
Eric Neufeld

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52EEMichael Janzen, Michael C. Horsch, Eric Neufeld: Camera selection using SCSPs. Future Play 2008: 252-253
51EEDavid Callele, Eric Neufeld, Kevin Schneider: Balancing Security Requirements and Emotional Requirements in Video Games. RE 2008: 319-320
50EEEric Neufeld, Michael C. Horsch: Bayesian Belief Networks. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
49EEDavid Callele, Eric Neufeld, Kevin Schneider: Emotional Requirements. IEEE Software 25(1): 43-45 (2008)
48EEMaryruth J. Lawrence, Mark G. Eramian, Roger A. Pierson, Eric Neufeld: Computer Assisted Detection of Polycystic Ovary Morphology in Ultrasound Images. CRV 2007: 105-112
47 Manon J. Sanscartier, Eric Neufeld: Identifying Hidden Variables from Context-Specific Independencies. FLAIRS Conference 2007: 472-
46EEEric Neufeld, Sonje Kristtorn: Does non-correlation imply non-causation? Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 46(2): 257-273 (2007)
45EEDavid Callele, Eric Neufeld, Kevin Schneider: Emotional Requirements in Video Games. RE 2006: 292-295
44EEEric Neufeld, Jeff Solheim, Sonje Kristtorn: Experiments in the Perception of Causality. Smart Graphics 2006: 36-49
43EEEric Neufeld, Sonje Kristtorn: On the Role of the Markov Condition in Causal Reasoning. Canadian Conference on AI 2005: 257-267
42EEManon J. Sanscartier, Eric Neufeld: Causality, Simpson's Paradox, and Context-Specific Independence. ECSQARU 2005: 233-243
41 Eric Neufeld, Sonje Kristtorn: Whether Non-Correlation Implies Non-Causation. FLAIRS Conference 2005: 772-777
40EEDavid Callele, Eric Neufeld, Kevin Schneider: Requirements Engineering and the Creative Process in the Video Game Industry. RE 2005: 240-252
39EEEric Neufeld, Sonje Kristtorn: Picturing Causality - The Serendipitous Semiotics of Causal Graphs. Smart Graphics 2005: 252-262
38EEDave Rudolf, David Mould, Eric Neufeld: A Bidirectional Deposition Model of Wax Crayons. Comput. Graph. Forum 24(1): 27-39 (2005)
37EERichard A. Baldwin, Eric Neufeld: The Structural Model Interpretation of the NESS Test. Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 292-307
36EERichard A. Baldwin, Eric Neufeld: The structural model interpretation of the NESS test. NMR 2004: 41-49
35EERichard A. Baldwin, Eric Neufeld: On the Structure Model Interpretation of Wright's NESS Test. Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 9-23
34 Eric Neufeld, Haruna Popoola, David Callele, David Mould: Mixed Initiative Interactive Edge Detection. Graphics Interface 2003: 177-184
33EEDave Rudolf, David Mould, Eric Neufeld: Simulating Wax Crayons. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2003: 163-
32EEEric Neufeld, David Callele, David Mould, Sonje Kristtorn, Raymond Rabu: A Contribution to the Theory and Practice of Cognitive Prostheses. Smart Graphics 2003: 241-250
31EEEric Neufeld: Clue as a Testbed for Automated Theorem Proving. Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 69-78
30 Mikelis Bickis, Eric Neufeld: A Variation on the Paradox of Two Envelopes. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 493-497
29EEJeff Bowes, Eric Neufeld, Jim E. Greer, John Cooke: A Comparison of Association Rule Discovery and Bayesian Network Causal Inference Algorithms to Discover Relationships in Discrete Data. Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 326-336
28 Ahmed Y. Tawfik, Eric Neufeld: Temporal Reasoning, Bayesian Networks. Computational Intelligence 16(3): 349-377 (2000)
27EESimon Parsons, Eric Neufeld: Introduction: Hybrid Probabilistic Systems. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 8(2): 121-126 (2000)
26 Ahmed Y. Tawfik, Eric Neufeld: Changing times: a causal theory of probabilistic temporal reasoning. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 11(1): 3-21 (1999)
25 Robert E. Mercer, Eric Neufeld: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 12th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI '98, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 18-20, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
24EEAhmed Y. Tawfik, Eric Neufeld: Model-based diagnosis: A probabilistic extension. Applications of Uncertainty Formalisms 1998: 379-396
23 Eric Neufeld, Anthony J. Kusalik, Michael Dobrohoczki: Visual Metaphors fro Understanding Logic Program Execution. Graphics Interface 1997: 114-120
22 Anthony J. Kusalik, Eric Neufeld: Resolving Color Conflicts During Color Unification. LPE 1997: 22-32
21EEAhmed Y. Tawfik, Eric Neufeld: Bidirectional Inference in Probabilistic Temporal Reasoning. TIME 1997: 31-37
20 Michael Dobrohoczki, Anthony J. Kusalik, Eric Neufeld: Colour Tagging for Prolog Visualization (Poster Abstract). JICSLP 1996: 548
19 Ahmed Y. Tawfik, Eric Neufeld: Irrelevance in Uncertain Temporal Reasoning. TIME 1996
18 Eric Neufeld: Simpson's Paradox in Artificial Intelligence and in Real Life. Computational Intelligence 11: 1-10 (1995)
17EEScott D. Goodwin, Howard J. Hamilton, Eric Neufeld, Abdul Sattar, André Trudel: Belief Revision in a Discrete Temporal Probability-Logic. TIME 1994: 113-120
16EEScott D. Goodwin, Eric Neufeld, André Trudel: The Persistence of Statistical Information. TIME 1994: 48-53
15EEAhmed Y. Tawfik, Eric Neufeld: Temporal Bayesian Networks. TIME 1994: 85-92
14EEGreg Adams, Beth Millar, Eric Neufeld, Tim Philip: Ending-based Strategies for Part-of-Speech Tagging. UAI 1994: 1-7
13 Eric Neufeld: Guest Editor's Introduction: Here's the AI. Computational Intelligence 10: 1-2 (1994)
12 Xueming Huang, Gordon I. McCalla, Eric Neufeld: Using Attention in Belief Revision. AAAI 1991: 275-280
11 Scott D. Goodwin, Eric Neufeld, André Trudel: Probabilistic Regions of Persistence. ECSQARU 1991: 182-189
10 Eric Neufeld: The Abnormality Predicate. ISMVL 1991: 218-224
9 Eric Neufeld: Notes on ``A Clash of Intuitions''. Artif. Intell. 48(2): 225-240 (1991)
8 Xueming Huang, Gordon I. McCalla, Jim E. Greer, Eric Neufeld: Revising Deductive Knowledge and Stereotypical Knowledge in a Student Model. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 1(2): 87-115 (1991)
7 Eric Neufeld: Choosing reference classes and building provisional models. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 2: 277-290 (1990)
6 Eric Neufeld: Defaults and Probabilities; Extensions and Coherence. KR 1989: 312-323
5EEEric Neufeld, J. D. Horton: Conditioning on Disjunctive Knowledge: Simpson's Paradox in Default Logic. UAI 1989: 117-128
4EEEric Neufeld, David Poole, Romas Aleliunas: Probabilsitic semantics and defaults. UAI 1988: 121-132
3 Eric Neufeld, David Poole: Combining logic and probability. Computational Intelligence 4: 98-99 (1988)
2 Eric Neufeld, David Poole: Towards solving the multiple extension problem: Combining defaults and probabilities. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 2(3): 340-341 (1988)
1EEEric Neufeld, David Poole: Towards Solving the Multiple Extension Problem: Combining Defaults and Probability. UAI 1987: 35-44

