
Serge A. Plotkin

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65EEAdam Meyerson, Kamesh Munagala, Serge A. Plotkin: Cost-Distance: Two Metric Network Design. SIAM J. Comput. 38(4): 1648-1659 (2008)
64EEAshish Goel, Adam Meyerson, Serge A. Plotkin: Approximate majorization and fair online load balancing. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 1(2): 338-349 (2005)
63EEAshish Goel, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Serge A. Plotkin: An online throughput-competitive algorithm for multicast routing and admission control. J. Algorithms 55(1): 1-20 (2005)
62EEZoë Abrams, Robert McGrew, Serge A. Plotkin: A non-manipulable trust system based on EigenTrust. SIGecom Exchanges 5(4): 21-30 (2005)
61EEZoë Abrams, Ashish Goel, Serge A. Plotkin: Set k-cover algorithms for energy efficient monitoring in wireless sensor networks. IPSN 2004: 424-432
60EEAdam Meyerson, Liadan O'Callaghan, Serge A. Plotkin: A k-Median Algorithm with Running Time Independent of Data Size. Machine Learning 56(1-3): 61-87 (2004)
59EEZoë Abrams, Ashish Goel, Serge A. Plotkin: Set K-Cover Algorithms for Energy Efficient Monitoring in Wireless Sensor Networks CoRR cs.DS/0311030: (2003)
58EEAshish Goel, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Scheduling data transfers in a network and the set scheduling problem. J. Algorithms 48(2): 314-332 (2003)
57 Adam Meyerson, Kamesh Munagala, Serge A. Plotkin: Designing Networks Incrementally. FOCS 2001: 406-415
56EEAdam Meyerson, Kamesh Munagala, Serge A. Plotkin: Web caching using access statistics. SODA 2001: 354-363
55EEAshish Goel, Adam Meyerson, Serge A. Plotkin: Approximate majorization and fair online load balancing. SODA 2001: 384-390
54EEAshish Goel, Adam Meyerson, Serge A. Plotkin: Distributed admission control, scheduling, and routing with stale information. SODA 2001: 611-619
53 Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Serge A. Plotkin, Orli Waarts: Competitive Routing of Virtual Circuits with Unknown Duration. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 62(3): 385-397 (2001)
52 Ashish Goel, Adam Meyerson, Serge A. Plotkin: Combining Fairness with Throughput: Online Routing with Multiple Objectives. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 63(1): 62-79 (2001)
51 Adam Meyerson, Kamesh Munagala, Serge A. Plotkin: Cost-Distance: Two Metric Network Design. FOCS 2000: 624-630
50EEAshish Goel, Adam Meyerson, Serge A. Plotkin: Combining fairness with throughput: online routing with multiple objectives. STOC 2000: 670-679
49EETomás Feder, Nimrod Megiddo, Serge A. Plotkin: A sublinear parallel algorithm for stable matching. Theor. Comput. Sci. 233(1-2): 297-308 (2000)
48EEAshish Goel, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Scheduling Data Transfers in a Network and the Set Scheduling Problem. STOC 1999: 189-197
47 Cynthia Dwork, Maurice Herlihy, Serge A. Plotkin, Orli Waarts: Time-Lapse Snapshots. SIAM J. Comput. 28(5): 1848-1874 (1999)
46EEMoses Charikar, Chandra Chekuri, Ashish Goel, Sudipto Guha, Serge A. Plotkin: Approximating a Finite Metric by a Small Number of Tree Metrics. FOCS 1998: 379-388
45EEAndrew V. Goldberg, Jeffrey D. Oldham, Serge A. Plotkin, Clifford Stein: An Implementation of a Combinatorial Approximation Algorithm for Minimum-Cost Multicommodity Flow. IPCO 1998: 338-352
44 Ashish Goel, Monika Rauch Henzinger, Serge A. Plotkin: Online Throughput-Competitive Algorithm for Multicast Routing and Admission Control. SODA 1998: 97-106
43 Anil Kamath, Omri Palmon, Serge A. Plotkin: Routing and Admission Control in General Topology Networks with Poisson Arrivals. J. Algorithms 27(2): 236-258 (1998)
42EEYuan Ma, Serge A. Plotkin: An Improved Lower Bound for Load Balancing of Tasks with Unknown Duration. Inf. Process. Lett. 62(6): 301-303 (1997)
41EEJames Aspnes, Yossi Azar, Amos Fiat, Serge A. Plotkin, Orli Waarts: On-line routing of virtual circuits with applications to load balancing and machine scheduling. J. ACM 44(3): 486-504 (1997)
