
Gordon I. McCalla

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57EEBen K. Daniel, Gordon I. McCalla, Richard A. Schwier: Social Network Analysis techniques: implications for information and knowledge sharing in virtual learning communities. IJAMC 2(1): 20-34 (2008)
56EEPinata Winoto, Gordon I. McCalla, Julita Vassileva: Strategic delay in bargaining. AAMAS 2007: 23
55 Tiffany Ya Tang, Gordon I. McCalla: A Multi-Dimensional Paper Recommender. AIED 2007: 653-655
54EEBen K. Daniel, Gordon I. McCalla, Richard A. Schwier: Bayesian Belief Network Approach for Analysis of Intercultural Collaboration in Virtual Communities Using Social Capital Theory. IWIC 2007: 291-305
53EEJelena Jovanovic, Dragan Gasevic, Christopher A. Brooks, Colin Knight, Griff Richards, Gordon I. McCalla: Ontologies to Support Learning Design Context. EC-TEL 2006: 615-620
52EEChristopher A. Brooks, Scott Bateman, Gordon I. McCalla, Jim E. Greer: Applying the Agent Metaphor to Learning Content Management Systems and Learning Object Repositories. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 808-810
51 Chee-Kit Looi, Gordon I. McCalla, Bert Bredeweg, Joost Breuker: Artificial Intelligence in Education - Supporting Learning through Intelligent and Socially Informed Technology, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2005, July 18-22, 2005, Amsterdam, The Netherlands IOS Press 2005
50 Ben K. Daniel, Gordon I. McCalla, Richard A. Schwier: Mining Data and Modelling Social Capital in Virtual Learning Communities. AIED 2005: 200-208
49 Tiffany Ya Tang, Gordon I. McCalla: Paper Annotation with Learner Models. AIED 2005: 654-661
48EEPinata Winoto, Gordon I. McCalla, Julita Vassileva: Non-Monotonic-Offers Bargaining Protocol. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 11(1): 45-67 (2005)
47EEVive Kumar, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: Assisting online helpers. IJLT 1(3): 293-321 (2005)
46EEPinata Winoto, Gordon I. McCalla, Julita Vassileva: Non-Monotonic-Offers Bargaining Protocol. AAMAS 2004: 1072-1079
45EEOlayide Olorunleke, Gordon I. McCalla: Model Sharing in Multiagent Systems. AAMAS 2004: 1412-1413
44EETiffany Ya Tang, Gordon I. McCalla: Utilizing Artificial Learners to Help Overcome the Cold-Start Problem in a Pedagogically-Oriented Paper Recommendation System. AH 2004: 245-254
43EETiffany Ya Tang, Gordon I. McCalla: Evaluating a Smart Recommender for an Evolving E-learning System: A Simulation-Based Study. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 439-443
42EETiffany Ya Tang, Gordon I. McCalla: Laws of Attraction: In Search of Document Value-ness for Recommendation. ECDL 2004: 269-280
41 Tiffany Ya Tang, Gordon I. McCalla: On the Pedagogically Guided Paper Recommendation for an Evolving Web-Based Learning System. FLAIRS Conference 2004
40EEChristopher A. Brooks, Mike Winter, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: The Massive User Modelling System (MUMS). Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 635-645
39EETiffany Ya Tang, Gordon I. McCalla: Beyond Learners' Interest: Personalized Paper Recommendation Based on Their Pedagogical Features for an e-Learning System. PRICAI 2004: 301-310
38EEOlayide Olorunleke, Gordon I. McCalla: Overcoming agent delusion. AAMAS 2003: 1086-1087
37EEXiaolin Niu, Gordon I. McCalla, Julita Vassileva: Purpose-Based User Modelling in a Multi-agent Portfolio Management System. User Modeling 2003: 398-402
36EEJulita Vassileva, Gordon I. McCalla, Jim E. Greer: Multi-Agent Multi-User Modeling in I-Help. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 13(1-2): 179-210 (2003)
35 Tiffany Ya Tang, Gordon I. McCalla: Student Modeling for a Web-Based Learning Environment: A Data Mining Approach. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 967-968
34 Pinata Winoto, Gordon I. McCalla, Julita Vassileva: An Extended Alternating-Offers Bargaining Protocol for Automated Negotiation in Multi-Agent Systems. AAAI/IAAI 2002: 969-970
33EEPinata Winoto, Gordon I. McCalla, Julita Vassileva: An Extended Alternating-Offers Bargaining Protocol for Automated Negotiation in Multi-agent Systems. CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE 2002: 179-194
32 Ben K. Daniel, Gordon I. McCalla, Richard A. Schwier: A Process Model for Building Social Captical. ICCE 2002: 574-575
31EEGordon I. McCalla: Software engineering requires individual professionalism. Commun. ACM 45(11): 98-101 (2002)
30EEVive S. Kumar, Gordon I. McCalla, Jim E. Greer: Personalized Contexts in Help Systems. Canadian Conference on AI 2001: 162-171
29EEShawn Grant, Gordon I. McCalla: A Hybrid Approach to Making Recommendations and Its Application to the Movie Domain. Canadian Conference on AI 2001: 257-266
28EESusan Bull, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla, Lori Kettel, Jeff Bowes: User Modelling in I-Help: What, Why, When and How. User Modeling 2001: 117-126
27EEGordon I. McCalla: Life and Learning in the Electronic Village: The Importance of Localization for the Design of Environments to Support Learning. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 31-32
26EEGordon I. McCalla, Julita Vassileva, Jim E. Greer, Susan Bull: Active Learner Modelling. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 53-62
