
Bernhard Klaassen

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9EEBernhard Klaassen, Ralf Linnemann, Dirk Spenneberg, Frank Kirchner: Biomimetic walking robot SCORPION: Control and modeling. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 41(2-3): 69-76 (2002)
8 Bernhard Klaassen, Frank Kirchner, Dirk Spenneberg: Integration of robot control programs into ADAMSTM including sensor feedback. ESM 2000: 259-262
7 Bernhard Klaassen, Karl L. Paap: GMD-SNAKE2: A Snake-Like Robot Driven by Wheels and a Method for Motion Control. ICRA 1999: 3014-3019
6 Karl L. Paap, Vladimir B. Dmitriev-Zdorov, Bernhard Klaassen: SAINT-Simulation Assistant for Analog Simulation. ESM 1998: 183-187
5EEAndrea Siegberg, Ansgar Bredenfeld, Horst Günther, Hans-Ulrich Kobialka, Bernhard Klaassen, U. Licht, Karl L. Paap, Paul-Gerhard Plöger, Hermann Streich, J. Vollmer, Jörg Wilberg, Rainer Worst, Thomas Christaller: Team Description of the GMD RoboCup-Team. RoboCup 1998: 473-478
4EEVladimir B. Dmitriev-Zdorov, Bernhard Klaassen: An improved relaxation approach for mixed system analysis with several simulation tools. EURO-DAC 1995: 274-279
3 Bernhard Klaassen: How to Compare Analog Results. VLSI 1991: 421-428
2 Bernhard Klaassen: A Hierarchical Multirate Method for Circuit Simulation on Parallel Computers. ICCI 1990: 493-496
1 Paul-Gerhard Plöger, Bernhard Klaassen, Karl L. Paap: Simulating Electrical Circuits using SISAL. Simulationstechnik 1987: 365-372

Coauthor Index

1Ansgar Bredenfeld [5]
2Thomas Christaller [5]
3Vladimir B. Dmitriev-Zdorov [4] [6]
4Horst Günther [5]
5Frank Kirchner [8] [9]
6Hans-Ulrich Kobialka [5]
7U. Licht [5]
8Ralf Linnemann [9]
9Karl L. Paap [1] [5] [6] [7]
10Paul-Gerhard Plöger [1] [5]
11Andrea Siegberg [5]
12Dirk Spenneberg [8] [9]
13Hermann Streich [5]
14J. Vollmer [5]
15Jörg Wilberg [5]
16Rainer Worst [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)