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 2,
February 2008
Volume 16,
Number 3,
March 2008
- A. M. Si Mohammed, M. Benyettou, A. Boudjemai, Y. Hashida, M. N. Sweeting:
Simulation of microsatellite attitude using Kalman filtering in orbit results.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Banu Y. Ekren, Arslan M. Ornek:
A simulation based experimental design to analyze factors affecting production flow time.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Z. C. Xuan, X. K. Zhang:
Simulation of Stokes flow over microelectrodes with least-squares meshfree method.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Dimitrios Mavrakis, Nikolaos Kontinakis:
A queueing model of maritime traffic in Bosporus Straits.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Liquan Mei, Clemens-August Thole:
Data analysis for parallel car-crash simulation results and model optimization.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Mehmet Fatih Akay, Constantine Katsinis:
Performance improvement of parallel programs on a broadcast-based distributed shared memory multiprocessor by simulation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Jau-Chuan Ke, Ssu-Lang Lee, Ying-Lin Hsu:
On a repairable system with detection, imperfect coverage and reboot: Bayesian approach.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Sahin Yildirim:
Design of a proposed neural network control system for trajectory controlling of walking robots.
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- Wan Hu, Yang Qing, Yu Ming-hui, Fei Qi:
Grid-based platform for disaster response plan simulation over Internet.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 4,
April 2008
- Xiao Song, Bo Hu Li, Xudong Chai:
Research on key technologies of complex product virtual prototype lifecycle management (CPVPLM).
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Xiao-Juan Wu, Xin-Jian Zhu, Guang-Yi Cao, Heng-Yong Tu:
Nonlinear modeling of a SOFC stack based on ANFIS identification.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Sahin Yildirim, Ikbal Eski:
Sound quality analysis of cars using hybrid neural networks.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- J. Chen, F. Lan:
Instantaneous stiffness analysis and simulation for hexapod machines.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Jacek Czeczot:
Modelling for the effective control of the electric flow heaters - Simulation validation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Alparslan Turanboy, M. Kemal Gökay, Erkan Ülker:
An approach to geometrical modelling of slope curves and discontinuities.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Stéphane Julia, Fernanda Francielle de Oliveira, Robert Valette:
Real time scheduling of Workflow Management Systems based on a p-time Petri net model with hybrid resources.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 5,
May 2008
- Adel Gastli, Ibrahim A. Metwally:
Computation of eddy-current density on ESP motor and well casings under different operating conditions.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Xiao-Juan Wu, Xin-Jian Zhu, Guang-Yi Cao, Heng-Yong Tu:
Dynamic modeling of SOFC based on a T-S fuzzy model.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- T. Gözel, U. Eminoglu, M. H. Hocaoglu:
A tool for voltage stability and optimization (VS&OP) in radial distribution systems using matlab graphical user interface (GUI).
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Seda Ozmutlu, Huseyin Cenk Ozmutlu, Buket Buyuk:
A Monte-Carlo simulation application for automatic new topic identification of search engine transaction logs.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Yun Zhang, Zhigao Huang, Fen Liu:
An integrated simulation for the whole forming process of the picture tube panel.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Stylianos Sp. Pappas, Lambros Ekonomou, Panagiotis Karampelas, Sokratis K. Katsikas, P. Liatsis:
Modeling of the grounding resistance variation using ARMA models.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Suleyman Kondakci:
Epidemic state analysis of computers under malware attacks.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 6,
July 2008
- R. Hosseini, M. Nourolahi, G. B. Gharehpetian:
Determination of OD cooling system parameters based on thermal modeling of power transformer winding.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Kayhan Gulez:
Neural network based switching control of AC-AC converter with DC-AC inverter for voltage sags, harmonics and EMI reduction using hybrid filter topology.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- James Bekker, Leànne Viviers:
Using computer simulation to determine operations policies for a mechanised car park.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Benlian Xu, Qinglan Chen, Zhiquan Wang:
Ants for track initiation of bearings-only tracking.
