
Maria Stepanova

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8EEJesslyn Saw, Maria Stepanova, Lin Feng: Methods and strategies for construction of a phylogeny-adaptive hormone response element consensus model. CIBCB 2008: 166-172
7EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: Design and development of a FPGA-based cascade Markov model for recognition of steroid hormone Response Elements. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
6EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: A Two-Phase ANN Method for Genome-Wide Detection of Hormone Response Elements. PRIB 2007: 19-29
5EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: A Hopfield Neural Classifier and Its FPGA Implementation for Identification of Symmetrically Structured DNA Motifs. VLSI Signal Processing 48(3): 239-254 (2007)
4EEMaria Stepanova, Lin Feng, Valerie C.-L. Lin: Tiger HRE Finder - A Tool for Identification of Hormone Receptor Binding Sites in Query Sequences. IMSCCS (1) 2006: 22-26
3EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: A Profile HMM for Recognition of Hormone Response Elements. PRIB 2006: 15-22
2EEMaria Stepanova, Feng Lin, Valerie C.-L. Lin: Establishing a statistic model for recognition of steroid hormone response elements. Computational Biology and Chemistry 30(5): 339-347 (2006)
1EEMaria Stepanova, Tatiana Tiazhelova, Mikle Skoblov, Ancha Baranova: A comparative analysis of relative occurrence of transcription factor binding sites in vertebrate genomes and gene promoter areas. Bioinformatics 21(9): 1789-1796 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Ancha Baranova [1]
2Lin Feng [4] [8]
3Feng Lin [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
4Valerie C.-L. Lin [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
5Jesslyn Saw [8]
6Mikle Skoblov [1]
7Tatiana Tiazhelova [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)