
Kim M. Hazelwood

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16EEArkaitz Ruiz-Alvarez, Kim M. Hazelwood: Evaluating the impact of dynamic binary translation systems on hardware cache performance. IISWC 2008: 131-140
15EEDuane Merrill, Kim M. Hazelwood: Trace fragment selection within method-based JVMs. VEE 2008: 41-50
14EESteven Wallace, Kim M. Hazelwood: SuperPin: Parallelizing Dynamic Instrumentation for Real-Time Performance. CGO 2007: 209-220
13EEApala Guha, Kim M. Hazelwood, Mary Lou Soffa: Reducing Exit Stub Memory Consumption in Code Caches. HiPEAC 2007: 87-101
12EEApala Guha, Jason Hiser, Naveen Kumar, Jing Yang, Min Zhao, Shukang Zhou, Bruce R. Childers, Jack W. Davidson, Kim M. Hazelwood, Mary Lou Soffa: Virtual Execution Environments: Support and Tools. IPDPS 2007: 1-6
11EEKim M. Hazelwood, Artur Klauser: A dynamic binary instrumentation engine for the ARM architecture. CASES 2006: 261-270
10EEKim M. Hazelwood, Robert S. Cohn: A Cross-Architectural Interface for Code Cache Manipulation. CGO 2006: 17-27
9EEKim M. Hazelwood, Michael D. Smith: Managing bounded code caches in dynamic binary optimization systems. TACO 3(3): 263-294 (2006)
8EEDavid Hiniker, Kim M. Hazelwood, Michael D. Smith: Improving Region Selection in Dynamic Optimization Systems. MICRO 2005: 141-154
7EEChi-Keung Luk, Robert S. Cohn, Robert Muth, Harish Patil, Artur Klauser, P. Geoffrey Lowney, Steven Wallace, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Kim M. Hazelwood: Pin: building customized program analysis tools with dynamic instrumentation. PLDI 2005: 190-200
6EEKim M. Hazelwood, James E. Smith: Exploring Code Cache Eviction Granularities in Dynamic Optimization Systems. CGO 2004: 89-99
5EEKim M. Hazelwood, David Brooks: Eliminating voltage emergencies via microarchitectural voltage control feedback and dynamic optimization. ISLPED 2004: 326-331
4EEKim M. Hazelwood, David Grove: Adaptive Online Context-Sensitive Inlining. CGO 2003: 253-264
3EEKim M. Hazelwood, Michael D. Smith: Generational Cache Management of Code Traces in Dynamic Optimization Systems. MICRO 2003: 169-179
2EEKim M. Hazelwood, Michael D. Smith: Code Cache Management Schemes for Dynamic Optimizers. Interaction between Compilers and Computer Architectures 2002: 102-110
1EEKim M. Hazelwood, Thomas M. Conte: A Lightweight Algorithm for Dynamic If-Conversion during Dynamic Optimization. IEEE PACT 2000: 71-80

Coauthor Index

1David Brooks [5]
2Bruce R. Childers [12]
3Robert S. Cohn (Robert Cohn) [7] [10]
4Thomas M. Conte [1]
5Jack W. Davidson [12]
6David Grove [4]
7Apala Guha [12] [13]
8David Hiniker [8]
9Jason Hiser [12]
10Artur Klauser [7] [11]
11Naveen Kumar [12]
12P. Geoffrey Lowney [7]
13Chi-Keung Luk [7]
14Duane Merrill [15]
15Robert Muth [7]
16Harish Patil [7]
17Vijay Janapa Reddi [7]
18Arkaitz Ruiz-Alvarez [16]
19James E. Smith [6]
20Michael D. Smith [2] [3] [8] [9]
21Mary Lou Soffa [12] [13]
22Steven Wallace [7] [14]
23Jing Yang [12]
24Min Zhao [12]
25Shukang Zhou [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)