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- Topi Korhonen, Pasi Tavi:
Automatic time-step adaptation of the forward Euler method in simulation of models of ion channels and excitable cells and tissue.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Jau-Chuan Ke, Ming Yang Ko, Shey-Huei Sheu:
Estimation comparison on busy period for a controllable M/G/1 system with bicriterion policy.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Jason Liu, Yue Li:
On the performance of a hybrid network traffic model.
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- Andrew Greasley:
Using simulation for facility design: A case study.
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- Emile Mouni, Slim Tnani, Gérard Champenois:
Synchronous generator modelling and parameters estimation using least squares method.
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- Zhijie Zhou, Changhua Hu, Hongdong Fan, Jin Li:
Fault prediction of the nonlinear systems with uncertainty.
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- Konstantinos I. Karaoglanoglou, Helen D. Karatza:
Resource Discovery in a dynamical grid based on Re-routing Tables.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 7,
August 2008
- Chao Shen, Ya-Ling He, Ying-Wen Liu, Wen-Quan Tao:
Modelling and simulation of solar radiation data processing with Simulink.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- N. Marilleau, C. Cambier, Alexis Drogoul, J.-L. Chotte, Edith Perrier, E. Blanchart:
Multiscale MAS modelling to simulate the soil environment: Application to soil ecology.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Taskin Koçak, Jacob Engel, Jeremy Buboltz:
Characterization of server performance bottlenecks in distributed interactive simulation environments.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Akm Saiful Islam, Michael Piasecki:
Ontology based web simulation system for hydrodynamic modeling.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- T.-J. Yeh, Chai-De Wang, Ting-Ying Wu:
Modeling and control of an atomic force microscope using a piezoelectric tuning fork for force sensing.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Juing-Shian Chiou, Kuo-Yang Wang:
Application of a hybrid controller to a mobile robot.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Teems E. Lovett, Antonello Monti, Ferdinanda Ponci:
Automatic synthesis of uncertain models for linear circuit simulation: A polynomial chaos theory approach.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Juliana Freitag Borin, Nelson L. S. Da Fonseca:
Simulator for WiMAX networks.
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- Mauno Rönkkö, Marina A. Waldén, Ralph-Johan Back:
Beyond particle systems: Operator networks.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Jie Shen, Xianlong Jin:
Structural improvement for solder joint failure in ultrasonic plastic assembly.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 8,
September 2008
- Borut Zupancic, Rihard Karba:
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Domenico Bruno, Fabrizio Greco, Paolo Lonetti, Paolo Nevone Blasi:
Influence of micro-cracking and contact on the effective properties of composite materials.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Wolfgang Sinz, Steffan Hermann:
The development of a 3D-Navier-Stokes code for the simulation of an airbag inflation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Ilkka S. Laitinen, Juha T. Tanttu:
Modelling and simulation of a copper electrolysis cell group.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- J. Kocijan, B. Likar:
Gas-liquid separator modelling and simulation with Gaussian-process models.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Leifur Þ. Leifsson, Hildur Sævarsdóttir, Sven Þ. Sigurðsson, Ari Vésteinsson:
Grey-box modeling of an ocean vessel for operational optimization.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Josip Music, Roman Kamnik, Marko Munih:
Model based inertial sensing of human body motion kinematics in sit-to-stand movement.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Rafael Åman, Heikki Handroos, Tero Eskola:
Computationally efficient two-regime flow orifice model for real-time simulation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Feliksas Ivanauskas, Romas Baronas:
Numerical simulation of a plate-gap biosensor with an outer porous membrane.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Luigi Baggi, Ilaria Cappelloni, Franco Maceri, Giuseppe Vairo:
Stress-based performance evaluation of osseointegrated dental implants by finite-element simulation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Siegfried Wassertheurer, Christopher Mayer, Felix Breitenecker:
Modeling arterial and left ventricular coupling for non-invasive measurements.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Maja Atanasijevic-Kunc, Joze Drinovec, Simona Rucigaj, Ales Mrhar:
Modeling the influence of risk factors and chronic diseases on the development of strokes and peripheral arterial-vascular disease.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- G. Schneckenreither, Nikolas Popper, Gunter Zauner, Felix Breitenecker:
Modelling SIR-type epidemics by ODEs, PDEs, difference equations and cellular automata - A comparative study.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Ralf Sommer, Thomas Halfmann, Jochen Broz:
Automated behavioral modeling and analytical model-order reduction by application of symbolic circuit analysis for multi-physical systems.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Francesco Casella, Marco Lovera:
