6th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,
1965. IEEE Computer Society
- E. P. Stabler:
Threshold gate network synthesis.
5-11 BibTeX
- C. L. Coates, Vatana Supornpaibul:
On maximum stability realizations of linearly separable Boolean functions.
12-24 BibTeX
- Charles H. Gustafson, Donald R. Haring, Alfred K. Susskind, Thomas G. Wills-Sanford:
Synthesis of counters with threshold elements.
25-35 BibTeX
- Sze-Tsen Hu:
Minimal linear decompositions of switching functions.
36-40 BibTeX
- R. Gonzalez, Eugene L. Lawler:
Two-level threshold minimization.
41-44 BibTeX
- H. Paul Zeiger:
Cascade synthesis of finite-state machines.
45-51 BibTeX
- Zvi Kohavi, Edward J. Smith:
Decomposition of sequential machines.
52-61 BibTeX
- A. J. Nichols III:
Modular synthesis of sequential machines.
62-70 BibTeX
- Wayne A. Davis:
On shift register realizations for sequential machines.
71-83 BibTeX
- Janusz A. Brzozowski:
On single-loop realizations of automata.
84-93 BibTeX
- Arthur D. Friedman:
Feedback in asynchronous sequential circuits.
94-104 BibTeX
- James F. Gimpel:
The synthesis of TANT networks.
105-125 BibTeX
- Marion Dunning, Bernard Kolman:
Reliability and fault-masking in n-variable NOR trees.
126-142 BibTeX
- C. V. Ramamoorthy:
Procedures for minimization of ``exclusive-OR'' and ``logical-equivalence'' switching circuits.
143-149 BibTeX
- H. H. Loomis Jr., M. R. McCoy:
A theory of high-speed clocked logic.
150-161 BibTeX
- Edward W. Veitch:
A proof concerning infinite nets of logic elements without feedback.
162-167 BibTeX
- F. C. Hennie:
Crossing sequences and off-line Turing machine computations.
168-172 BibTeX
- S. S. Ruby, Patrick C. Fischer:
Translational methods and computational complexity.
173-178 BibTeX
- Richard Edwin Stearns, Juris Hartmanis, Philip M. Lewis II:
Hierarchies of memory limited computations.
179-190 BibTeX
- Philip M. Lewis II, Richard Edwin Stearns, Juris Hartmanis:
Memory bounds for recognition of context-free and context-sensitive languages.
191-202 BibTeX
- Seymour Ginsburg, Sheila A. Greibach:
Deterministic context free languages.
203-220 BibTeX
- Arnold L. Rosenberg:
On multi-head finite automata.
221-228 BibTeX
- Jürg Nievergelt:
Partially ordered classes of finite automata.
229-234 BibTeX
- Yehoshafat Give'on:
Transparent categories and categories of transition systems.
235-241 BibTeX
- Zamir Bavel, David E. Muller:
Reversibility in monadic algebras and automata.
242-247 BibTeX
- Eric G. Wagner:
On connecting modules together uniformly to form a modular computer.
248-257 BibTeX
- Jack W. Carlyle:
State-calculable stochastic sequential machines, equivalences, and events.
258-263 BibTeX
- I. Terris, Michel A. Melkanoff:
Investigation and simulation of a self-repairing digital computer.
264-278 BibTeX
- B. R. S. Buckingham, William C. Carter, W. R. Crawford, G. A. Nowell:
The controls automation system.
279-288 BibTeX
- F. J. Hackl, R. W. Shirk:
An integrated approach to automated computer maintenance.
289-302 BibTeX
- John N. Warfield:
Synthesis of switching circuits to yield prescribed probability relations.
303-309 BibTeX
- Parker W. Snapp:
Holiac-A family of student-constructed logic teaching aids.
310-326 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:23 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)