
Bruno Marhic

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10 Benjamin Allart, Bruno Marhic, Laurent Delahoche, Olivier Rémy-Néris, Anne-Marie Jolly-Desodt: Omnidirectional Vision Tacking System Based on Kalman Filtering and Omnicamshift. BIODEVICES (2) 2008: 9-16
9EEAnthony Remazeilles, Christophe Leroux, Gerard Chalubert, Laurent Delahoche, Bruno Marhic, Isabelle Laffont, Nicolas Biard: Automatic grasping task with a catadioptric sensor for disabled people. ICARCV 2008: 2066-2071
8EEVincent Ricquebourg, David Durand, David Menga, Laurent Delahoche, Bruno Marhic, Christophe Logé, Anne-Marie Jolly-Desodt: La fusion multi-capteurs dans l'habitat communicant: une approche non-probabiliste. UbiMob 2008: 9-16
7EEArnaud Clerentin, Mélanie Delafosse, Laurent Delahoche, Bruno Marhic, Anne-Marie Jolly-Desodt: Uncertainty and imprecision modeling for the mobile robot localization problem. Auton. Robots 24(3): 267-283 (2008)
6EEVincent Ricquebourg, David Durand, David Menga, Bruno Marhic, Laurent Delahoche, Christophe Logé, Anne-Marie Jolly-Desodt: Context Inferring in the Smart Home: An SWRL Approach. AINA Workshops (2) 2007: 290-295
5 Benjamin Allart, Bruno Marhic, Laurent Delahoche, Arnaud Clerentin, Olivier Rémy-Néris: Tracking a wheelchair with a mobile platform. ICINCO-ICSO 2007: 306-311
4EEArnaud Clerentin, Eric Brassart, Laurent Delahoche, Bruno Marhic, Sonia Izri: A Data Fusion Architecture for the Dynamic Follow-up of Vehicles. ICRA 2007: 3396-3401
3EESonia Izri, Eric Brassart, Laurent Delahoche, Bruno Marhic, Arnaud Clerentin: Detection of Vehicles in a Motorway Environment by Means of Telemetric and Visual Data. ICIAR (2) 2004: 471-480
2EECyril Drocourt, Laurent Delahoche, Eric Brassart, Bruno Marhic, Arnaud Clerentin: Incremental Construction of the Robot's Environmental Map Using Interval Analysis. COCOS 2003: 127-141
1 Cyril Drocourt, Laurent Delahoche, Bruno Marhic, Arnaud Clerentin: Simultaneous Localization and Map Construction Method using Omnidirectional Stereoscopic Information. ICRA 2002: 894-899

Coauthor Index

1Benjamin Allart [5] [10]
2Nicolas Biard [9]
3Eric Brassart [2] [3] [4]
4Gerard Chalubert [9]
5Arnaud Clerentin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
6Mélanie Delafosse [7]
7Laurent Delahoche [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
8Cyril Drocourt [1] [2]
9David Durand [6] [8]
10Sonia Izri [3] [4]
11Anne-Marie Jolly-Desodt [6] [7] [8] [10]
12Isabelle Laffont [9]
13Christophe Leroux [9]
14Christophe Logé [6] [8]
15David Menga [6] [8]
16Anthony Remazeilles [9]
17Olivier Rémy-Néris [5] [10]
18Vincent Ricquebourg [6] [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)