40 Yossi Azar, Bala Kalyanasundaram, Serge A. Plotkin, Kirk Pruhs, Orli Waarts: On-Line Load Balancing of Temporary Tasks. J. Algorithms 22(1): 93-110 (1997)
39 Philip N. Klein, Serge A. Plotkin, Satish Rao, Éva Tardos: Approximation Algorithms for Steiner and Directed Multicuts. J. Algorithms 22(2): 241-269 (1997)
38 Anil Kamath, Omri Palmon, Serge A. Plotkin: Routing and Admission Control in General Topology Networks with Poisson Arrivals. SODA 1996: 269-278
37EEYehuda Afek, Baruch Awerbuch, Serge A. Plotkin, Michael E. Saks: Local Management of a Global Resource in a Communication Network. J. ACM 43(1): 1-19 (1996)
36 Anil Kamath, Omri Palmon, Serge A. Plotkin: Fast Approximation Algorithm for Minimum Cost Multicommodity Flow. SODA 1995: 493-501
35EEDavid R. Karger, Serge A. Plotkin: Adding multiple cost constraints to combinatorial optimization problems, with applications to multicommodity flows. STOC 1995: 18-25
34 Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Improved Bounds on the Max-Flow Min-Cut Ratio for Multicommodity Flows. Combinatorica 15(3): 425-434 (1995)
33 Serge A. Plotkin: Competitive Routing of Virtual Circuits in ATM Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13(6): 1128-1136 (1995)
32 Frank Thomson Leighton, Fillia Makedon, Serge A. Plotkin, Clifford Stein, Éva Stein, Spyros Tragoudas: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Multicommodity Flow Problems. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 50(2): 228-243 (1995)
31 Michel X. Goemans, Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, David B. Shmoys, Éva Tardos, David P. Williamson: Improved Approximation Algorithms for Network Design Problems. SODA 1994: 223-232
30 Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Serge A. Plotkin, Orli Waarts: Competitive Routing of Virtual Circuits with Unknown Duration. SODA 1994: 321-327
29 Serge A. Plotkin, Satish Rao, Warren D. Smith: Shallow Excluded Minors and Improved Graph Decompositions. SODA 1994: 462-470
28 Tomás Feder, Nimrod Megiddo, Serge A. Plotkin: A Sublinear Parallel Algorithm for Stable Matching. SODA 1994: 632-637
27 Andrew V. Goldberg, Bruce M. Maggs, Serge A. Plotkin: A Parallel Algorithm for Reconfiguring a Multibutterfly Network with Faulty Switches. IEEE Trans. Computers 43(3): 321-326 (1994)
26 Philip N. Klein, Serge A. Plotkin, Clifford Stein, Éva Tardos: Faster Approximation Algorithms for the Unit Capacity Concurrent Flow Problem with Applications to Routing and Finding Sparse Cuts. SIAM J. Comput. 23(3): 466-487 (1994)
25 Baruch Awerbuch, Yossi Azar, Serge A. Plotkin: Throughput-Competitive On-Line Routing FOCS 1993: 32-40
24EEJames Aspnes, Yossi Azar, Amos Fiat, Serge A. Plotkin, Orli Waarts: On-line load balancing with applications to machine scheduling and virtual circuit routing. STOC 1993: 623-631
23EEPhilip N. Klein, Serge A. Plotkin, Satish Rao: Excluded minors, network decomposition, and multicommodity flow. STOC 1993: 682-690
22EESerge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Improved bounds on the max-flow min-cut ratio for multicommodity flows. STOC 1993: 691-697
21 Yossi Azar, Bala Kalyanasundaram, Serge A. Plotkin, Kirk Pruhs, Orli Waarts: Online Load Balancing of Temporary Tasks. WADS 1993: 119-130
20 Ted Fischer, Andrew V. Goldberg, David J. Haglin, Serge A. Plotkin: Approximating Matchings in Parallel. Inf. Process. Lett. 46(3): 115-118 (1993)
19 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Pravin M. Vaidya: Sublinear-Time Parallel Algorithms for Matching and Related Problems. J. Algorithms 14(2): 180-213 (1993)
18 James B. Orlin, Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Polynomial dual network simplex algorithms. Math. Program. 60: 255-276 (1993)
17 Cynthia Dwork, Maurice Herlihy, Serge A. Plotkin, Orli Waarts: Time-Lapse Snapshots. ISTCS 1992: 154-170
16 Carolyn Haibt Norton, Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Using Separation Algorithms in Fixed Dimension. J. Algorithms 13(1): 79-98 (1992)
