
Sebastian Varges

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6EESebastian Varges, Fuliang Weng, Heather Pon-Barry: Interactive question answering and constraint relaxation in spoken dialogue systems. Natural Language Engineering 15(1): 9-30 (2009)
5EEBaoshi Yan, Fuliang Weng, Zhe Feng, Florin Ratiu, Madhuri Raya, Yao Meng, Sebastian Varges, Matthew Purver, Annie Lien, Tobias Scheideck, Badri Raghunathan, Feng Lin, Rohit Mishra, Brian Lathrop, Zhaoxia Zhang, Harry Bratt, Stanley Peters: A Conversational In-Car Dialog System. HLT-NAACL (Demonstrations) 2007: 23-24
4 Johanna D. Moore, Kaska Porayska-Pomsta, Sebastian Varges, Claus Zinn: Generating Tutorial Feedback with Affect. FLAIRS Conference 2004
3EESebastian Varges: Overgenerating Referring Expressions Involving Relations and Booleans. INLG 2004: 171-181
2EESebastian Varges: Fluency and Completeness in Instance-based Natural Language Generation. COLING 2002
1EESebastian Varges, Chris Mellish: Instance-Based Natural Language Generation. NAACL 2001

Coauthor Index

1Harry Bratt [5]
2Zhe Feng [5]
3Brian Lathrop [5]
4Annie Lien [5]
5Feng Lin [5]
6Chris Mellish [1]
7Yao Meng [5]
8Rohit Mishra [5]
9Johanna D. Moore [4]
10Stanley Peters [5]
11Heather Pon-Barry [6]
12Kaska Porayska-Pomsta [4]
13Matthew Purver [5]
14Badri Raghunathan [5]
15Florin Ratiu [5]
16Madhuri Raya [5]
17Tobias Scheideck [5]
18Fuliang Weng [5] [6]
19Baoshi Yan [5]
20Zhaoxia Zhang [5]
21Claus Zinn [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)