
Boban Velickovic

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12EEJouko A. Väänänen, Boban Velickovic: Games played on partial isomorphisms. Arch. Math. Log. 43(1): 19-30 (2004)
11EEErnest Schimmerling, Boban Velickovic: Collapsing functions. Math. Log. Q. 50(1): 3-8 (2004)
10 Alain Louveau, Boban Velickovic: Analytic Ideals and Cofinal Types. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 99(1-3): 171-195 (1999)
9 Boban Velickovic, W. Hugh Woodin: Complexity of Reals in Inner Models of Set Theory. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 92(3): 283-295 (1998)
8 Guy Even, Oded Goldreich, Michael Luby, Noam Nisan, Boban Velickovic: Efficient approximation of product distributions. Random Struct. Algorithms 13(1): 1-16 (1998)
7 Sy D. Friedman, Boban Velickovic: Delta1-Definability. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 89(1): 93-99 (1997)
6 Michael Luby, Boban Velickovic: On Deterministic Approximation of DNF. Algorithmica 16(4/5): 415-433 (1996)
5 Michael Luby, Boban Velickovic, Avi Wigderson: Deterministic Approximate Counting of Depth-2 Circuits. ISTCS 1993: 18-24
4 Alain Louveau, Saharon Shelah, Boban Velickovic: Borel Partitions of Infinite Subtrees of a Perfect Tree. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 63(3): 271-281 (1993)
3 Guy Even, Oded Goldreich, Michael Luby, Noam Nisan, Boban Velickovic: Approximations of General Independent Distributions STOC 1992: 10-16
2 Michael Luby, Boban Velickovic: On Deterministic Approximation of DNF STOC 1991: 430-438
1 Boban Velickovic: Jensen's Principles and the Novak Number of Partially Ordered Sets. J. Symb. Log. 51(1): 47-58 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Guy Even [3] [8]
2Sy D. Friedman [7]
3Oded Goldreich [3] [8]
4Alain Louveau [4] [10]
5Michael Luby [2] [3] [5] [6] [8]
6Noam Nisan [3] [8]
7Ernest Schimmerling [11]
8Saharon Shelah [4]
9Jouko A. Väänänen [12]
10Avi Wigderson [5]
11W. Hugh Woodin [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)