
Greg Humphreys

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22EEJiajun Zhu, Jonathan Z. Bakdash, David Koller, Thomas Banton, Dennis Proffitt, Greg Humphreys: Quantifying usability in secure graphics: assessing the user costs of protecting 3D content. APGV 2008: 91-96
21EEToshiya Hachisuka, Wojciech Jarosz, Richard Peter Weistroffer, Kevin Dale, Greg Humphreys, Matthias Zwicker, Henrik Wann Jensen: Multidimensional adaptive sampling and reconstruction for ray tracing. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(3): (2008)
20EEMichael Holroyd, Jason Lawrence, Greg Humphreys, Todd Zickler: A photometric approach for estimating normals and tangents. ACM Trans. Graph. 27(5): 133 (2008)
19EEKristen R. Walcott, Greg Humphreys, Sudhanva Gurumurthi: Dynamic prediction of architectural vulnerability from microarchitectural state. ISCA 2007: 516-527
18EEEwen Cheslack-Postava, Nolan Goodnight, Ren Ng, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Greg Humphreys: 4D compression and relighting with high-resolution light transport matrices. SI3D 2007: 81-88
17EEDavid P. Luebke, Greg Humphreys: How GPUs Work. IEEE Computer 40(2): 96-100 (2007)
16EEKevin Dale, Jeremy W. Sheaffer, Vinu Vijay Kumar, David P. Luebke, Greg Humphreys, Kevin Skadron: Applications of Small-Scale Reconfigurability to Graphics Processors. ARC 2006: 99-108
15EEDaniel Dunbar, Greg Humphreys: A spatial data structure for fast Poisson-disk sample generation. ACM Trans. Graph. 25(3): 503-508 (2006)
14EEDale Beermann, Tamara Munzner, Greg Humphreys: Scalable, Robust Visualization of Very Large Trees. EuroVis 2005: 37-44
13EENolan Goodnight, Rui Wang, Greg Humphreys: Computation on Programmable Graphics Hardware. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 25(5): 12-15 (2005)
12EENate Hoobler, Greg Humphreys, Maneesh Agrawala: Visualizing Competitive Behaviors in Multi-User Virtual Environments. IEEE Visualization 2004: 163-170
11EEMike Houston, Christopher Niederauer, Maneesh Agrawala, Greg Humphreys: Visualizing dynamic architectural environments. Commun. ACM 47(8): 54-59 (2004)
10EENolan Goodnight, Cliff Woolley, Gregory Lewin, David P. Luebke, Greg Humphreys: A multigrid solver for boundary value problems using programmable graphics hardware. Graphics Hardware 2003: 102-111
9 E. Wes Bethel, Greg Humphreys, Brian E. Paul, J. Dean Brederson: Sort-First, Distributed Memory Parallel Visualization and Rendering. IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2003: 41-50
8 Nolan Goodnight, Rui Wang, Cliff Woolley, Greg Humphreys: Interactive Time-Dependent Tone Mapping Using Programmable Graphics Hardware. Rendering Techniques 2003: 26-37
7EEChristopher Niederauer, Mike Houston, Maneesh Agrawala, Greg Humphreys: Non-invasive interactive visualization of dynamic architectural environments. SI3D 2003: 55-58
6EEChristopher Niederauer, Mike Houston, Maneesh Agrawala, Greg Humphreys: Non-invasive interactive visualization of dynamic architectural environments. ACM Trans. Graph. 22(3): 700 (2003)
5EEGreg Humphreys, Mike Houston, Ren Ng, Randall Frank, Sean Ahern, Peter D. Kirchner, James T. Klosowski: Chromium: a stream-processing framework for interactive rendering on clusters. SIGGRAPH 2002: 693-702
4EEGreg Humphreys, Mike Houston, Ren Ng, Randall Frank, Sean Ahern, Peter D. Kirchner, James T. Klosowski: Chromium: a stream-processing framework for interactive rendering on clusters. ACM Trans. Graph. 21(3): 693-702 (2002)
3EEGreg Humphreys, Matthew Eldridge, Ian Buck, Gordon Stoll, Matthew Everett, Pat Hanrahan: WireGL: a scalable graphics system for clusters. SIGGRAPH 2001: 129-140
2EEGreg Humphreys, Ian Buck, Matthew Eldridge, Pat Hanrahan: Distributed Rendering for Scalable Displays. SC 2000
1 Greg Humphreys, Pat Hanrahan: A Distributed Graphics System for Large Tiled Displays. IEEE Visualization 1999: 215-223

Coauthor Index

1Maneesh Agrawala [6] [7] [11] [12]
2Sean Ahern [4] [5]
3Jonathan Z. Bakdash [22]
4Thomas Banton [22]
5Dale Beermann [14]
6E. Wes Bethel (Wes Bethel) [9]
7J. Dean Brederson [9]
8Ian Buck [2] [3]
9Ewen Cheslack-Postava [18]
10Kevin Dale [16] [21]
11Daniel Dunbar [15]
12Matthew Eldridge [2] [3]
13Matthew Everett [3]
14Randall Frank [4] [5]
15Nolan Goodnight [8] [10] [13] [18]
16Sudhanva Gurumurthi [19]
17Toshiya Hachisuka [21]
18Pat Hanrahan [1] [2] [3]
19Michael Holroyd [20]
20Nate Hoobler [12]
21Mike Houston [4] [5] [6] [7] [11]
22Wojciech Jarosz [21]
23Henrik Wann Jensen [21]
24Peter D. Kirchner [4] [5]
25James T. Klosowski [4] [5]
26David Koller [22]
27Vinu Vijay Kumar [16]
28Jason Lawrence [20]
29Gregory Lewin [10]
30David P. Luebke [10] [16] [17]
31Tamara Munzner [14]
32Ren Ng [4] [5] [18]
33Christopher Niederauer [6] [7] [11]
34Brian E. Paul [9]
35Dennis Proffitt [22]
36Ravi Ramamoorthi [18]
37Jeremy W. Sheaffer [16]
38Kevin Skadron [16]
39Gordon Stoll [3]
40Kristen R. Walcott [19]
41Rui Wang [8] [13]
42Richard Peter Weistroffer [21]
43Cliff Woolley [8] [10]
44Jiajun Zhu [22]
45Todd Zickler [20]
46Matthias Zwicker [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)