Volume 2,
- Patrick Saint-Dizier:
Expression of syntactic and semantic features in logic-based grammars.
1-8 BibTeX
- Yves Lespérance:
Toward a computational interpretation of situation semantics.
9-27 BibTeX
- Fred Popowich:
Unrestricted gapping grammars.
28-53 BibTeX
- Per-Kristian Halvorsen:
Natural language understanding and Montague grammar.
54-62 BibTeX
- Marlene Jones:
AI approaches to education: editorial.
63-64 BibTeX
- Alan M. Hofmeister:
Formative evaluation in the development and validation of expert systems in edu cation.
65-67 BibTeX
- Janice I. Glasgow, Michael A. Jenkins, Laurie J. Hendren:
A programming language for learning environments.
68-75 BibTeX
- Gordon I. McCalla, Richard B. Bunt, Janelle J. Harms:
The design of the SCENT automated advisor.
76-92 BibTeX
- Ethel Schuster:
The role of native grammars in correcting errors in second language learning.
93-98 BibTeX
- Odile Paliès, Michel Caillot, Evelyne Cauzinille-Marmèche, Jean-Louis Laurière, Jaques Mathieu:
Student modelling by a knowledge-based system.
99-107 BibTeX
- Donald R. Gentner:
COACH: A tutor based on active schemas.
108-116 BibTeX
- William S. Bergar, Arthur M. Farley, Garland Bayley:
Knowledge sources for an intelligent algebra tutor.
117-129 BibTeX
- Anita M. Flynn, John G. Harris:
Recognition algorithms for the connection machine.
131-135 BibTeX
- Leon Sterling, Marucha Lalee:
An explanation shell for expert systems.
136-141 BibTeX
- Alan M. Frisch:
Parsing with restricted quantification: an initial demonstration.
142-150 BibTeX
- Vasant Dhar:
Using knowledge generated in heuristic search for nonchronological backtracking.
151-158 BibTeX
- Tomek Strzalkowski, Nick Cercone:
A framework for computing extrasentential references.
159-179 BibTeX
- Donald Perlis:
On the consistency of commonsense reasoning.
180-190 BibTeX
- Malcolm Bersohn:
Learning rules for graph transformations by induction from examples.
191-195 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:52:37 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)