8. MFCS 1979:
Jirí Becvár (Ed.):
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1979, Proceedings, 8th Symposium, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, September 3-7, 1979.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 74 Springer 1979 BibTeX
editor = {Jir\'{\i} Becv{\'a}r},
title = {Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1979, Proceedings,
8th Symposium, Olomouc, Czechoslovakia, September 3-7, 1979},
booktitle = {MFCS},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {74},
year = {1979},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Lectures
- Akeo Adachi, Takumi Kasai, Etsuro Moriya:
A Theoretical Study of the Time Analysis of Programs.
201-207 BibTeX
- Hajnal Andréka, István Németi, Ildikó Sain:
Completeness Problems in Verification of Programs and Program Schemes.
208-218 BibTeX
- Jean-Michel Autebert:
Relationships between AFDL's and Cylinders.
219-227 BibTeX
- Gérard Comyn, G. Werner:
Computable Data Types.
228-236 BibTeX
- Guy Cousineau, Patrice Enjalbert:
Program Equivalence and Provability.
237-245 BibTeX
- Karel Culik II, Juhani Karhumäki:
Interactive L Systems with Almost Interactionless Behaviour.
246-257 BibTeX
- Robert P. Daley:
On the Simplification of Constructions in Degrees of Unsolvability via Computational Complexity.
258-265 BibTeX
- Werner Damm:
An Algebraic Extension of the Chomsky-Hierarchy.
266-276 BibTeX
- Michael I. Dekhtyar:
Bounds on Computational Complexity and Approximability of Initial Segments of Recursive Sets.
277-283 BibTeX
- Thomas M. Fischer:
On the Weighted Path Length of Binary Search Trees for Unknown Access Probabilities.
284-291 BibTeX
- George Gens, Eugene Levner:
Computational Complexity of Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems.
292-300 BibTeX
- A. Goralciková, Václav Koubek:
A Reduct-and-Closure Algorithm for Graphs.
301-307 BibTeX
- Ludmila Gregusová, Ivan Korec:
Small Universal Minsky Machines.
308-316 BibTeX
- Tsutomu Kamimura, Giora Slutzki:
Parallel and Two-Way Recognizers of Directed Acyclic Graphs (Extended Abstract).
317-325 BibTeX
- Akira Kanda:
Fully Effective Solutions of Recursive Domain Equations.
326-336 BibTeX
- Ivan Kramosil:
A Note on Computational Complexity of a Statistical Deducibility Testing Procedure.
337-345 BibTeX
- Manfred Kudlek:
Context Free Normal Systems.
346-353 BibTeX
- Matti Linna, Martti Penttonen:
New Proofs for Jump DPDA's.
354-362 BibTeX
- Aldo de Luca, Antonio Restivo:
Synchronization and Maximality for Very Pure Subsemigroups of a Free Semigroup.
363-371 BibTeX
- G. B. Marandzjan:
On the Sets of Minimal Indices of Partial Recursive Functions.
372-374 BibTeX
- Kurt Mehlhorn:
Some Remarks on Boolean Sums.
375-380 BibTeX
- Grazyna Mirkowska:
On the Propositional Algorithmic Logic.
381-389 BibTeX
- Anton Nijholt, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen:
Ch(k) Grammars: A Characterization of LL(k) Languages.
390-397 BibTeX
- Thomas Ottmann, Derick Wood:
A Uniform Approach to Balanced Binary and Multiway Trees.
398-407 BibTeX
- Gheorghe Paun:
On the Generative Capacity of Some Classes of Grammars with Regulated Rewriting.
408-414 BibTeX
- Peter Ruzicka:
Validity Test for Floyd's Operator-Precedence Parsing Algorithms.
415-424 BibTeX
- Peter H. Starke:
On the Languages of Bounded Petri Nets.
425-433 BibTeX
- Miron Tegze:
Dyck Language D2 Is Not Absolutely Parallel.
434-442 BibTeX
- Jerzy Tiuryn:
Fixed Points in the Power-Set Algebra of Infinite Trees (Abstract).
443-452 BibTeX
- Boris A. Trakhtenbrot:
On Relaxation Rules in Algorithmic Logic.
453-462 BibTeX
- Vera Trnková:
L-Fuzzy Functorial Automata.
463-473 BibTeX
- G. E. Tseytlin:
Schematics of Structural Parallel Programming and its Applications.
474-481 BibTeX
- Mars K. Valiev:
On Axiomatization of Deterministic Propositional Dynamic Logic.
482-491 BibTeX
- Klaus W. Wagner:
Bounded Recursion and Complexity Classes.
492-498 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Wechler:
Characterization of Rational and Algebraic Power Series.
499-507 BibTeX
- Gerd Wechsung:
A Crossing Measure for 2-Tape Turing Machines.
508-516 BibTeX
- Juraj Wiedermann:
The Complexity of Lexicographic Sorting and Searching.
517-522 BibTeX
- Józef Winkowski:
An Algebraic Approach to Concurrence.
523-532 BibTeX
- Hideki Yamasaki:
On Multitape Automata.
533-541 BibTeX
- Stanislav Zák:
A Turing Machine Oracle Hierarchy.
542-551 BibTeX
- Gérard Berry, Jean-Jacques Lévy:
A Survey of Some Syntactic Results in the lambda-Calculus.
552-566 BibTeX
- Guy Cousineau, Maurice Nivat:
On Rational Expressions Representing Infinite Rational Trees: Application to the Structure of Flow Charts.
567-580 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:29:33 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)