
Feng Lin

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67EEGuoliang Li, Jianhua Feng, Feng Lin, Lizhu Zhou: Progressive Ranking for Efficient Keyword Search over Relational Databases. BNCOD 2008: 193-197
66EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: Design and development of a FPGA-based cascade Markov model for recognition of steroid hormone Response Elements. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
65EEGuoliang Li, Jianhua Feng, Jianyong Wang, Feng Lin, Lizhu Zhou: Efficient vectorial operators for processing xml twig queries. WWW 2008: 1037-1038
64EEShaolong Shu, Feng Lin, Hao Ying, Xinguang Chen: State estimation and detectability of probabilistic discrete event systems. Automatica 44(12): 3054-3060 (2008)
63EEHan Xu, Chia-Lin Wei, Feng Lin, Wing-Kin Sung: An HMM approach to genome-wide identification of differential histone modification sites from ChIP-seq data. Bioinformatics 24(20): 2344-2349 (2008)
62EEWeilin Wang, Stéphane Lafortune, Feng Lin: On the Minimization of Communication in Networked Systems with a Central Station. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 18(3): 415-443 (2008)
61EEBaoshi Yan, Fuliang Weng, Zhe Feng, Florin Ratiu, Madhuri Raya, Yao Meng, Sebastian Varges, Matthew Purver, Annie Lien, Tobias Scheideck, Badri Raghunathan, Feng Lin, Rohit Mishra, Brian Lathrop, Zhaoxia Zhang, Harry Bratt, Stanley Peters: A Conversational In-Car Dialog System. HLT-NAACL (Demonstrations) 2007: 23-24
60EEYu Wang, Hongyi Wu, Feng Lin, Nian-Feng Tzeng: Protocol Design and Optimization for Delay/Fault-Tolerant Mobile Sensor Networks. ICDCS 2007: 7
59EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: A Two-Phase ANN Method for Genome-Wide Detection of Hormone Response Elements. PRIB 2007: 19-29
58EEMaurice H. T. Ling, Christophe Lefèvre, Kevin R. Nicholas, Feng Lin: Reconstruction of Protein-Protein Interaction Pathways by Mining Subject-Verb-Objects Intermediates. PRIB 2007: 286-299
57EEMaurice H. T. Ling, Christophe Lefèvre, Kevin R. Nicholas, Feng Lin: Reconstruction of Protein-Protein Interaction Pathways by Mining Subject-Verb-Objects Intermediates CoRR abs/0708.0694: (2007)
56EEZhao Lu, Feng Lin, Hao Ying: Design of Decision Tree via Kernelized Hierarchical Clustering for Multiclass Support Vector Machines. Cybernetics and Systems 38(2): 187-202 (2007)
55EEStéphane Lafortune, Feng Lin, Dawn M. Tilbury: Special Issue on WODES'06. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 17(4): 423-424 (2007)
54EEHao Ying, Feng Lin, R. D. MacArthur, J. A. Cohn, Daniel C. Barth-Jones, Hong Ye, L. R. Crane: A Self-Learning Fuzzy Discrete Event System for HIV/AIDS Treatment Regimen Selection. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 37(4): 966-979 (2007)
53EEHongyi Wu, Yu Wang, Ha Dang, Feng Lin: Analytic, Simulation, and Empirical Evaluation of Delay/Fault-Tolerant Mobile Sensor Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(9): 3287-3296 (2007)
52EEFeng Lin, Changyi Zheng, Xin Wang, Xiangyang Xue: ACVoD: a peer-to-peer based video-on-demand scheme in broadband residential access networks. IJAHUC 2(4): 225-231 (2007)
51EEFeng Lin, Hao Ying, R. D. MacArthur, J. A. Cohn, Daniel C. Barth-Jones, L. R. Crane: Decision making in fuzzy discrete event systems. Inf. Sci. 177(18): 3749-3763 (2007)
