Hans F. de Groote:
On Varieties of Optimal Algorithms for the Computation of Bilinear Mappings I. The Isotropy Group of a Bilinear Mapping.
1-24 BibTeX
Maurice Mignotte:
Intersection des Images de Certaines Suites Récurrentes Linéaires.
117-122 BibTeX
Hans F. de Groote:
On Varieties of Optimal Algorithms for the Computation of Bilinear Mappings. II. Optimal Algorithms for 2x2-Matrix Multiplication.
127-148 BibTeX
Kojiro Kobayashi:
On the Minimal Firing Time of the Firing Squad Synchronization Problem for Polyautomata Networks.
149-167 BibTeX
Hans F. de Groote:
On Varieties of Optimal Algorithms for the Computation of Bilinear Mappings. III. Optimal Algorithms for the Computation of xy and xy where x, y in M2(K).
239-249 BibTeX
Claus-Peter Schnorr:
Improved Lower Bounds on the Number of Multiplications/Divisions which are Necessary of Evaluate Polynomials.
251-261 BibTeX