25EEJim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla, John Cooke, Jason A. Collins, Vive Kumar, Andrew Bishop, Julita Vassileva: The Intelligent Helpdesk: Supporting Peer-Help in a University Course. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 494-503
24EESrinivas Palthepu, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: Cliché Recognition in Legacy Software: A Scalable, Knowledge-Based Approach. WCRE 1997: 94-103
23 Gordon I. McCalla: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 11th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI '96, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 21-24, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1996
22EEDinesh Gadwal, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: Tutoring bishop-pawn endgames: An experiment in using knowledge-based chess as a domain for intelligent tutoring. Appl. Intell. 3(3): 207-224 (1993)
21 Claude Frasson, Gilles Gauthier, Gordon I. McCalla: Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Second International Conference, ITS '92, Montréal, Canada, June 10-12, 1992, Proceedings Springer 1992
20 Carl Gutwin, Gordon I. McCalla: Would I Lie to You? Modelling Misrepresentation and Context in Dialogue. ACL 1992: 152-158
19 Xueming Huang, Gordon I. McCalla: Instructional Planning Using Focus of Attention. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 443-450
18 Shawkat Bhuiyan, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: Learning Recursion Through the Use of a Mental Model-Based Programming Environment. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 50-57
17 Carl Gutwin, Gordon I. McCalla: The Use of Pedagogic Misrepresentation in Tutorial Dialogue. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 507-514
16 Maya Kurup, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: The Fawlty Article Tutor. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 84-91
15 Xueming Huang, Gordon I. McCalla, Eric Neufeld: Using Attention in Belief Revision. AAAI 1991: 275-280
14 Daniel Baril, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: Student Modelling with Confluences. AAAI 1991: 43-48
13 Dinesh Gadwal, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: UMRAO: A Chess Endgame Tutor. IJCAI 1991: 1081-1086
12 Xueming Huang, Gordon I. McCalla, Jim E. Greer, Eric Neufeld: Revising Deductive Knowledge and Stereotypical Knowledge in a Student Model. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 1(2): 87-115 (1991)
11 Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: A Computational Framework for Granularity and its Application to Educational Diagnosis. IJCAI 1989: 477-482
10 S. H. Bhuiyan, Jim E. Greer, Gordon I. McCalla: Mental Models of Recursion and Their Use in the SCENT Programming Advisor. KBCS 1989: 135-144
9 Nick Cercone, Gordon I. McCalla: Accessing Knowledge through Natural Language. Advances in Computers 25: 1-99 (1986)
8 Gordon I. McCalla, Richard B. Bunt, Janelle J. Harms: The design of the SCENT automated advisor. Computational Intelligence 2: 76-92 (1986)
7 Jugal K. Kalita, Marlene L. Jones, Gordon I. McCalla: Summarizing Natural Language Database Responses. Computational Linguistics 12(2): 107-124 (1986)
6 Darwyn R. Peachey, Gordon I. McCalla: Using Planning Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 24(1): 77-98 (1986)
5 Gordon I. McCalla, Nick Cercone: Artificial Intelligence in Canada: A Review. AI Magazine 5(4): 50-58 (1985)
4EEJugal K. Kalita, Marlene J. Colbourn, Gordon I. McCalla: A Response to the Need for Summary Responses. COLING 1984: 432-436
3 Gordon I. McCalla, Nick Cercone: Approaches to Knowledge Representation - Guest Editors' Introduction. IEEE Computer 16(10): 12-18 (1983)
2 Blake Ward, Gordon I. McCalla: Error Detection and Recovery in a Dynamic Planning Environment. AAAI 1982: 172-175
1 Gordon I. McCalla, Jeffrey R. Sampson: MUSE: A Model To Understand Simple English. Commun. ACM 15(1): 29-40 (1972)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel Baril [14]
2Scott Bateman [52]
3S. H. Bhuiyan [10]
4Shawkat Bhuiyan [18]
5Andrew Bishop [25]
6Jeff Bowes [28]
7Bert Bredeweg [51]
8Joost Breuker [51]
9Christopher A. Brooks [40] [52] [53]
10Susan Bull [26] [28]
11Richard B. Bunt [8]
12Nick Cercone [3] [5] [9]
13Marlene J. Colbourn [4]
14Jason A. Collins [25]
15John Cooke [25]
16Ben K. Daniel [32] [50] [54] [57]
17Claude Frasson [21]
18Dinesh Gadwal [13] [22]
19Dragan Gasevic [53]
20Gilles Gauthier [21]
21Shawn Grant [29]
22Jim E. Greer [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [18] [22] [24] [25] [26] [28] [30] [36] [40] [47] [52]
23Carl Gutwin [17] [20]
24Janelle J. Harms [8]
25Xueming Huang [12] [15] [19]
26Marlene L. Jones [7]
27Jelena Jovanovic [53]
28Jugal K. Kalita [4] [7]
29Lori Kettel [28]
30Colin Knight [53]
31Vive Kumar [25] [47]
32Vive S. Kumar [30]
33Maya Kurup [16]
34Chee-Kit Looi [51]
35Eric Neufeld [12] [15]
36Xiaolin Niu [37]
37Olayide Olorunleke [38] [45]
38Srinivas Palthepu [24]
39Darwyn R. Peachey [6]
40Griff Richards [53]
41Jeffrey R. Sampson [1]
42Richard A. Schwier [32] [50] [54] [57]
43Tiffany Ya Tang [35] [39] [41] [42] [43] [44] [49] [55]
44Julita Vassileva [25] [26] [33] [34] [36] [37] [46] [48] [56]
45Blake Ward [2]
46Pinata Winoto [33] [34] [46] [48] [56]
47Mike Winter [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)