15 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, David B. Shmoys, Éva Tardos: Using Interior-Point Methods for Fast Parallel Algorithms for Bipartite Matching and Related Problems. SIAM J. Comput. 21(1): 140-150 (1992)
14 Serge A. Plotkin, David B. Shmoys, Éva Tardos: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Fractional Packing and Covering Problems FOCS 1991: 495-504
13 Frank Thomson Leighton, Fillia Makedon, Serge A. Plotkin, Clifford Stein, Éva Tardos, Spyros Tragoudas: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Multicommodity Flow Problems STOC 1991: 101-111
12 Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Improved Dual Network Simplex. SODA 1990: 367-376
11 Carolyn Haibt Norton, Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Using Separation Algorithms in Fixed Dimension. SODA 1990: 377-387
10 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, David B. Shmoys, Éva Tardos: Interior-Point Methods in Parallel Computation FOCS 1989: 350-355
9 Baruch Awerbuch, Andrew V. Goldberg, Michael Luby, Serge A. Plotkin: Network Decomposition and Locality in Distributed Computation FOCS 1989: 364-369
8 Serge A. Plotkin: Sticky Bits and Universality of Consensus. PODC 1989: 159-175
7 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Pravin M. Vaidya: Sublinear-Time Parallel Algorithms for Matching and Related Problems FOCS 1988: 174-185
6 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Éva Tardos: Combinatorial Algorithms for the Generalized Circulation Problem FOCS 1988: 432-443
5 Bruce M. Maggs, Serge A. Plotkin: Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree as a Path-Finding Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 26(6): 291-293 (1988)
4 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Gregory E. Shannon: Parallel Symmetry-Breaking in Sparse Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(4): 434-446 (1988)
3 Yehuda Afek, Baruch Awerbuch, Serge A. Plotkin, Michael E. Saks: Local Management of a Global Resource in a Communication Network FOCS 1987: 347-357
2 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin, Gregory E. Shannon: Parallel Symmetry-Breaking in Sparse Graphs STOC 1987: 315-324
1 Andrew V. Goldberg, Serge A. Plotkin: Parallel ((Greek D)D+1)-Coloring of Constant-Degree Graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(4): 241-245 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Zoë Abrams [59] [61] [62]
2Yehuda Afek [3] [37]
3James Aspnes [24] [41]
4Baruch Awerbuch [3] [9] [25] [30] [37] [53]
5Yossi Azar [21] [24] [25] [30] [40] [41] [53]
6Moses Charikar [46]
7Chandra Chekuri [46]
8Cynthia Dwork [17] [47]
9Tomás Feder [28] [49]
10Amos Fiat [24] [41]
11Ted Fischer [20]
12Ashish Goel [44] [46] [48] [50] [52] [54] [55] [58] [59] [61] [63] [64]
13Michel X. Goemans [31]
14Andrew V. Goldberg [1] [2] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [15] [19] [20] [27] [31] [45]
15Sudipto Guha [46]
16David J. Haglin [20]
17Monika Rauch Henzinger (Monika Rauch) [44] [48] [58] [63]
18Maurice Herlihy [17] [47]
19Bala Kalyanasundaram [21] [40]
20Anil Kamath [36] [38] [43]
21David R. Karger [35]
22Philip N. Klein [23] [26] [39]
23Frank Thomson Leighton (Tom Leighton) [13] [32]
24Michael Luby [9]
25Yuan Ma [42]
26Bruce M. Maggs [5] [27]
27Fillia Makedon [13] [32]
28Robert McGrew [62]
29Nimrod Megiddo [28] [49]
30Adam Meyerson [50] [51] [52] [54] [55] [56] [57] [60] [64] [65]
31Kamesh Munagala [51] [56] [57] [65]
32Carolyn Haibt Norton [11] [16]
33Liadan O'Callaghan [60]
34Jeffrey D. Oldham [45]
35James B. Orlin [18]
36Omri Palmon [36] [38] [43]
37Kirk Pruhs [21] [40]
38Satish Rao [23] [29] [39]
39Michael E. Saks [3] [37]
40Gregory E. Shannon [2] [4]
41David B. Shmoys [10] [14] [15] [31]
42Warren D. Smith [29]
43Clifford Stein [13] [26] [32] [45]
44Éva Stein [32]
45Éva Tardos [6] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [22] [26] [31] [34] [39] [48] [58]
46Spyros Tragoudas [13] [32]
47Pravin M. Vaidya [7] [19]
48Orli Waarts [17] [21] [24] [30] [40] [41] [47] [53]
49David P. Williamson [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)