50EEYu Wang, Feng Lin, Hongyi Wu: Cross-layer protocol design for delay/fault-tolerant mobile sensor networks. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(2): 71-72 (2007)
49EEFeng Lin, Heiko Schröder, Bertil Schmidt: Solving the Bottleneck Problem in Bioinformatics Computing: An Architectural Perspective. VLSI Signal Processing 48(3): 185-188 (2007)
48EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: A Hopfield Neural Classifier and Its FPGA Implementation for Identification of Symmetrically Structured DNA Motifs. VLSI Signal Processing 48(3): 239-254 (2007)
47EELee Sing Cheong, Feng Lin, Hock Soon Seah: Frequency-Domain Algorithms for Visual Analysis on Genomic Structures in Prokaryotes. CGIV 2006: 96-103
46EEZhihua Du, Zhen Ji, Feng Lin: Parallel Computing for Optimal Genomic Sequence Alignment. FSKD 2006: 532-535
45EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: A Profile HMM for Recognition of Hormone Response Elements. PRIB 2006: 15-22
44EEFeng Lin, Yu Wang, Hongyi Wu: Testbed Implementation of Delay/Fault-Tolerant Mobile Sensor Network (DFT-MSN). PerCom Workshops 2006: 321-327
43EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: Establishing a statistic model for recognition of steroid hormone response elements. Computational Biology and Chemistry 30(5): 339-347 (2006)
42EENejib Ben Hadj-Alouane, Mohamed Moez Yeddes, Atidel B. Hadj-Alouane, Feng Lin: A Mixed Integer Dynamic Programming Approach to a Class of Optimal Control Problems in Hybrid Systems. Cybernetics and Systems 37(5): 481-504 (2006)
41EEHao Ying, Feng Lin, R. D. MacArthur, J. A. Cohn, Daniel C. Barth-Jones, H. Ye, L. R. Crane: A Fuzzy Discrete Event System Approach to Determining Optimal HIV/AIDS Treatment Regimens. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 10(4): 663-676 (2006)
40EEZhihua Du, Feng Lin: pNJTree: A parallel program for reconstruction of neighbor-joining tree and its application in ClustalW. Parallel Computing 32(5-6): 441-446 (2006)
39EEFeng Lin, Xin Wang, Xiangyang Xue: A Novel Architecture for Video-on-Demand Services. CIT 2005: 640-644
38EEMichael Ruth, Feng Lin, Shengru Tu: Adapting Single-Request/Multiple-Response Messaging to Web Services. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 287-292
37EEMichael Ruth, Feng Lin, Shengru Tu: A Client-Side Framework Enabling Callbacks from Web Services. ECOWS 2005: 105-117
36 Feng Lin, Haili Wang, Jinian Bian: HW/SW Interface Synthesis Based on Avalon Bus Specification for Nios-Oriented SoC Design. FPT 2005: 305-306
35EEFeng Zhao, Xiaoou Tang, Feng Lin, Scott Samson, Andrew Remsen: Binary plankton image classification using random subspace. ICIP (1) 2005: 357-360
34EEMichael Ruth, Feng Lin, Shengru Tu: A Framework for Applications Utilizing Web Services with Callbacks. ICWS 2005: 829-830
33EEFeng Lin, Xin Wang, Xiangyang Xue: VoD Service Model and Performance Evaluation on the China's High Performance Broadband Information Network (3Tnet). PDCAT 2005: 163-167
32EEWen Yue, Zhiping Chen, Xinguo Lu, Feng Lin, Juan Liu: Using Query Expansion and Classification for Information Retrieval. SKG 2005: 31
31EEZhihua Du, Feng Lin, Usman W. Roshan: Reconstruction of large phylogenetic trees: A parallel approach. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(4): 273-280 (2005)
30EEZhihua Du, Feng Lin: Pattern-constrained multiple polypeptide sequence alignment. Computational Biology and Chemistry 29(4): 303-307 (2005)
