
Wolfgang Ertel

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16 Christian Folkers, Wolfgang Ertel: High performance realtime vision for mobile robots on the GPU. VISAPP (Workshop on on Robot Vision) 2007: 27-35
15EEWolfgang Ertel, Joachim Fessler, Nico Hochgeschwender: Flexible Combination of Vision, Control and Drive in Autonomous Mobile Robots. AMS 2005: 245-251
14 Wolfgang Ertel, Joachim Fessler, Nico Hochgeschwender: A universal modular autonomous robot architecture. ICINCO 2005: 391-394
13 Wolfgang Ertel, Manfred Schramm: Combining Data and Knowledge by MaxEnt-Optimization of Probability Distributions. PKDD 1999: 323-328
12 Janos Aczél, Wolfgang Ertel: A New Formula for Speedup and its Characterization. Acta Inf. 34(8): 637-652 (1997)
11 Wolfgang Ertel: On the Definition of Speedup. PARLE 1994: 289-300
10 Michael Luby, Wolfgang Ertel: Optimal Parallelization of Las Vegas Algorithms. STACS 1994: 463-474
9 Wolfgang Ertel: Parallele Suche mit randomisiertem Wettbewerb in Inferenzsystemen. Infix Verlag, St. Augustin, Germany 1993
8 Eike Jessen, Wolfgang Ertel, Christian B. Suttner: Optimal Multiprogramming Control for Parallel Computations. Parallel Computer Architectures 1993: 49-65
7 Wolfgang Ertel: OR-Parallel Theorem Proving with Random Competition. LPAR 1992: 226-237
6 Wolfgang Ertel: Performance of Competitive OR-Parallelism. ICLP Workshop on Parallel Execution of Logic Programs 1991: 132-145
5 Christian B. Suttner, Wolfgang Ertel: Automatic Acquisition of Search Guiding Heuristics. CADE 1990: 470-484
4 Wolfgang Ertel: Random Competition: A Simple but Efficient Method for Parallelizing Inference Systems. Dagstuhl Seminar on Parallelization in Inference Systems 1990: 195-209
3 Wolfgang Ertel, Christian B. Suttner: Project PARIS: Parallelisation of Inference Systems. Dagstuhl Seminar on Parallelization in Inference Systems 1990: 363
2 Wolfgang Ertel, Johann Schumann, Christian B. Suttner: Learning Heuristics for a Theorem Prover Using Back Propagation. ÖGAI 1989: 87-95
1 Wolfgang Ertel, Franz J. Kurfess, Reinhold Letz, X. Pandolfi: PARTHEO: A Parallel Inference Machine. PARLE (1) 1989: 458-476

Coauthor Index

1Janos Aczél [12]
2Joachim Fessler [14] [15]
3Christian Folkers [16]
4Nico Hochgeschwender [14] [15]
5Eike Jessen [8]
6Franz J. Kurfess [1]
7Reinhold Letz [1]
8Michael Luby [10]
9X. Pandolfi [1]
10Manfred Schramm [13]
11Johann Schumann [2]
12Christian B. Suttner [2] [3] [5] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)