
Jerry Martin

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19EEJerry Martin: Working and training from home. SIGUCCS 2007: 227-229
18EEJerry Martin: What does faculty really want from information technology? SIGUCCS 2001: 247-248
17 Debbie Durant, Jerry Martin, Henry Moeller, Jim Osborn, Virginia Redmond, Court Sansom: Slowing Down the Revolving Door: Motivating and Retaining Student Employees. SIGUCCS 2000: 79
16EEJerry Martin: Training Help Desk Students: The Never Ending Task. SIGUCCS 1999: 153-159
15EEJerry Martin: Seamless Integration of Client Server Applications - Conclusion or How Many SIGUCCS Papers Can You Get From One Project? SIGUCCS 1998: 173-175
14EEJerry Martin: Help desk training: art, science, or prayer. SIGUCCS 1997: 223-227
13EEJerry Martin: Are we ready for distance education? SIGUCCS 1997: 229-232
12EEJerry Martin: Desktop videoconferencing - first steps. SIGUCCS 1996: 101-104
11EEJerry Martin: Moving to a total client server operation. SIGUCCS 1996: 105-108
10EEJerry Martin: Seamless integration of client server applications. SIGUCCS 1995: 197-200
9EEJerry Martin: A solution to the campus parking problem. SIGUCCS 1994: 31-33
8EEJerry Martin: There's gold in them thar networks! or searching for treasure in all the wrong places. SIGUCCS 1993: 130-149
7EESusan Calcari, Priscilla Huston, Jan Eveleth, Linda J. Hutchison, Jerry Martin: Network information centers (NICs): is there one on your horizon? SIGUCCS 1993: 34-44
6EEJerry Martin: There's gold in them thar networks!: or searching for treasure in all the wrong places. SIGUCCS 1992: 141-157
5EEJerry Martin: Network client server applications on the network. SIGUCCS 1992: 159-162
4EEJerry Martin: There's gold in them thar networks! or searching for treasure in all wrong places. SIGUCCS 1991: 219-227
3EEJerry Martin: Managing the network. SIGUCCS 1990: 241-244
2EEJerry Martin: You have to run faster just to stay in the same place. SIGUCCS 1987: 325-328
1EEJerry Martin: Providing learning alternatives. SIGUCCS 1987: 413-415

Coauthor Index

1Susan Calcari [7]
2Debbie Durant [17]
3Jan Eveleth [7]
4Priscilla Huston [7]
5Linda J. Hutchison [7]
6Henry Moeller [17]
7Jim Osborn [17]
8Virginia Redmond [17]
9Court Sansom [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)