
Darwyn R. Peachey

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5EEDarwyn R. Peachey: Modeling waves and surf. SIGGRAPH 1986: 65-74
4 Darwyn R. Peachey, Gordon I. McCalla: Using Planning Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 24(1): 77-98 (1986)
3EEDarwyn R. Peachey: Solid texturing of complex surfaces. SIGGRAPH 1985: 279-286
2 Darwyn R. Peachey, Carey L. Williamson, Richard B. Bunt: Taming the Unix Scheduler. Int. CMG Conference 1984: 332-336
1 Darwyn R. Peachey, Richard B. Bunt, Carey L. Williamson, Tim Brecht: An Experimental Investigation of Scheduling Strategies for UNIX. SIGMETRICS 1984: 158-166

Coauthor Index

1Tim Brecht [1]
2Richard B. Bunt [1] [2]
3Gordon I. McCalla [4]
4Carey L. Williamson [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)