High-accuracy simulation of orbital dynamics: An object-oriented approach.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Martin Kozek, Sabina Sinanovic:
Identification of Wiener models using optimal local linear models.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Clémenoe Driol, Mai K. Nguyen, T. T. Truong:
Modeling and simulation results on high sensitivity scattered gamma-ray emission imaging.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- G. Music, Drago Matko:
An admissible-behaviour-based analysis of the deadlock in Petri-net controllers.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Lasse T. T. Pesonen, Simo J. Salminen, Jean-Peter Ylén, Pasi Riihimäki:
Dynamic simulation of product process.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Javier Otamendi, José Manuel Pastor, Andrés García:
Selection of the simulation software for the management of the operations at an international airport.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Nico M. van Dijk, Erik van der Sluis:
Practical optimization by OR and simulation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Volume 16,
Number 9,
October 2008
- Eleyas Shaik, Klaus A. Hoffmann, Jean-Francois Dietiker:
Numerical simulations of pulsatile non-Newtonian flow in an end-to-side anastomosis model.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Ma Peng-yu, Hu Yong-biao, Zhang Xin-rong:
Research on adaptive power control parameter of a cold milling machine.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Ali Chaibakhsh, Ali Ghaffari:
Steam turbine model.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Kayhan Gulez, Rahmi Guclu:
CBA-neural network control of a non-linear full vehicle model.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- James Dinan, Stephen Olivier, Gerald Sabin, Jan Prins, P. Sadayappan, Chau-Wen Tseng:
A message passing benchmark for unbalanced applications.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Peng Chen, Lingda Wu:
3D representation of Radar coverage in complicated environment.
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- Chin-Kun Teng, Chao-Yin Hsiao, Chung-Shing Wang:
Effects of an absorber on impact characteristics in machine cushion design with area ratio modified guiding structure.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Yang Han, Muhammad Mansoor Khan, Gang Yao, Lidan Zhou, Chen Chen:
A novel harmonic-free power factor corrector based on T-type APF with adaptive linear neural network (ADALINE) control.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Zhixin Miao, Lingling Fan:
The art of modeling and simulation of induction generator in wind generation applications using high-order model.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- A. Kapun, M. Curkovic, A. Hace, K. Jezernik:
Identifying dynamic model parameters of a BLDC motor.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Gabriel A. Wainer, Rami Madhoun, Khaldoon Al-Zoubi:
Distributed simulation of DEVS and Cell-DEVS models in CD++ using Web-Services.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Sarbast M. Rasheed, Daniel W. Stashuk, Mohamed Kamel:
An interactive environment for motor unit potential classification using certainty-based classifiers.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Ken-ichi Matsumoto:
Evaluation of an artificial market approach for GHG emissions trading analysis.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- A. Mezouar, M. K. Fellah, S. Hadjeri:
Adaptive sliding-mode-observer for sensorless induction motor drive using two-time-scale approach.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Pushparaj Mani Pathak, R. Prasanth Kumar, Amalendu Mukherjee, Anirvan Dasgupta:
A scheme for robust trajectory control of space robots.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Linghai Lu, David James Murray-Smith, D. G. Thomson:
Issues of numerical accuracy and stability in inverse simulation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- M. Isabel Reis dos Santos, Pedro M. Reis dos Santos:
Sequential experimental designs for nonlinear regression metamodels in simulation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Li Yimin, Hua Jing:
Type-2 fuzzy mathematical modeling and analysis of the dynamical behaviors of complex ecosystems.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Wei-Tek Tsai, Xin Sun, Qian Huang, Helen D. Karatza:
An ontology-based collaborative service-oriented simulation framework with Microsoft Robotics Studio®.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Ameya Shendarkar, Karthik Vasudevan, Seungho Lee, Young-Jun Son:
Crowd simulation for emergency response using BDI agents based on immersive virtual reality.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- S. Suryanarayanan, G. T. Heydt, R. Ayyanar, J. D. Blevins, S. W. Anderson:
Simulation based considerations in placement of capacitors near a dynamic voltage restorer.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Francisco Pérez, Juan de Lara, Luis Conde, Manuel Alfonseca, Luis Galán, David Raboso:
CEST and MEST: Tools for the simulation of radio frequency electric discharges in waveguides.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Tobias Paul, Thomas R. Krogstad, Jan Tommy Gravdahl:
Modelling of UAV formation flight using 3D potential field.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Malte Schwoon:
Learning by doing, learning spillovers and the diffusion of fuel cell vehicles.
