New York,
USA - Volume 1
Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '99,
The Conference on Computer Communications,
Eighteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies,
The Future Is Now,
21-25 March 1999,
New York,
ISBN 0-7803-5417-6,
Volume 1
Session 1A:
Mobile IP and Tracking
Session 1B:
Traffic Regulation and Specification
Session 1C:
Routing and Reconfiguration
Session 1D:
Web Caching
- Anja Feldmann, Ramón Cáceres, Fred Douglis, Gideon Glass, Michael Rabinovich:
Performance of Web Proxy Caching in Heterogeneous Bandwidth Environments.
107-116 BibTeX
- Mun Choon Chan, Thomas Y. C. Woo:
Cache-Based Compaction: A New Technique for Optimizing Web Transfer.
117-125 BibTeX
- Lee Breslau, Pei Cao, Li Fan, Graham Phillips, Scott Shenker:
Web Caching and Zipf-like Distributions: Evidence and Implications.
126-134 BibTeX
- Eric Levy-Abegnoli, Arun Iyengar, Junehwa Song, Daniel M. Dias:
Design and Performance of a Web Server Accelerator.
135-143 BibTeX
Session 1E:
and Traffic Control
Session 2A:
Ad-Hoc Networks
Session 2B:
Performance Measurement and Estimation
- Paul Francis, Sugih Jamin, Vern Paxson, Lixia Zhang, Daniel F. Gryniewicz, Yixin Jin:
An Architecture for a Global Internet Host Distance Estimation Service.
210-217 BibTeX
- Craig Labovitz, G. Robert Malan, Farnam Jahanian:
Origins of Internet Routing Instability.
218-226 BibTeX
- Sue B. Moon, Paul Skelly, Donald F. Towsley:
Estimation and Removal of Clock Skew from Network Delay Measurements.
227-234 BibTeX
- Kevin Lai, Mary Baker:
Measuring Bandwidth.
235-245 BibTeX
Session 2C:
Multicast Resource Allocation
Session 2D:
High Performance Web Service
Session 2E:
Reconfiguration and Blocking in WDM Networks
Session 3A:
Traffic Measurement and Inference
Session 3C:
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:24:01 2009
by Michael Ley (