29EEJie Cheng, Feng Lin: Approach of heterogeneous bio-modeling based on material features. Computer-Aided Design 37(11): 1115-1126 (2005)
28EEZhao Lu, Feng Lin, Hao Ying: Multiple sliding surface control for systems in nonlinear block controllable form. Cybernetics and Systems 36(5): 513-526 (2005)
27EEXiaoou Tang, Feng Lin, Jianzhuang Liu: Video-based handwritten Chinese character recognition. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 15(1): 167-174 (2005)
26EENejib Ben Hadj-Alouane, Stéphane Lafrance, Feng Lin, John Mullins, Mohamed Moez Yeddes: On the verification of intransitive noninterference in multilevel security. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 35(5): 948-958 (2005)
25EEFeng Lin: Theorem of abstraction for equivalent controllers in hybrid systems. Inf. Sci. 173(1-3): 181-195 (2005)
24EEZhihua Du, Feng Lin: A novel parallelization approach for hierarchical clustering. Parallel Computing 31(5): 523-527 (2005)
23EEMoon Ho Hwang, Feng Lin: State Minimization of SP-DEVS. AIS 2004: 243-252
22EEZhihua Du, Feng Lin: Improvement of the Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm. Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2004: 792-797
21EEZhihua Du, Feng Lin: A hierarchical clustering algorithm for MIMD architecture. Computational Biology and Chemistry 28(5-6): 417-419 (2004)
20EEZhongke Wu, Feng Lin, Seah Hock Soon, Kai-Yun Chan: Evaluation of difference bounds for computing rational Bézier curves and surfaces. Computers & Graphics 28(4): 551-558 (2004)
19 Xiaoou Tang, Feng Lin, Scott Samson, Andrew Remsen: Feature Extraction for Binary Plankton Image Classification. CISST 2003: 702-707
18EEFeng Lin, Xiaoou Tang: Dynamic Stroke Information Analysis for Video-Based Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition. ICCV 2003: 695-700
17EEZhongke Wu, Feng Lin, Seah Hock Soon: Topology preserving voxelisation of rational Bézier and NURBS curves. Computers & Graphics 27(1): 83-89 (2003)
16EEZhongke Wu, Feng Lin, Seah Hock Soon: Tunnel-free voxelisation of rational Bézier surfaces. The Visual Computer 19(7-8): 505-512 (2003)
15EEFeng Lin, Xiaoou Tang: Off-Line Handwritten Chinese Character Stroke Extraction. ICPR (3) 2002: 249-
14 Feng Lin, Hao Ying: Modeling and control of fuzzy discrete event systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 32(4): 408-415 (2002)
13 Keyi Xing, Feng Lin, Baosheng Hu: An Optimal Deadlock Avoidance Policy for Manufacturing System with Flexible Operation Sequence and Flexible Routing. ICRA 2001: 3565-3570
12EEZhou Jianwen, Feng Lin, Seah Hock Soon: A Volume Modeling Component of CAD. Volume Graphics 2001
11 Michael Heymann, Feng Lin, George Meyer, Satya Ranjan Mohanty, Vigyan Chandra, Ratnesh Kumar: Discrete Event Control with Active Events. ICRA 1999: 131-136
10 Robert D. Brandt, Feng Lin: Adaptive Interaction and Its Application to Neural Networks. Inf. Sci. 121(3-4): 201-215 (1999)
9EEFeng Lin, Seah Hock Soon: An effective 3D seed fill algorithm. Computers & Graphics 22(5): 641-644 (1998)
8 Yi-Liang Chen, Stéphane Lafortune, Feng Lin: Resolving Feature Interactions Using Modular Supervisory Control with Priorities. FIW 1997: 108-122
7 Michael Heymann, Feng Lin, George Meyer: Control Synthesis for a Class of Hybrid Systems Subject to Configuration-Based Safety Constraints. HART 1997: 376-390