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- Serhan Yamaçli, Hüseyin Canbolat:
Simulation of a SCARA robot with PD and learning controllers.
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- István Juhos, László Makra, Balázs Tóth:
Forecasting of traffic origin NO and NO2 concentrations by Support Vector Machines and neural networks using Principal Component Analysis.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- M. Sahraoui, A. Ghoggal, S. E. Zouzou, M. E. Benbouzid:
Dynamic eccentricity in squirrel cage induction motors - Simulation and analytical study of its spectral signatures on stator currents.
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- Zhang Lei, Jiang Hongzhou, Li Hongren:
Object-oriented landing gear model in a PC-based flight simulator.
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Volume 16,
Number 10,
November 2008
- Achim Sydow:
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- R. San José, Juan L. Pérez, José L. Morant, Rosa M. González:
European operational air quality forecasting system by using MM5-CMAQ-EMIMO tool.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- H. Boisgontier, V. Mallet, Jean-Paul Berroir, M. Bocquet, Isabelle Herlin, Bruno Sportisse:
Satellite data assimilation for air quality forecast.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Simon C. Lambert, Julian R. Gallop, Maurice Dixon:
Grids in control of anaerobic wastewater treatment plants: Leveraging the knowledge.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Ikno Kim, Junzo Watada, Witold Pedrycz:
A DNA-based algorithm for arranging weighted cliques.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Jiang Wu, Bin Hu, Jinlong Zhang, Da Fang:
Multi-agent simulation of group behavior in E-Government policy decision.
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- Jian-Gang Zhang, Jian-Ning Yu, Yan-Dong Chu, Xian-Feng Li, Ying-Xiang Chang:
Bifurcation and chaos of a non-autonomous rotational machine systems.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Fenghui Wang, Ming Yang, Ruqing Yang:
Simulation of Multi-Agent based Cybernetic Transportation System.
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- Preetam Ghosh, Samik Ghosh, Kalyan Basu, Sajal K. Das:
Holding time estimation for reactions in stochastic event-based simulation of complex biological systems.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Liliana Zashkova:
Mathematical modelling of the heat behaviour in the ceramic chamber furnaces at different temperature baking curves.
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- Nicolas Gaud, Stéphane Galland, Franck Gechter, Vincent Hilaire, Abderrafiaa Koukam:
Holonic multilevel simulation of complex systems: Application to real-time pedestrians simulation in virtual urban environment.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- R. Jalili Saffar, M. R. Razfar, O. Zarei, E. Ghassemieh:
Simulation of three-dimension cutting force and tool deflection in the end milling operation based on finite element method.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Christer Karlsson, Jaime Arriagada, Magnus Genrup:
Detection and interactive isolation of faults in steam turbines to support maintenance decisions.
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- B. Umesh Rai, L. Umanand:
Bond graph model of doubly fed three phase induction motor using the Axis Rotator element for frame transformation.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- Enrique López Droguett, Márcio das Chagas Moura, Carlos Magno Jacinto, Manoel Feliciano Silva Jr.:
A semi-Markov model with Bayesian belief network based human error probability for availability assessment of downhole optical monitoring systems.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
- A. G. Olabi, A. Grunwald:
Computation of magnetic field in an actuator.
Electronic Edition (link) BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:22:02 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)