Coauthor Index

1Greg Adams [14]
2Romas Aleliunas [4]
3Richard A. Baldwin [35] [36] [37]
4Mikelis Bickis [30]
5Jeff Bowes [29]
6David Callele [32] [34] [40] [45] [49] [51]
7John Cooke [29]
8Michael Dobrohoczki [20] [23]
9Mark G. Eramian [48]
10Scott D. Goodwin [11] [16] [17]
11Jim E. Greer [8] [29]
12Howard J. Hamilton [17]
13Michael C. Horsch [50] [52]
14J. D. Horton [5]
15Xueming Huang [8] [12]
16Michael Janzen [52]
17Sonje Kristtorn [32] [39] [41] [43] [44] [46]
18Anthony J. Kusalik [20] [22] [23]
19Maryruth J. Lawrence [48]
20Gordon I. McCalla [8] [12]
21Robert E. Mercer [25]
22Beth Millar [14]
23David Mould [32] [33] [34] [38]
24Simon Parsons [27]
25Tim Philip [14]
26Roger A. Pierson [48]
27David Poole [1] [2] [3] [4]
28Haruna Popoola [34]
29Raymond Rabu [32]
30Dave Rudolf [33] [38]
31Manon J. Sanscartier [42] [47]
32Abdul Sattar [17]
33Kevin Schneider [40] [45] [49] [51]
34Jeff Solheim [44]
35Ahmed Y. Tawfik [15] [19] [21] [24] [26] [28]
36André Trudel [11] [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)