
Y. S. Lee

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17EEY. S. Lee, W. H. Kwon, P. G. Park: Author's reply: Comments on delay-dependent robust Hinfinity control for uncertain systems with a state-delay. Automatica 43(3): 572-573 (2007)
16EEY. S. Lee, Y. S. Moon, W. H. Kwon, P. G. Park: Delay-dependent robust Hinfinity control for uncertain systems with a state-delay. Automatica 40(1): 65-72 (2004)
15EEWook Hyun Kwon, Y. S. Lee, Soo Hee Han: General receding horizon control for linear time-delay systems. Automatica 40(9): 1603-1611 (2004)
14EES. W. Ng, Y. S. Lee, S. S. Qiu: A Novel Switched Circuit for Chaotic Communication. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 14(8): 2933-2941 (2004)
13EEH. K. Lam, F. H. Frank Leung, Y. S. Lee: Design of a switching controller for nonlinear systems with unknown parameters based on a fuzzy logic approach. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34(2): 1068-1074 (2004)
12EEK. Y. Ko, Mike W. T. Wong, Y. S. Lee: Testing System-On-Chip by Summations of Cores? Test Output Voltages. Asian Test Symposium 2002: 350-355
11EEMike W. T. Wong, K. Y. Ko, Y. S. Lee: Analog and Mixed-Signal IP Cores Testing. DELTA 2002: 3-7
10EEMatthew Worsman, Mike W. T. Wong, Y. S. Lee: Enhancing The Static D. C. Fault Diagnosis Of A Resistance Temperature Detector Sensor Circuit Using Equivalent Fault Analysis. DELTA 2002: 443-446
9EES. W. Ng, Y. S. Lee: Small signal simulation of resonant converters. ISCAS (3) 2001: 1-4
8EEK. A. Jung, Y. S. Lee, H. S. Yang, W. S. Yang, J. H. Kim, S. H. Lee, B. H. Kang: An integrated H.263 video CODEC with protocol processor. ISCAS (5) 2001: 283-286
7EEMatthew Worsman, Mike W. T. Wong, Y. S. Lee: Analog circuit equivalent faults in the D.C. domain. Asian Test Symposium 2000: 84-89
6EEMatthew Worsman, Mike W. T. Wong, Y. S. Lee: A Pre-Simulation Measure of D.C. Design-for-Testability Fault Diagnosis Quality. ISQED 2000: 361-368
5EEJoseph C. W. Pang, Mike W. T. Wong, Y. S. Lee: Design and Implementation of Strongly Code-Disjoint CMOS Built-in Intermediate Voltage Sensor for Totally Self-Checking Circuits. Asian Test Symposium 1997: 82-87
4EETao Wei, Mike W. T. Wong, Y. S. Lee: Efficient Multifrequency Analysis of Fault Diagnosis in Analog Circuits Based on Large Change Sensitivity Computation. Asian Test Symposium 1996: 232-237
3 S. W. Ng, Y. S. Lee, C. K. Tse, S. C. Wong: Stability of a Circuit with Parasitic Capacitances. ISCAS 1995: 113-116
2 Y. S. Lee, K. W. Siu, Xuan-Zhong Liu: Optimizing the Design of Switch-Mode Power Supplies with Battery Back-Up and Power Factor Correction. ISCAS 1995: 2051-2054
1 Y. S. Lee, F. J. Wang, C. H. Chang: Object Movement in Distributed Object-Oriented Systems. Inf. Sci. 78(1-2): 19-47 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1C. H. Chang [1]
2Soo Hee Han [15]
3K. A. Jung [8]
4B. H. Kang [8]
5J. H. Kim [8]
6K. Y. Ko [11] [12]
7W. H. Kwon [16] [17]
8Wook Hyun Kwon [15]
9Hak-Keung Lam (H. K. Lam) [13]
10S. H. Lee [8]
11F. H. Frank Leung [13]
12Xuan-Zhong Liu [2]
13Y. S. Moon [16]
14S. W. Ng [3] [9] [14]
15Joseph C. W. Pang [5]
16P. G. Park [16] [17]
17S. S. Qiu [14]
18K. W. Siu [2]
19C. K. Michael Tse (Chi K. Michael Tse, C. K. Tse, Chi Kong Tse) [3]
20F. J. Wang [1]
21Tao Wei [4]
22Mike W. T. Wong [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12]
23S. C. Wong [3]
24Matthew Worsman [6] [7] [10]
25H. S. Yang [8]
26W. S. Yang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)