6EEFeng Lin, Seah Hock Soon, Yong Tsui Lee: Structure modeling and context-free grammar: exploring a new approach for surface boundary construction. Computers & Graphics 21(6): 777-785 (1997)
5 Michael Heymann, Feng Lin, George Meyer: Synthesis of Minimally Restrictive Legal Controllers for a Class of Hybrid Systems. Hybrid Systems 1996: 134-159
4EEFeng Lin, Seah Hock Soon, Yong Tsui Lee: Deformable volumetric model and isosurface: exploring a new approach for surface boundary construction. Computers & Graphics 20(1): 33-40 (1996)
3EERobert D. Brandt, Feng Lin: Representations that uniquely characterize images modulo translation, rotation, and scaling. Pattern Recognition Letters 17(9): 1001-1015 (1996)
2EEFeng Lin, Robert D. Brandt: Towards absolute invariants of images under translation, rotation, and dilation. Pattern Recognition Letters 14(5): 369-379 (1993)
1EEFeng Lin, Yunhe Pan: A stack-based approach for shading of regions. Computers & Graphics 16(1): 79-84 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel C. Barth-Jones [41] [51] [54]
2Jinian Bian [36]
3Robert D. Brandt [2] [3] [10]
4Harry Bratt [61]
5Kai-Yun Chan [20]
6Vigyan Chandra [11]
7Xinguang Chen [64]
8Yi-Liang Chen [8]
9Zhiping Chen [32]
10Jie Cheng [29]
11Lee Sing Cheong [47]
12J. A. Cohn [41] [51] [54]
13L. R. Crane [41] [51] [54]
14Ha Dang [53]
15Zhihua Du [21] [22] [24] [30] [31] [40] [46]
16Jianhua Feng [65] [67]
17Zhe Feng [61]
18Atidel B. Hadj-Alouane [42]
19Nejib Ben Hadj-Alouane [26] [42]
20Michael Heymann [5] [7] [11]
21Baosheng Hu [13]
22Moon Ho Hwang [23]
23Zhen Ji [46]
24Zhou Jianwen [12]
25Ratnesh Kumar [11]
26Stéphane Lafortune [8] [55] [62]
27Stéphane Lafrance [26]
28Brian Lathrop [61]
29Yong Tsui Lee [4] [6]
30Christophe Lefèvre [57] [58]
31Guoliang Li [65] [67]
32Annie Lien [61]
33Valerie C.-L. Lin [43] [45] [48] [59] [66]
34Maurice H. T. Ling [57] [58]
35Jianzhuang Liu [27]
36Juan Liu [32]
37Xinguo Lu [32]
38Zhao Lu [28] [56]
39R. D. MacArthur [41] [51] [54]
40Yao Meng [61]
41George Meyer [5] [7] [11]
42Rohit Mishra [61]
43Satya Ranjan Mohanty [11]
44John Mullins [26]
45Kevin R. Nicholas [57] [58]
46Yunhe Pan [1]
47Stanley Peters [61]
48Matthew Purver [61]
49Badri Raghunathan [61]
50Florin Ratiu [61]
51Madhuri Raya [61]
52Andrew Remsen [19] [35]
53Usman W. Roshan [31]
54Michael Ruth [34] [37] [38]
55Scott Samson [19] [35]
56Tobias Scheideck [61]
57Bertil Schmidt [49]
58Heiko Schröder [49]
59Shaolong Shu [64]
60Seah Hock Soon (Hock Soon Seah) [4] [6] [9] [12] [16] [17] [20] [47]
61Maria Stepanova [43] [45] [48] [59] [66]
62Wing-Kin Sung [63]
63Xiaoou Tang [15] [18] [19] [27] [35]
64Dawn M. Tilbury [55]
65Shengru Tu [34] [37] [38]
66Nian-Feng Tzeng [60]
67Sebastian Varges [61]
68Haili Wang [36]
69Jianyong Wang [65]
70Weilin Wang [62]
71Xin Wang [33] [39] [52]
72Yu Wang [44] [50] [53] [60]
73Chia-Lin Wei [63]
74Fuliang Weng [61]
75Hongyi Wu [44] [50] [53] [60]
76Zhongke Wu [16] [17] [20]
77Keyi Xing [13]
78Han Xu [63]
79Xiangyang Xue [33] [39] [52]
80Baoshi Yan [61]
81H. Ye [41]
82Hong Ye [54]
83Mohamed Moez Yeddes [26] [42]
84Hao Ying [14] [28] [41] [51] [54] [56] [64]
85Wen Yue [32]
86Zhaoxia Zhang [61]
87Feng Zhao [35]
88Changyi Zheng [52]
89Lizhu Zhou (Li-Zhu Zhou) [65] [67]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)