
Leonid A. Levin

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39 Gene Itkis, Leonid A. Levin: Simple self-organizing networks. CSP 2008: 167-168
38EELeonid A. Levin: The Grace of Quadratic Norms: Some Examples. Pillars of Computer Science 2008: 457-459
37EEGene Itkis, Leonid A. Levin: Flat Holonomies on Automata Networks. STACS 2006: 23-49
36EELeonid A. Levin: Self-stabilization of Circular Arrays of Automata CoRR abs/cs/0602033: (2006)
35EELeonid A. Levin: Notes for Miscellaneous Lectures CoRR abs/cs/0503039: (2005)
34EEGene Itkis, Leonid A. Levin: Flat Holonomies on Automata Networks CoRR abs/cs/0512077: (2005)
33EELeonid A. Levin: Aperiodic Tilings: Breaking Translational Symmetry. Comput. J. 48(6): 642-645 (2005)
32EEJeffrey Considine, Matthias Fitzi, Matthew K. Franklin, Leonid A. Levin, Ueli M. Maurer, David Metcalf: Byzantine Agreement Given Partial Broadcast. J. Cryptology 18(3): 191-217 (2005)
31EELeonid A. Levin: Aperiodic Tilings: Breaking Translational Symmetry CoRR cs.DM/0409024: (2004)
30EELeonid A. Levin: Forbidden Information. FOCS 2002: 761-
29EELeonid A. Levin: Forbidden Information CoRR cs.CC/0203029: (2002)
28EEBruno Durand, Leonid A. Levin, Alexander Shen: Complex tilings. STOC 2001: 732-739
27EEBruno Durand, Leonid A. Levin, Alexander Shen: Complex Tilings CoRR cs.CC/0107008: (2001)
26EELeonid A. Levin, Ramarathnam Venkatesan: An Average Case NP-complete Graph Problem CoRR cs.CC/0112001: (2001)
25EELeonid A. Levin: The Equity Tax and Shelter CoRR cs.CE/0012013: (2000)
24EELeonid A. Levin: The Tale of One-way Functions CoRR cs.CR/0012023: (2000)
23EEJeffrey Considine, Leonid A. Levin, David Metcalf: Byzantine Agreement with Faulty Majority using Bounded Broadcast CoRR cs.DC/0012024: (2000)
22EELeonid A. Levin: Self-stabilization of circular arrays of automata. Theor. Comput. Sci. 235(1): 143-144 (2000)
21 Leonid A. Levin: Robust Measures of Information. Comput. J. 42(4): 284-286 (1999)
20 Johan Håstad, Russell Impagliazzo, Leonid A. Levin, Michael Luby: A Pseudorandom Generator from any One-way Function. SIAM J. Comput. 28(4): 1364-1396 (1999)
19EELeonid A. Levin: Computational Complexity of Functions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 157(2): 267-271 (1996)
18EEOded Goldreich, Leonid A. Levin, Noam Nisan: On Constructing 1-1 One-Way Functions Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(29): (1995)
17 Gene Itkis, Leonid A. Levin: Fast and Lean Self-Stabilizing Asynchronous Protocols FOCS 1994: 226-239
16 László Babai, Lance Fortnow, Leonid A. Levin, Mario Szegedy: Checking Computations in Polylogarithmic Time STOC 1991: 21-31
15EEShafi Goldwasser, Leonid A. Levin: Fair Computation of General Functions in Presence of Immoral Majority. CRYPTO 1990: 77-93
14 Oded Goldreich, Russell Impagliazzo, Leonid A. Levin, Ramarathnam Venkatesan, David Zuckerman: Security Preserving Amplification of Hardness FOCS 1990: 318-326
13 Russell Impagliazzo, Leonid A. Levin: No Better Ways to Generate Hard NP Instances than Picking Uniformly at Random FOCS 1990: 812-821
12 Gene Itkis, Leonid A. Levin: Power of Fast VLSI Models Is Insensitive to Wires' Thinness FOCS 1989: 402-407
11 Russell Impagliazzo, Leonid A. Levin, Michael Luby: Pseudo-random Generation from one-way functions (Extended Abstracts) STOC 1989: 12-24
10 Oded Goldreich, Leonid A. Levin: A Hard-Core Predicate for all One-Way Functions STOC 1989: 25-32
9 Leonid A. Levin: Homogeneous Measures and Polynomial Time Invariants FOCS 1988: 36-41
8 Ramarathnam Venkatesan, Leonid A. Levin: Random Instances of a Graph Coloring Problem Are Hard STOC 1988: 217-222
7 Leonid A. Levin: One-way functions and pseudorandom generators. Combinatorica 7(4): 357-363 (1987)
6 Leonid A. Levin: Average Case Complete Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 15(1): 285-286 (1986)
5 Leonid A. Levin: One-Way Functions and Pseudorandom Generators STOC 1985: 363-365
4 Leonid A. Levin: Problems, Complete in ``Average'' Instance STOC 1984: 465
3 Leonid A. Levin: Randomness Conservation Inequalities; Information and Independence in Mathematical Theories Information and Control 61(1): 15-37 (1984)
2 Boris Yamnitsky, Leonid A. Levin: An Old Linear Programming Algorithm Runs in Polynomial Time FOCS 1982: 327-328
1 Leonid A. Levin, V. V. V'jugin: Invariant Properties of Informational Bulks. MFCS 1977: 359-364

Coauthor Index

1László Babai [16]
2Jeffrey Considine [23] [32]
3Bruno Durand [27] [28]
4Matthias Fitzi [32]
5Lance Fortnow [16]
6Matthew K. Franklin [32]
7Oded Goldreich [10] [14] [18]
8Shafi Goldwasser [15]
9Johan Håstad [20]
10Russell Impagliazzo [11] [13] [14] [20]
11Gene Itkis [12] [17] [34] [37] [39]
12Michael Luby [11] [20]
13Ueli M. Maurer [32]
14David Metcalf [23] [32]
15Noam Nisan [18]
16Alexander Shen [27] [28]
17Mario Szegedy [16]
18V. V. V'jugin [1]
19Ramarathnam Venkatesan [8] [14] [26]
20Boris Yamnitsky [2]
21David Zuckerman [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)